
Chapter 7 : Exams day and little incident

After a good shower and a hearty breakfast, I prepared myself to go out now that I think about it I rarely got outside the island during my 15 years of life not that I didn't want to but I was so busy with everything here that I barely got the time to except for the annual trip my Uncle Anthony and I do every year and the occasional shopping trip with Lena well it will change soon enough, I will be able to say goodbye to my non-existent social life in about 4 months or so.

For my ACT and SAT that I need to do today the primary difference lies in the structure and focus of the tests. The SAT focuses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while the ACT is more straightforward, testing what you've learned in school. Additionally, the ACT includes a Science section, unlike the SAT which doesn't have one. If I had decided to go to the University of Maldives here I would need to do these exams my Uncle would have taken the proof of my school work that I did all these years to the dean and that's it but since I want to go abroad in need to prove to the department of education that I got the level of education require for college well it doesn't bother me I just need one day for the exams and ill be done

I think the stress I had this morning is not about the exams but that I will soon leave everyone here to start a new chapter of my life abroad I will miss Lena Martha Uncle Nigel and everyone, of course, hmm I need to match Lena with uncle before I go what are they waiting for anyway always flirting without taking the last step maybe they don't even realize they are flirting I should ask Martha about this they need to fuck... cough cough I mean they need love to support each other when ill be away yes yes that it.

After brushing my teeth combing my hair a bit and putting on my favorite jacket (Lena's gift last month because I had outgrown all the others) I made my way downstairs I was halfway down the stairs but I already heard Lena pacing back and forth near the entrance waiting for me I held back a sigh she needs to...love she needs love admonished myself finally I made my way toward her tap her shoulder which made her jump almost 2 feet high (giggles)

-Why did you do this Ace she yelled at me with her hand on her chest trying to restrain her leaping heart from going out

-You are so stressed out you didn't even hear me coming down the stairs Lena calm down everything will be fine. I WILL BE FINE. With all the support I got from all of you all these years you don't need to worry now let's get going to the examination site I don't want to be late, shall we? Ooo and by the way I am driving I said with a smile

Here in the Maldives, the legal age for having your driver's license is 14 years old so I took the test as soon as I got 14 I would have waited a bit if it wasn't because my Uncle bought me a car for my birthday damn him I had to wait 2 weeks after my birthday for the appointment 2 weeks I spend looking at this beauty without being able to drive her but I must say I was surprised by this gift not because of the price or anything like that but because I just mention this car once in one of our conversation and he remembered it

I made my way outside with a pep in my steps and pressed the button on the remote to open my garage and there she was sitting, koenigsegg agera RS silver and blue colored aah what a beauty. Lena looked at me and laughed i turned my head to look at her and asked (image here)

-why are you laughing now?

-nothing just that I can't get enough of this face of yours looking like a child on Christmas every time you look at your cars

-hmmph Cars are men's romance!

-yes yes Little Ace (giggles) let's get going now shall we? she said to me with a wink

Sigh at least she has calmed down now I thought with another press of a button the car started and the scissor door opened I stepped in and waited for Lena to do the same before pressing another button for the door to shut themself, I pressed the throttle lightly to get the car out of the garage then again press on the remote to close my garage door and took off I had been driving her around the island at least every 2 or 3 days but it didn't feel the same I could see children in others car pointing at us with awed filled face adult on the sidewalk turning their head to get a better look I must say it felt good hum I can't wait to finish my modified version of my Plymouth roadrunner to see their reactions.

30 minutes later we finally arrived at the examination site I parked my car turned to Lena and asked

- Are you coming or do you want to stay in the car?

-Of course, I am coming what are you talking about silly? hummph you won't get rid of me today young men!

-Alright alright sorry for asking a dumb question Let go!

After getting out of the car we made our way toward the building which had a big white facade the front of the building was all glass giving a modern vibe there was also a path filled with palm trees on both sides adding a touch of tropical feeling to it for a private teaching building I must say it was impressive people come here to get advance teaching on different subject or more rarely like me taking exams I thought that this building would look more.. stern and fade.

Entering the lobby I spotted the reception desk, I gave them a hug to Lena because she needed to wait for me there at least it looked cozy with comfortable sofas she wouldn't have to sit on an uncomfortable chair that we usually see in the lobby waiting area, I made walked right at the receptionist and greeted her

-Hello Miss I have an appointment with Mr.Mills at 9h15 can I know where is room 3, please

-Hi you must be Ace right Mr.Mills is already here so if you are ready you can take your belongings take the elevator right behind me and go to the 3rd floor room number 3 is right on your left coming after getting out of the elevator she said with a smile finally looking up her screen to look at me

-thank you miss I responded with a smile of my own which made her blush a little

Calm down lady I'm only 15 well almost 15 anyway it's not the first time it has happened my eyes are one of my most striking features of mine plus the fact that I am a tall handsome athletic young man and I left my jacket in the car and was wearing a fitted t-shirt which was showing my muscles underneath surely didn't help her ...

Without even turning around I could guess Lena was laughing at me humm just wait when I start trying to get you with Uncle I will be the one laughing (giggles)

I made my way toward the elevator pressed the button and waited for the doors to open when they did I stepped in and pressed the 3rd-floor button while the elevator was moving up I took the admission paper I had received after taking my appointment with Mr.Mills will ask me about this paper from what I had read about the procedure so I took it out in advance just as I closed my bag the elevator had arrived I step out took a step toward the left corridor until I saw a room with the number 3 printed on it I lift my free hand and knock twice 'knock knock'

-Yes come in it is open

I twisted the doorknob and strode in a middle-aged man who was sitting behind a huge desk filled with papers

-Mr Mills? I asked

-Yes you must be Ace right glad that you are on time do you have the notice you were asked to bring?

-Yes I have it with me here I said while handing my notice to him

He took it looked at it for a bit then turned his head to face me i could see a little surprise in his gaze probably due to my age but it didn't last long he then said

-All right everything is in order if you are ready we can start now you get 3 hours for each the ACT and the SAT do you have any questions before you start?

-is the 3 hours mandatory or can I hand it to you and leave as soon as I'm done

-you do not have to hand it to me i am just here to make sure you do not cheat and that the papers are not tempered with i will give you an envelope that you will seal once you are done with the exam paper I will then take this envelope and send it to the ministry of education for grading and you will get your scores 2 to 4 weeks later is everything clear?

-Yes thank you we can start now I said with a little smile

-great as soon as you start I will start the countdown

I took my stylos out of my bag and a water bottle with the label Take of look at Mr.Mills signaling him that I was ready he took the test papers put them down on my desk and then stared at his watch and told me

-Your time begins now!

2 hours later I was done but I still took time to re-read everything making sure I didn't forget any questions by flipping each page meticulously after 20 minutes or so I was done i took both exams put them in their designated envelope sealed then got up to a surprise Mr.Mills who asked me in a sceptic tone

-You done?

-Yes Mr.Mills I also took time to check if everything was in order I sealed the envelope so I am done

-if you say so I wish you good grades and good college days young Ace

-Thank you Mr.Mills I will

With a last head nod toward Mr.Mills, I took my leave with light steps now I just need to wait for my results which I'm sure are gonna be great if not perfect but let's not get ahead of myself, and wait patiently

But still, I should start thinking about where my first university will be because yes I want to study both acting and music separately in a school that focuses more on that aspect instead of going to just one place with a mediocre curriculum in both fields. I stepped out of the elevator and Lena was already standing up waiting for me she knows me well she probably knew it was me by the time that went by

-All done little Ace? She asked

-Yes! Let's go i want ice cream I said smiling

The receptionist was looking between us and the clock with incredulity all over her face she must be thinking that 2 hours for these exams is too short i wouldn't blame her I did breeze through them pretty fast

Getting out of the building I saw something that made my eyes go red a fucking moron was sitting on the hood of my car clearly showing off to his group of friends is not a violent person but if it touches the people I love or the thing that I care about then I can be pretty impulsive Lena tried to take my arm to calm me but I had already stormed off toward this jackass I lift him by the collar threw im off my car in my anger I may have used I little more force than wanted because he flew at least 3 meters into the air before touching the ground I didn't even care about his friend's outrage I just turn to the hood of my car to look if there was any scratch thankfully there was none I finally turn to look at them

-What is your problem madman said one of the girls

-what is my problem you ask, I looked at the fucking dumbass that was picking himself up from the ground and said, my problem is this dumb prick thinking that sitting on other people's car is a good idea

I said while starting the car with the remote so that I could get out of there as fast as possible I do not think that I can control myself to not beat him into a pulp if I stay here any longer

-Lena get in I said domineeringly and all of you get the fuck away from my car while getting in the car and slamming the door shut

Still stunned they slowly made a way so I revved up my engine a little bit and took off still pissed off by this situation I might have been speeding a little bit because Lena was gripping the car door like she would fly out of the car with any corner I took realizing this I calmed down and slowly put the car whiting speeding limits

-Sorry Lena did I scare you?

-No no it's just that I've never seen you so angry so it got me surprised I thought nothing could faze you but it looks like I'm wrong

-well I can get pretty impulsive with the things and people I love so yeah again I'm sorry

-Dont be (giggles) i bet this young man will never do something like this again hehehe

-I hope for him because there are people out there who won't just stop after throwing him off the car well enough about this .. time for some ice cream and now I think I need 3 scoops !!

-hahaha I know a good place for that


After this little episode, we ate ice cream went shopping a little bit then dined outside before going back to the estate all in all except for this moron sitting in my car I had a wonderful day and I think that Lena liked it too.

Next chapter