
Chapter 682: Family_1

"Actually, I haven't been here for very long either."

Even though Su Gao didn't know what kind of things Mr. Fu Qian mentioned the lady liked to do, she clearly wasn't going to refuse Mr. Fu Qian's suggestion.

As they continued their walk, Mr. Fu Qian rambled on while they moved along.

"But in my memory, this place, Xidao, still has a legendary story."

"What story?"

Su Gao asked cooperatively.

"It's about a heroic figure. Basically, one day, a mountain flood broke out, and to protect the downstream village, the brave Bananachi jumped into the water, using his proud muscles to hold back the floodwaters, saving many people. In the end, he was widely celebrated."

"That's got to be fake..."

It was rare to see Su Gao show an incredulous expression, even though it was on a different face.

Witnessing this, Mr. Fu Qian felt a sudden understanding for her 'fairy-tale genius' mother.

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