
Chapter 271 Questions That Should Not Be Asked

Yang Yi got out of the car with a pistol in hand and, holding it with both hands, walked to Zhang Yong's left side while Xiao Ran carried her gun on Zhang Yong's right.

The trio moved forward in small steps, quickly approaching the first vehicle. Yang Yi didn't pay attention to the car Zhang Yong was approaching but kept his eyes fixed on the one that had collided with him, while Xiao Ran focused on a car on their right.

As Zhang Yong got closer to the car, when he was less than ten meters away, the car he faced shook suddenly, and a gun barrel appeared between the two seats. Zhang Yong fired first, and a burst shot killed the opponent.

Zhang Yong then dashed to the side of the car, circled it once, fired two shots into it, and then, with his gun leveled, advanced toward the car Xiao Ran was intently watching.

Zhang Yong made a hand signal, and then he and Xiao Ran slowly approached the car from the left and right.

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