
Chapter 77: A Different Kind of Camellia

Of course, apart from herbs, if there were other mountain products as well, since he had entered the mountains, Chiang Songhai wouldn't foolishly focus solely on medicinal plants.

After walking another stretch, the mountain path became slightly steeper than before.

Moreover, unlike the riotous mountain flowers at the foot of the mountain, the upper reaches offered distinctively beautiful scenery.

Though there was a path, it was so rarely trodden by anyone else other than Chiang Songhai that it was quite narrow, with some sections overgrown with weeds.

Occasionally, there were statuesque rocks along the path or a few wild fruit trees, the ground covered thick with fallen leaves, their heads lifted to the sky segmented by the tall and lush branches.

All sorts of leaves from various trees, plants each with their own posture.

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