
Audition [1]

"I think I found it, the last member."

The moment he heard those words, our Mr Raju Shah said that he got goosebumps all over his body.

Because the person that Director Jack Reed was attracted to was someone he even had contact information for.

"I was really surprised. Isn't it amazing?"

"Yeah, that's fascinating."

"Why does your reaction seem a bit off?"

I explained this to Raju, who was wondering why my expression was not bright.

"I don't know if it's because you know Director Jack, but it's a bit strange for me, as a third party, to hear it."


"Honestly, that's true. I was going to say that he was good at guessing things like a fortune teller, but isn't it a bit strange to suddenly see my face on TV and pick me out to be an Idol?"

"There are no such cases. Do you know the casting anecdotes of famous actors? Casting people go to high schools even if you only briefly appeared in a news interview."

"…is it."

While we were talking, we ran out of meat.

While the restaurant lady served stew and a bowl of rice, I was lost in my thoughts for a moment.

As I opened the lid of the bowl, the other person opened his mouth.

"I'll end the background explanation here. So what do you want to do?"


"I mean the audition. Are you coming to see it or not?"

Raju seemed to catch my hesitation in my reaction and spoke reassuringly.

"Just come and have a look. I know you took two years off from practice, so I'm not expecting great skills."

"Oh, that's not why I hesitated."

The reason I hesitated was because of something else.

Isn't this ability only effective for today due to a concussion?

Suddenly, a few days later, 'Ta-da, the trial version has ended.' It was something that could be done, so I had to approach it carefully.

As Raju awaited my response, I mulled over his invitation to attend the audition. While part of me was excited at the prospect of potentially rekindling my dream of becoming an idol, another part of me was cautious.

"I appreciate the offer, Raju, but I need some time to consider it," I replied, trying to convey my uncertainty without outright declining.

Raju nodded understandingly, his expression a mix of encouragement and anticipation. "Of course, Raj. Take all the time you need. Just know that the opportunity is there if you decide to pursue it."

I thanked Raju for his understanding and assured him that I would give his offer serious thought. As we finished our meal and said our goodbyes, I couldn't shake the feeling of indecision that lingered in the back of my mind.

Walking home, I couldn't help but replay the events of the day in my head. The unexpected encounter with the woman who recognized me, the revelation about Jack Reed's uncanny ability to predict success, and the offer to audition for Idol Rising Entertainment – it all felt like a whirlwind of opportunity and uncertainty.

As I reached my apartment, I knew that I needed to make a decision soon. Whether to pursue the audition and potentially join the new boys group or to continue on my current path – the choice would shape my future in ways I couldn't yet imagine.

Sitting down at my desk, I took out a piece of paper and began to jot down the pros and cons of each option. With each point I wrote down, I felt a sense of clarity and purpose slowly begin to emerge.


I followed on trend for two weeks after that incident.

Fortunately, nothing serious happened in mean meantime.

The ability that I gained that day didn't disappear either, It didn't seem that it was going to disappear either, It stuck with me like a magnet.

After I was sure that my ability wouldn't disappear I set a date fan or audition with Raju.

Still, I didn't have time to practice because a lot happened in these two weeks.

-A student sacrificed his future to save the life of a man in his 70s. The student received a police commendation.

-The SS group donates 2,500$ to Mr Raj for his bravery.

-JustStudy sponsors a free course for Mr Raj for one year.

I clicked my tongue as I read through the articles.

The broadcast I did was great, Although it only appears once in the news it did its job.

However, the luckiest moment of all this was when I received the 2,500$ from the SS group.

SS group is a social service that helps society with environmental issues.

When they heard what I did and what I had sacrificed for it they decided to give me 2,500$.

My mouth opened when I saw that number in the passbook.

It's like the annual salary of an office worker and I just got this amount of money like it's nothing.

I sent all the donation money to my grandmother, I remember that proud feeling in my chest when I did that.

My grandmother said it was okay and she didn't need money but I know that she was just being humble and wanted me to use it.

As I reflected on the past two weeks, filled with both unexpected events and moments of generosity, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunities that had come my way. From being recognized for my bravery to receiving unexpected financial support, it seemed that fate was guiding me towards something greater.

I closed off my phone as I reached my destination.

This is an alley in Church Gate.

This was where the Idol Rising Entertainment headquarters was located.

As I walked along the map on my phone, I looked at my clothes using the glass window of the building in the middle as a mirror.

Jeans, a grey coat, and a scarf.

It was an interview outfit recommended on the Internet.

I smiled while lightly smoothing my spray-covered hair.

First impression is no problem.

All that was left was the actual battle.

As I continued along the road, Idol Rising Entertainment's headquarters appeared.

An ordinary five-story building appeared.

Idol Rising Entertainment was written in yellow letters on a black sign with an Idol Rising on it.

It was time to call Raju before going in.

Next chapter