
Chapter 84: Hearts and Hooves

Raven Inkwell closed her eyes and sighed as she rested her head on the cool wood of her office desk.

Finally, after several days of grueling work, she had a day off.

And what a better way to spend her day off than to go visit her family.

Only that her parents also have business to attend to, so they're not free for a visit, so Raven Inkwell is forced to deal with today on her lonesome.

With the recent debacle on the train being cleanly swept under the rugs so the citizens won't panic, The following days were a hurry and a half.

With half the Yak delegation mostly excusing themselves to check several archeological sights that interested them, The second half was busy making plans with Prince Blueblood in regard to their little Railway thing.

It took three days to settle for a course that all parties could agree to, but thankfully it ended with shaken hooves and toothy smiles.

And drinking.

Lots of drinking.

At the same time, Three of the royals from Caninia also stayed in the Castle, With Princess Indiana Ambereyes representing the Old Castle and Princess Moonbeam Twinkletail representing the New Castle.

Princess Fiona Floppyears, who came with Princess Indiana, disappeared with a group of guards, she was later found in an argument with a local Carnivorous restaurant owner over the quality of his meats.

A small investigation into the restaurant shortly after saw it closed for violation of several health and safety regulations. So at least something good came out of her little walk.

What wasn't fun was dealing with the two Bickering Dog Princesses, Who could not be kept in the same room alone without a loud argument erupting between them.

Raven Inkwell didn't care that Moonbeam thought her Magic was better than Indiana's armed skill, and neither did she care that Indiana thought her steel could beat Moonbeam's Arcane knowledge.

You two are talking about shipping lanes and maritime trade! Stop bickering like children and act your age!!!

Luckily for Raven, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza managed to placate the two Diamond Dogs and they all reached an agreeable consensus, and the Dogs are on their way to Caninia at this very moment to hold up their side of the agreement.

Prince Rutherford also returned to Yakyakistan, although half his delegation is still on tour around the many magical sights of Equestria. They're visiting the Pyramids of Somnambula last she heard.

What else happened during the last few days? Raven racked her head as she tried to think.

Oh yeah! Shining Armor is getting married.

"Arrgh!" Raven had enough, she slid down her chair and lay under her table, feeling the carpeted floor itching at her back as she despaired about her current life.

"It's not fair! Everypony but me is doing something special for Hearts and Hooves Day!" If any pony had heard right now, she surely would have died from embarrassment.

"Even Starlight Glimmer is doing something special!" Raven quickly slapped herself for that jealous thought, knowing full well that all Starlight Glimmer was doing was lying in bed as her magic slowly refilled.

"Raven! I need you to cancel everything I have in the next three days!" Raven jumped forward, her head banging against the underside of the desk, spilling over a number of pens.

"Ow~" The Earth Pony rubbed at her head as she crawled back out from under the table, trying her best to act natural and look as if she's a totally normal member of society.

"Of course your Highness, Is there anything else?" Raven nodded to the pony who barged into her office with a shout.

"No, Just make sure my schedule's clear," Raven felt her face go blank as Prince Blueblood answered her.

"Are you sure? Just clear your schedule? Nothing else?" Raven raised an eyebrow, hoping the Unicorn would get what she was trying to hint at, her eyes briefly pointing to the Calendar that was sitting on her table, the date marked with a red circle.

"Is there something wrong with your eye?" Blueblood tilted his head, Raven knew full well he understood what she was hinting at, yet he kept torturing her.

"I have nothing wrong with my eyes, The Royal optometrist made sure of that," Raven answered, not so subtly pushing the calendar forward, pointing at the circled date.

"We don't have a Royal optometrist and you know that, just out with it, we're both adults, just say what you want to say," Blueblood smirked his infuriatingly hot smile as he sat down across the desk from her, raising an eyebrow in anticipation.

Raven closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

And without opening them, she said-

"I want you to lock the door to my office, Lean over my desk, and catch me 'Slacking at my job,' I want you to then do your part as a good boss and punish me for slacking off, I want you to take the crop in my drawer and whip me, I want you to punish me, I want you to hold me against this desk and kiss me, I want your thick hot steamy rod inside of me as I beg you to keep going, I want you to choke me as I scream in pleasure, I want some excitement in my life, It's Hearts and Hooves day, and you're my Friend with Benefits," Raven took a long sigh before she opened her eyes and stared directly into the Ice-Blue orbs of a smug prince.

"So show me the bucking benefits you stupid, sexy, asshole."

A second later Raven's face exploded in a bright red blush, proverbial steam coming out of her head before she quickly hid under the table once more.

"Forget I said anything, this is stupid," She squeaked weakly, curling up into a ball.

Raven Inkwell rocked back and forth under her table, her mind replaying her words over and over as it mocked her for attempting to think she was worthy of his time.

She wasn't his Girlfriend, just a friend who was also a girl, He had no romantic interest in her, he already made that clear.

You don't do roleplay like that with friends, this entire question was stupid.

Hearts and Hooves Day is stupid.

She's stupid.

Stupid love and Stupid Raven and Stupid Blueblood with his Stupid Eyes and Stupid Smirk and Stupid muscles and Stupid- Gahh! She's thinking of him again!!!

"You know, If I didn't put up a Soundproof barrier around us, Someone might have gotten the wrong Idea," Raven felt herself croak weakly as Prince Blueblood took a look under her desk, watching her body curl up into a small ball of white fur and brown hair.

"They might have thought you were trying to proposition me, Can you imagine the scandal that would come if the ponies heard that Prince Blueblood Platinum was sleeping with Princess Celestia's Secretary? It would be front-page news everywhere!"

Raven felt tears well in her eyes, she was so stupid, she should have kept it to simple things in the confines of their bedrooms, not whatever she just asked him to do-

"For almost bringing a scandal to the royal castle, You really fucked up as a secretary, you know that?"

"I'm sorry..." Raven's ball-like form fell to the side, her cheek resting on the itchy carpet of her floor, wet tears staining the fabric.

Prince Blueblood got on his knees and crawled to sit beside her under her desk, his leg rubbing her side in an attempt of comfort.

"Hey there, You know I'm not angry, right?" He asked calmly, gently stroking her hair.

Raven nodded weakly, her face still red from embarrassment.

"It's just, as your boss, I can't let this go unpunished," He stopped rubbing her hair, his hoof moving to hold her chin as he opened up Raven-ball and turned her head to look at him.

Raven froze, the tears drying up instantly as she looked at the smug look on his face.

"The Safe Word is 'Twins', Now, where did you say you put that crop?" He whispered in her ear.

Raven whispered back, "Second drawer from the bottom of the bookshelf, Please don't be gentle..."

Maybe this Hearts and Hooves day wasn't so bad.


Omake: An Audience to Power.

Marigold was a simple maid working in the Canterlot Castle. Her days were filled with cleaning the rooms, passing along messages, and making sure Princess Luna had everything she could ask for.

So when she heard that a spar would take place Between Princess Luna and Prince Blueblood, she saw an opportunity to watch something many of the other maids considered entertaining.

A Chance to see Prince Blueblood get his face kicked in.

Now, Marigold never had any issues with the Prince, quite the opposite, in fact, she simply adored him.

If any of her sisters would have found her little shrine back at her house, suffice to say there would be an empty chair at her dining table.

Haha, She merely jests.

And yet, Marigold really liked this new personality Prince Blueblood has been taking ever since he met with his newest Bodyguard.

If she hadn't known of the relationship between the two, Marigold would have assumed that the Prince and Starlight Glimmer were lovers.

She still remembered his snobbish attitude from before, but it's really toned down, replaced by this... Confidence? This Drive to improve himself that he previously didn't have.

She, like many of the other Maids, and even some of the guardsmares, really loved this new change.

But Princess Luna was still going to beat him.

That, sadly, was simply how the world was. It doesn't matter how powerful his muscles are, or how potent his magic is, he was still a simple Unicorn.

And an Alicorn wouldn't lose to a simple Unicorn.

So when the fight finally began around noon, Marigold was sitting near the windows of the castle, watching the two royals fight inside.

And it was close. Surprisingly so.

Marigold felt her blood pump as her face glued to the windows. She oohed at the beams of light and aahed at the Flaming Statue.

Even without her Magic available, Princess Luna was holding up well against the seemingly endless barrage of punches from the statue and beams from the orbs.

The Speed of a Pegasus and the Strength of an Earth Pony... In the hooves of an Alicorn, they were a deadly combination.

As Princess Lune shattered the flaming Statue, Marigold was certain the fight was over, Blueblood had nothing left to throw at her.

And then the stars aligned. 

And Marigold felt as insignificant as an ant, Watching as the beam of burning gold shattered the very planets, its overwhelming heat melting the rings of Saturn, piercing a hole through Jupiter, melting the Asteroid belt into nothing but magma and slag.

"I Forfeit,"

And then it was over. Princess Luna won.

And so, Marigold decided to construct a new shrine to her favorite celebrity, lest he throw a shooting star at her.

Haha, She merely jests.

One can never be too safe, however, so Marigold decided to build her new shrine anyway.

Constructing wooden miniatures was her special talent, after all, how hard could it be to construct a wooden statue of the solar system shattering under the power of a shooting star?

Haha, She jests, or does she?

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