
The Storm vs The Sands

Then it fell.

The large tsunami crashed to the ground, overcoming Maru in the blink of en eye. It spread out everywhere, threatening to go past the borders of the ring.

However, a few people were quick enough to erect walls of energy before that could happen, protecting themselves and everyone else inside the walls.

Melchior fell to the ground, and landed atop the water-logged sand.

His opponent was nowhere to be found.

'Where could he have gone?'

He stared for several minutes, looking across the landscape, but still nothing.

And then something.

"You're definitely better than I would expect for a squire," a voice said.


Melchior's neck swivelled to the right, where Maru's voice had come from. There, he saw the soldier, completely unharmed and dry, talking to him.


"But in the end, it seems like the handicaps you impose on the duel still affect you more than they do me,"

Next chapter