
Cleaning (I)

It wasn't just Grand Marshal Anglius who was thrilled with the power of the Divine Ballistic Missiles. Major General Theodoro, King Viserin, and all the other generals who commanded ballistic strikes were beyond amazed by the capabilities of the artifacts. The destructive force of these weapons allowed the Xaos Forces and Turkin Riders to immediately dominate the periphery of Kylen Country, forming a tightening ring around the Leviathan forces inside. Over the next few days, this ring would constrict until there wasn't a single drone within the country's borders.

The leaders and generals couldn't help but shout praises toward the A.I. Chip Clone. They all hoped that more of these weapons would soon be available on the battlefield. Overlord was aware of the generals' wishes, and one could see by the activity in Xaos City that things were moving in the right direction.


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