
The condition of the continents (I)

Freya's rising aura drew the attention of everyone on Kuro Mountain. A radiant energy enveloped her, pulsing with increasing intensity as the power of the totems covering her skin grew higher and higher. Of course, no one dared to get near her; they understood that for the Viking civilization, their interaction with the Primordial God was sacred. They watched from a respectful distance, maintaining a reverent silence as they observed the unfolding spectacle.

The intricate tattoos etched across Freya's skin began to glow brighter, the symbols shimmering with ethereal light. The energy they held was rising to new heights, escalating with each passing moment. But that was not all—a new power emanated from them after a few seconds. A powerful and radiant red glow emerged from the Viking princess, flooding the air with a metallic taste and expanding for thousands of meters. The blood of nearly everyone on Kuro Mountain and its surroundings trembled in response.

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