
The end of the exploding mountain battlefield

Grand Marshal Anglius took a deep breath, steadying himself. Jormungandr's spell had scorched the hive's heart, wounding nearly all the remaining drones. However, those creatures did not know when to stop, and even if half of their bodies were missing, they would still fight. Undoubtedly, they would rally as soon as they recovered from the attack.

The golden giant knew they couldn't afford to hesitate; they needed to seize the momentum and take advantage of the opening the small yellow cat had created. His eyes met those of his soldiers—tired but unbroken.

"Burn everything you have in this last charge. With me!" Grand Marshal Anglius bellowed, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

Amara and Clasius stood side by side with the golden giant, their energies exploding as shadows and flames erupted from their weapons.

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