

Vlad, Jormungandr, Freya, and the 19 bloodline soldiers marched down the Nagan Mountain at a surprising speed, quickly taking down all the monsters and mutated creatures that arose in their path. Other than killing, they accumulated many resources that would be useful for the upcoming projects.

The Depravitas and Viking princesses were fast, but the bloodline soldiers did not lag behind. All of them had advanced greatly in the last two months, using the abyssal bloodline radiation to nurture their bodies and energy pools. Their rapid growth had already brought them to Level 5, and their Seas of Consciousness were expanding at a remarkable rate, hinting at their imminent rise to the Champion Tier.

Vlad was extremely happy with the evolution of the 19 bloodline soldiers, as the group had already proven their loyalty and bravery during the Strong Hammer Military Base's saga. With their rising power, they would soon become one of the elite forces under his command.

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