

"Where is that dragon magic flame?" Sybill asked me as we made our way deep into the mountain.

"He will appear as soon as we enter the dragon nest "I chuckled as I entered the cave that held the Dragon nest.

"Aaaahhh, he has been in your company for so long that you all have the same responses. "Sybill pointed out.

"We have kept each other's company for so long, we are bound to pick each other words." I defended myself.

"I can imagine "I could pick up the teasing tone that came from Sybill.

The magic barrier in the Dragon nest gave way as I walked in, and I placed Sybill down gently and we stood staring at the large Dragon eggs in the middle of the room before us. There were a total of five large eggs.

"Oh my, how big have they become "She whispered as a blue magic array surrounded them and it was laced with a cold aura.

"That is the nature of the Dragon eggs." I chuckled.

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