
269: This is my home

Sui's body language made her look awkward, and it was clear that she did not seem to be feeling the same amusement as the Grand Duke was feeling at the moment.

The aide felt sorry for Sui's condition.

He felt that Grand Duke Lucius was to blame for everything, but he could not say anything even when he was sure.

After all, the Grand Duke was a scary person and also on his side. The aide would only lose if he went against the Grand Duke.

"Hey, aide, can you arrange a meeting with the princess today? I am in a mood to meet her."

The Grand Duke suggested, making the aide shiver in fright. 

He suddenly felt that the Grand Priest was not saying this because he just wanted to say these words. 

'Ugh, I cannot believe I am being made to do errands the first thing in the morning. I also do not want to leave the Grand Duke alone with Sui. But I don't have a choice in this matter. So good luck, Sui! I hope you do not suffer much.'

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