
2: Luck comes in the worst ways


"Oi, wake up, or you will get into trouble. The inspection officers will visit Li Hua Palace at any time. Do you want to get fired?"

Sui looked at the guard that was dozing in front of her.

The guard did not react to Sui's words and continued to fall asleep. It was truly a disaster waiting to happen.

'I would not have cared to butt in like this if this situation was not inconvenient for me. I cannot head in as long as the door is locked shut.'

"Hey, I will not tell you to open the gate again. This is your last warning."

Sui warned, but the guard ignored her.

Sui was left with two choices - either call for help and get the guard in trouble or enter the Li Hua palace by opening the gate herself and getting the guard in trouble.

The guard would get in trouble in any case.

'Since he is going to get in trouble anyway, I should save myself the trouble and enter now.'

Sui forced the door open.


"Sui, it's been long since I last saw you at the Li Hua palace. Are you here because we're asking for more manpower?"

Li Hua Palace was always bursting with people on the inside; even in the early hours, most were awake.

"Sister Jenkin, I am here because of the manpower request. But you might want to investigate changing your morning guard. He's not very…competent in his duties."

Sui informed the beautiful servant as she followed her inside.

The older servant's strained smile told Sui that times were hard in the Li Hua palace.

"Ah, did the guard fall asleep at his post? I won't blame him either. Our Li Hua palace has been through some tough times lately, so it is not surprising that the servants are tired. Don't look too closely into it, alright?"

The servant smiled, but a loud yell and thrashing shattered the illusion of peace.

It came from the inner courtyard, causing servants to run past Sui toward the inner courtyard.

Sui's instincts told her not to investigate the situation. She needed to keep herself out of trouble.

"Sui, stay here and do not go anywhere. I will be back shortly."

Sister Jenkin's face paled as soon as she heard the first sign of yelling, and she ran toward the inner courtyard.

'Don't get restless. Jenkin warned you not to head toward the inner courtyard, so you should obey her orders. Do not let your curiosity get the best of you.'

It was hard for Sui to sit still. 

The loud noises from the inner courtyard had stopped, but Sui's curiosity propelled her to head toward the inner courtyard.

'A small look will not hurt anyone. I will just poke my head into the hallway and then come out. I am sure that it will be fine-'

Sui was standing in the inner courtyard's corridor before she knew it.

'Darn it! This was not in the plan. Hurry up and step back. I should not be here.'

Sui blocked her senses as she quickly tried to leave the inner courtyard. It was better to be clueless than to know a lot in the imperial castle.

It was often said that fools lived longer and happier lives than the learned and wise.

Sui was having a monologue in her head, and she would pin her current situation on that inner monologue because as soon as she raised her head, her eyes met a pair of cold eyes.

The hungry look in those eyes froze Sui's body, making her spirit shake.

'I-I cannot move! Huh! What is wrong with me? Is this fear? Is that why my body is refusing to move?'

Sui dared to look up again, but the haunting eyes were back and looking directly into her soul.

"You cannot do this to me! I am a concubine of his majesty. You cannot banish me from my home."

The outburst broke whatever spell had been cast on Sui's body, and she could move once more.

It was all because those pressuring eyes were no longer looking at her.

'I-I can breathe again. I should not have come here.'

"Enough. After listening to your useless talk, my ears are beginning to hurt. You shall be held responsible since you refuse to take responsibility for your actions."

Sui managed to drag herself outside the corridor before a final scream echoed.

'I did not see anything, and I did not hear anything. Whatever happened, I am innocent.'

Sui reminded herself as she plastered a cheerful smile back on her face.

Her legs refused to support her weight, and she continued to sit on the ground until someone else passed her by.

Someone's body blocked the light falling on Sui, but she knew better than to look directly at the person.

"You! Are you a servant of this place?"

The tough voice asked, causing Sui's breath to hitch. 

'Remain calm and pretend to be stupid. There is no need to show that I have been affected.'

"I am a temporary help assigned to Li Hua palace because of the sudden shortage. Can I help you in any way?"

Sui kept a neutral expression. 

'Hurry up and get going. I cannot keep this up forever. Please, keep moving forward.'

Sui bragged in her mind, but she kept her head bowed.

Just once, she dared to look up because she was curious how the famous princess looked, but she regretted her actions the second she did that.

The princess's glare caused Sui to look down again immediately.

'How long are you going to stand in front of me? Are you going to execute me? But I am an innocent bystander who did not do anything. Please, I know nothing.'

Sui continued to plead in her mind.

"Princess, we should get going now. Your brother called for a meeting to select a replacement for the people killed today."

The minister who accompanied the princess reminded her, causing her to look away and finally start walking.

'I am saved! Finally!'

Sui started breathing again, and her senses returned to her slowly. 

"I-I survived a storm.

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