
Chapter 19

Owen sat in his gaming chair while Isabella stood behind him. Both of them were deep in thought as the monitor in front of them showed the registration webpage for WuTuber.

"A channel name…" Isabella murmured, her brow furrowed. "I still haven't thought of one."

"Well, we have to think of something," Owen said, "and fast. I want to upload the video by tonight."

Isabella sucked in a breath. Thinking, thinking, thinking, till an idea popped into her head. "How about…Bitcave?"

"Bitcave? Bitcave…" Owen gave a nod. "I like it! Has a video game vibe and a dark-ish homey vibe."

Admittedly, his own channel wasn't remotely as cool-sounding. 'Maybe I should ask Isabella for a rename later.'

Regardless, the matter was settled and the channel was being made. The email was inputted, the password was set—

"Wait." Isabella ran off and returned with a notepad and pen. "I should write this down."

He nodded and typed away. "Sure." The channel name decided and the email and password written down on Isabella's end, there was nothing left to do save upload. If

"Everything good with the video?"


"Audio syncs up?"


"My voice is fine."

"Triple-checked that one since you insisted."

Isabella inhaled sharply. Owen waited for a signal, which came in the form of a low, "Do it." With a few clicks, he selected the video file, set the title to "SNaF Theory - The Real Identity of Silver Sally," and added a concise description. Owen's fingers danced across the keyboard, making sure to include tags to ensure the video's visibility.

"Aaand…" Click! "Upload!"

Isabella let out a breath the instant he did. The progress bar filled, signaling the successful upload, a surge of anticipation filled the room. Owen and Isabella exchanged a glance, realizing they were officially stepping into the world of WuTuber.

"Done!" Isabella exclaimed as the video processed. They both stared at the screen, their hearts pounding with a mix of excitement and curiosity about how their debut video would be received.

"Now it's waiting time," Owen said, glancing up at her. "Let's watch a movie or two. Wasn't there a K-drama you wanted to watch?"


The morning sun streamed through Owen's window as he groggily woke up, reaching for his phone on the bedside table. With a mix of excitement and a touch of nervousness, he checked the WuTuber app, already signed in to Bitcave. He checked their one and only video.

'Ten…views.' Owen blinked and refreshed the page. 'There's no way…ten views!? That's it!?'

They played to the algorithm, to the exploding topic of SNaF and still they got…nothing? Nothing at all? Neither the mic quality nor the editing was bad. So what was wrong? Why was he failing again?

Owen sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 'Come on, relax. You knew this wasn't going to be easy. A one hit wonder? As if.' Determined not to let it dampen his spirits, he swooped his legs over the edge of the bed and decided to take his morning shower.

After that, check on Isabella.

Coming out in a fresh pair of grey pyajamas and a black muscle shirt, Owen went to Isabella's room and gently knocked on the door. "Hey, Isabella. Are you awake?"

It was twelve in the morning. Typically, her naps lasted her till three o'clock.

The door creaked open, revealing Isabella, still in her blue pyjamas. Owen could see the hint of disappointment on her face. 'She saw.'

"Morning. How do you feel about waffles?" Owen asked, trying to gauge her reaction.

Isabella nodded curtly. "Sure." Then, she softly closed the door.

He stood there for a while and almost turned his back on the door. He thought about making the waffles like he said he would. Instead, he went back and knocked again.

"...what?" Isabella asked, creaking open the door to show her dead eyes. Knowing her….

"WuTube videos don't do well on the algorithm unless they have a bunch of videos."

She knew. She knew and she was depressed. She didn't show it but she didn't have to. Owen knew her well enough.


Owen continued in spite of her confusion, "If we manage to get one popular, the same can be said to all the others." He gave her a comforting smile. "Isabella, let's not give up. We can do this."

"And waste another week?" she mumbled.

"If one person's ideas could change everything, if the path to success was so easy, then WuTubing wouldn't be so lucrative. I don't blame you for being down but I really think we have something here. We just have to push."

Isabella didn't speak. She stared at him with half of her freckled face and her brown eyes. Creeeak! She fully opened the door and sighed. "You got that out of that K-drama last night, didn't you?"

"I may or may not have been inspired," Owen admitted. "But the real question is…are you inspired?"

Isabella snickered like a low melody. "When you say it like that, it's hard not to be."

"Good! Then let's write another script! We can do this, Isabella."

This had to work. He was going to make it work. Not just for himself but for Isabella too. She deserved better. She deserved to be rewarded.


Girlfriend #2: Ophelia Andenberg

Strength: 10/10

Dexterity: 5/10

Constitution: 10/10 

Intelligence: 3/10

Wisdom: 4/10

Charisma: 9/10

Gaming Skills: 1/10

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