

The sun hung low over the Arcadian hills, its amber glow casting long shadows across the camp of the 2nd Romanus Legion as the legionnaires began to take rest after another hard days work.

Julius paced along the edge of the command tent, his mind wandering as he tried to re-psych himself up to enter the battlefield once again.

Just days before he was relaxing as if he'd already won the war and could just tour a foreign city with Yuri at his side, have the chance to live a quiet life if only for a bit longer, but the threat of Visigoth lingering ever to his lands north left no chance for rest, he needed to end things in the Peleponese while acquiring anything he could to further enhance his own nation while making ties to other lands.

Germania and Dacia could be strong political allies even if their military forces were lacking considerably compared to some of the other major nations currently present in the world.

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