
Chapter 79

Daenerys waited for Jon to visit her chambers. The queen watched as Jon went away with his mother. She retired to her quarters early to wait for him. She had not liked the way he left abruptly for the Dreadfort. They had barely been together for a few days when lord Stark tasked his eldest son to leave Winterfell for the Dreadfort. According to the older man Jon needed to be in those lands to distribute provisions and oversee some aspects of the safe keeping for the winter.

She undressed and waited for him. Ghost walked around the room and scratched the door to leave. the direwolf came to her chambers every night ever since Jon left. Daenerys was about to leave the furs to let Ghost out when Jon entered.

The queen smiled at him. He grinned and joined her in bed. He smiled and kissed her shoulders. "I've missed you Daenerys." He rasped while she helped him out of his leather.

Daenerys loved when he took her hard. It was as if he had been deprived of her. Jon entered her after wetting his hand and fingering her until she was wet enough. It was quick and dirty. Jon was not exactly rough but it was not the gentle lovemaking he'd been giving her since they won against the dead. Jon slapped her left arse cheek. "It's good to be back." He attacked her once more. She laughed and opened her arms to him.

The queen of the Seven kingdoms mounted Lord Jon Stark and rode him until she was sweaty and spent. Jon bit her neck savagely. She cried out and pulled his hair back. "Nothing would ever take me away from you." He said as she kissed him and dropped to his arms.

She embraced him tightly. He turned away from her at some point during the night. Daenerys kissed his back and nuzzled his neck. She could hug him for all eternity if it were possible.

"Dearest." Jon said. She still held him. Daenerys felt him turn. She refused to open her eyes. The queen knew what her lover would say and refused to listen.

"I have to go my love." He moved her hair back and kissed the mark on her neck. "I know you are awake." Jon chuckled. Daenerys tried to keep her face still but she could feel her mouth moving a bit.

Jon kissed her and she responded. Daenerys kissed him some more. She deepened the kiss. "Not enough time Daenerys." He said. She opened her eyes and pouted.

"I am the queen." She said and tried to undo his clothes. This lord Stark had been awake for at least an hour.

"You are." He stood up. Daenerys knelt on the bed. She pushed her breasts together imperceptibly. Jon licked his lips. "don't" He said and rolled one of her nipples.

Daenerys moaned prettily or so she thought. Jon sighed. "I have to go. Father should have arrived by now. I need to tell him about my stay in the Dreadfort."

She nodded, "I hate this. Your mother and father know. Why do we have to keep hiding? I wish you would stay in my bed with me."

"And how would the lords react? How would Aegon behave?" Jon asked her.

Daenerys frowned. She put on a silk slip. "I care not what anyone thinks."

Jon frowned back. "I do. I care. It is not time yet."

"When? Tell me lord Stark?" She asked him.

Her lover avoided her eyes, "I do not have all the answers Daenerys."

The queen held his hand, "what did your mother say?"

"More of the same that father had to say." Jon replied.

"She does not approve then. I had gathered that from our meeting in the pools." Daenerys did not need confirmation from Lady Stark. The lady of Winterfell was perfectly polite to her but she did not treat the queen with the same warmth. Lady Stark used to smile more and speak more now she only spoke of the feasts.

Jon kissed her forehead, "my mother does not know you like I do. None of them love you like I do. It matters not."

Daenerys felt some doubt, "Did she say anything in particular?"

Jon shook his head, "what are you asking me this?"

She did not want him to know that she was terrified of him not going South with her. Daenerys feared that he would understand all that he was giving up for her. Many would think that Jon would be trading up but it was in fact the opposite. Jon would give up his independence, his family, his lands and children. The queen hugged and kissed Jon ferociously. She looked up. "I love you more than you can possibly know." Daenerys whispered and clung to him.

He kissed her forehead, "I will see you later for supper." She nodded. Jon was by the door and came back to her. He kissed her once more. "Nothing will change my mind." He said. "No matter what mother or father say." She nodded once more and hugged him one last time.

"Go back to bed and pretend you are asleep until your maids come. Make sure they cover this bruise." He said and kissed her hand.

Daenerys watched him go. She could not sleep anymore. The queen waited for the maids to draw her a bath. "Change the sheets. Not a word to anyone." She said authoritatively.

The usual maid did her braid. "The Northern one; to this side." Daenerys commanded. She did not bother with explanations. She counted on the maids to gossip and figure out that the heir to the North did not sleep in his quarters. They would add one and one.

Daenerys chose a silver dress and spent all day with Lady Lannister and Lady Stark. Lady Margaery begged indisposition. She saw ser Jorah and Aegon briefly toward the late evening.

The queen loved spending time with Sansa. She was a delight and her children were beautiful. Lady Stark was off to meet with her lord husband and lord Lannister.

Sansa and her minded the children including young Eddard and Rickon Stark. Little Jon played with a stuffed doll. Sansa played with Tyrek while. Daenerys sat next to her and watched Rickon and Little Eddard run around the rooms.

"Your grace. You could leave if you wished." Sansa said while hiding her face with her hands. Tyrek exploded in giggles.

Daenerys chuckled. "I like being here with you and the children."

Sansa smiled. "Thank you your grace."

Little Eddard zipped by and fell. He looked at Sansa and the queen for a brief second and then let out crying. Daenerys stood up and came to his aid. "Are you hurt?" She asked the little boy.

He looked up with big brown eyes and nodded. The little boy pushed his hands up and showed some scrapes.

Rickon came by and frowned, "I will take Ned to his mamma." He said with a worried voice.

Daenerys shook her head, "You don't have to lord Rickon." The queen kissed the little boy's hands. "Those are queen kisses. They cure everything." She said and tickled little Ned. "Rickon, won't you sit with us and play." The queen asked.

Little Ned showed her their game. Rickon joined in and they patted their hands into a game. Daenerys giggled and played with the boys. They even played knights. "I want to be the knight." Little Ned yelled out.

Rickon laughed. "I'll be a knight too."

"I'll be the dragon then." Daenerys said with a smile.

"You can't. We have to rescue you." Rickon said with an air as if she did not know anything.

"Jon can be the dragon." Rickon went to get Jon who smiled toothily. "He behaves like a dragon."

The game was certainly entertaining. Rickon instructed her to say, "oh poor me. Who will save me from the big bad scary dragon?" Then the future Warden of the West would attack her. Little Jon Lannister jumped into her lap and growled.

"Your grace I am most sorry." Sansa tried to get Jon off of her.

"Don't. Lady Sansa please let the children play." Daenerys said with a grin and so the little lords played. They shouted and played fought until young Ned pushed Jon out of the way gently.

"Nana says we mustn't push Jon too hard. He is younger than us." Little Ned said. The boys ran off. Little Jon tried to run and keep up.

Daenerys laughed, "they are a delight."

Sansa smiled and carried a sleepy Tyrek. "You caught them in a good day."

Jon ran back red faced and made grabby hands at his mother. Sansa tried to lower herself but it was impossible with her and the babe.

"I will accompany you." Daenerys, "perhaps you would let me carry Tyrek."

"Of course my queen." Sansa gave her a sleeping Tyrek and picked up Jon who rested on her shoulder.

They walked to the Lannister's quarters. "I was terrified of this castle when Tyrion first brought me North." Sansa made small conversation as they walked.

Daenerys entered the quarters and placed Tyrek on his crib. She noticed that there were no adjoining quarters. "You all sleep here?"

Sansa nodded and sang to Jon. The boy was asleep and down in his little cot in no time. "Yes, Lady Stark offered to change us but I refused. I like having the boys near me and I just got Tyrion back."

The queen smiled, "he did nothing more than speak about you and how much he loves you."

The redheaded beauty giggled. "I love him even more. I was desperate for him to come back." She blushed.

Daenerys asked more about lady Lannister's married life and then left to ready herself for supper. She walked down the staircase and found Aegon in the second landing. He looked surprised to see her.

"Dearest aunt. I have searched for you." He said smoothly. Daenerys arched an eyebrow. He was lying through his teeth.

"Of course you were." She said and took his offered arm.

They walked to the gardens. It was not as cold as they expected. "I have been thinking that we should visit the Eyrie on our way South. Robb is raving about hawking and the experience it is in the mountains."

Daenerys nodded, "perhaps."

"I have dismissed all the men and taken the liberty to dismiss the unsullied as well. Ser Jorah and I finished this early morning. I was just coming to tell you the news." He said

"Very well." She said and they spoke of the trek South.

"Lord Stark is advising that we board a ship or use the dragons instead of using the Kingsroad." Aegon said.

Daenerys frowned. The elder Starks wanted them away from their lands. "What does ser Jorah think?"

"The old Bear agrees with lord Stark. They believe the last of the men should board the ships and we ride the dragons."

"You want to go to the Eyrie." She stated.

"I do. I think you should go to the capital. Your people long to see you. May I suggest we leave by the end of the feasts with Lord Robb and Lord Lannister?"

Daenerys thought that a little too soon. "That is in about a month."

Aegon frowned, "It is the latest we can go dearest. I would have thought you would want to leave and rule."

"Of course I want to leave." She said quickly. In reality Daenerys did not know how to feel about her departure from the North. It benefited her because then Jon would be with her quickly but it could be a double edge sword. Leaving the North in a month meant that Jon would not have much time to say goodbye and prepare for his family. He may refuse to leave with her. Her mind came up with different scenarios, one of them more terrible than the other. She did not want to pressure Jon.


"It is perfect. Robb and his party will leave a fortnight after the last feast. They will ride. Lord Lannister will ride with them as well. You and his party can go on while I go with Robb and his party." Aegon continued.

"I will meet with you in the Capital after winter is over." Aegon finished. "We shall rule then." He said. Daenerys barely paid attention.

She visited her children and then went back to the castle. She did not have any luck in finding Jon.

Daenerys and Aegon came back arm in arm. She laughed when he shook his legs. "My balls are freezing." He muttered. The queen laughed good naturedly. Aegon joined her. "How crass dearest aunt."

They entered the great hall. Lord Stark, Jon and Robb were coming from adjacent chambers. Jon looked tense. She followed his eyes discreetly. He was angry. "Your grace. My prince." The lords said.

Lady Stark talked with her sister in law and daughter in law. Aegon pulled a chair for her and sat next to her. Her bear arrived later and sat by Lady Sansa and Lord Tyrion. They had a very nice dinner. They ate and talked about the feasts.

Daenerys heard lord Stark laughter and saw as he kissed lady Stark's hand. "They shall be the grandest feasts if they are run by my lady wife."

The queen joined in the conversation of feasts. Margaery smiled and addressed her, "My queen should be glad to leave North and go back South."

Daenerys smiled back, "I find the North beautiful and will be sad when I leave."

Aegon chuckled, "My dearest aunt and I have thought to leave with Robb and Lord Tyrion."

Lord Stark nodded, "I believe that is wise your grace."

"I would have thought of touring the North before leaving for King's Landing." Daenerys said.

"That would not be possible your majesty. We have defeated the white walkers and the Night King but the fact remains that winter is here." Robb pointed out.

"The maesters are predicting this will be a cold and long one. It is best if you and your dragons reach South soon." Tyrion said. "Robb and I will be glad to have you in our traveling party."

Daenerys drank some wine. "When do we travel?"

"As soon as the feasts are over." Robb replied.

Lady Stark spoke up, "the last feast in a month."

Aegon smiled, "we should rest for a week aunt." He said and grabbed her hand.

"Yes, as you say." Daenerys said while trying to look for Jon and gage his reaction.

They rest of dinner was more or less the same. There was talk of the keeps and the production, the animals, the free folk settling into the different keeps and preparing for winter. Daenerys could not see Jon directly. He was at the end of the table speaking with the maester.

The queen retired early and waited for Jon. Ghost did not follow her. He stayed in the Great Hall. She missed running her hands over his white fur.

He came in later than she expected.

"Why were you laughing with him?" He asked as he entered the chambers.

"He said something funny." Daenerys replied.

Jon undressed and ran his hands over his tied hair. "Why did you agree to leave the North so soon?"

Daenerys frowned, "I did not have much say in the matter?" She said tiredly.

"Why did you not have a say? You are the queen." He said a little angrily.

She did not like his tone, "I am and I have to rule my kingdoms. Traditionally, one does that in the capital, which happens to be King's Landing."

Jon frowned, "do not treat me as if I were a child. I am aware that you have to leave North. I did not expect it to be so soon."

Daenerys looked at him and replied, "We leave the North."

Jon remained quiet. Daenerys felt icy dread, "I see." She said and turned away from him. "You said nothing would keep you apart from me not ten hours ago."

Her lover came near her and turned her. "I stand by my words. I however thought you would spend winter here."

Daenerys shook her head, "I cannot. You know I have to go. We have to leave the North Jon."

Jon looked at her and sighed, "I have to leave for the Gift. Father is counting on me to make sure the Free Folk are settled and that everything is in order."

The queen held him. "You will come with me then. We will leave together." He nodded, "I said nothing will keep me from you." Jon smiled and kissed her.

He kissed her again while she undressed him. He turned her and kissed her neck. "Help me find the laces." He whispered huskily.

"Rip it, just rip it." She wanted to be skin to skin. Soon they were both naked in front of each other. He took the first step and kissed her slowly. Daenerys jumped on him. She loved how strong he was. She moaned when he kissed down her belly button. "No, tonight is about you."

She straddled him and rubbed his cock until she could feel wetness on the tip. Daenerys placed him by her entrance and took him in. Jon's eyes rolled back and she moved slowly. The queen wanted him to feel loved. She could be his world. It would work. She would be his family. They would be together and happy. Daenerys licked his nipples and looked at him directly. Jon's hands were on her hips.

"I love you." She whispered and moaned into his ear. Jon caressed her back and kissed her shoulder.

"I love you." He came as she contracted around him.

Daenerys felt guilty when he placed his hands on her belly. "I cannot wait to see your belly heavy with our babe." She knew there would not be a babe. There simply could not be. It had been a small miracle that her womb had kindled.

"A little boy with your hair or a little girl with your eyes." He said fondly. Daenerys thought she could tell him now but she looked into his eyes. He looked hopeful. She did not want to disappoint him. A deeper part of her knew better. She was afraid, terrified that if he knew she could not give him children he would stay North. Daenerys Stormborn could not bear the thought that he would find himself a fertile wife and father dark haired children.

She looked at him and remembered Doreah. "Keep him happy."

The mother of dragons had many nightmares that night. She dreamed that her dragons froze and died. She woke up scared and looked to her left. Jon slept peacefully by her side. Daenerys kissed his chest and snuggled into him. It was not the last nightmare. She had another one in which she rode South and Jon tried to follow her. Snows fell and fell and Jon disappeared before reaching her. Daenerys woke up once more with tears in her eyes. She looked to Jon who mumbled and rolled to hug her. She tried to sleep once more. The last nightmare almost made her scream. In the dream she was ruling over the Seven Kingdoms by herself and in comes Jon, he looks older, he looks very handsome. He smiles at her and then a woman who looks a lot like Sansa steps next to him.

"Your grace" Jon says with a smile. "May I present you my wife." The woman smiles. Daenerys notices the woman is heavy with child and there are five or six other children who look like Rickon and little Ned Stark.

The pain was unbearable, dream Daenerys stands up and looks at her arms. She has scabs and bleeds profusely. She hears the crowd's chants, "queen scab, queen scab." Daenerys woke up drenched in sweat. Jon was standing up and lacing up his breeches.

"Daenerys." He said when he looked into her eyes.

"A nightmare." She said and stood up too. "You're leaving again." Daenerys tried to slow her racing heart. She took a calming breath and looked at Jon. "Make him happy." She heard Viserys' voice in her head.

Daenerys kissed Jon lightly and then more firmly. "I have to leave. The sooner I leave, the sooner I come back to you." He moaned when she undid her robe and rubbed his cock through his breeches.

The queen looked up at her lover. "I want you to remember me every night." She said and dropped to her knees. She undid the laces and took his cock out. Jon hissed, "My queen, you do not…" He stopped when she licked him. Daenerys did not close her eyes as she licked him. He did not know what to do with his hands. Bless his soul. She played with his balls and then put as much of him inside her mouth. Jon cursed and placed his hands on her head.

She moved her tongue and tried to swallow him whole as much as she could. Jon was flushed and pulled her hair a bit. Daenerys looked up at him. Jon looked down and tried to moved away from her. "I'm coming love." The queen grabbed his arse and did not let go. She almost choked when she received his seed. The silver haired woman stood up. "Will you miss me?" She asked innocently. Jon nodded and hugged her. He kissed her deeply, tasting himself in her mouth. He tried to please her but they heard voices. Jon dressed quickly and left in a hurry. Daenerys did not think any of the maids saw him. She washed and dressed for the day.

The first two feasts were nothing short of ordinary. Cersei was glad that those were over. Winterfell was not filled with many men anymore. She was regaining her home back. So far there was little improvement on what she called the "Jon front." As far as she knew the queen and Jon were still having sex. It had been almost three weeks since Cersei began her plan with the help of Ned. The first hurdle had been overcome. The royals would leave before the real winter set in. The lady of Winterfell had been afraid the dragon queen would prolong her welcome and stay for winter. That would have complicated matters.

Cersei had successfully put Jon between a sword and a hard place. If he were to leave with the woman it would have to be in less than a month. She knew that Jon would have wanted to more time to settle his affairs North. The quick departure of the royals complicated that. Ned collaborated with the plan as well. He had tasked Jon with so many duties throughout the North that he had only slept in Winterfell about five times. The bad news was that all those five nights he had spent with the silver haired ruler. Cersei and surprisingly Margaery had started to plant seeds of doubt and unpleasantness. Margaery commented more and more about the South and the beautiful cities while Cersei harped on about Jon's respectable position in the North.

No one seemed aware of the tension during lunches and dinners when Jon coincided with them. Cersei could tell that Jon did not like Aegon's familiarity with the queen. He would frown and glare at his plate when the prince referred to the queen as "his dearest aunt or his beloved lady." Lady Stark tried to start conversations in which Jon and the fact that he was an excellent asset to the North. Tyrion. Robb and Sansa always followed up with more compliments without knowing. Jon's eyes sparkled when he spoke of the North. Cersei caught the queen frowning or worried when Jon spoke of all that needed to be done in The North before the winter arrived with force.

Robb talked about the beauty of the Eyrie. The prince looked extremely interested in the charms of the East.

Lady Stark put on her gown. It was a violent red. Sansa, bless her heart, brought it from Casterly Rock. It was beautiful and the little dive thought that it would look wonderful on Lady Stark. Tyrion had tried hard to not roll his eyes when his wife packed the dress and other "frivolities."

Cersei had one of the maids help her with her jewelry and hair. She chose a direwolf necklace. The ladies in the north dressed conservatively but Cersei had never truly mastered that style. Ned and her compromised on the northern braid. Cersei however felt that the stoic and strange northern lords had grown to like and respect her.

Ned wore fine clothes as well. It was the last of the feasts and frankly Cersei was over the moon about the fact that they were all going to leave soon. Lady Stark would have her castle to her and her family. Cersei dismissed the maid and looked at Ned who looked at her with a small smile.

"My lady." He stood up and offered his arm.

Cersei took his hand and they left their quarters. "Jon has just come back from the Gift." Her husband told her as they walked down to the Great Hearth.

"How did he look to you?" She asked. Cersei had been ensconced with the rest of the ladies and the queen. Daenerys Stormborn had stayed with her all day.

"He is tired and not done with all the work. There have been small conflicts with the Free Folk. Tormund Giantsbane still has to learn a lot about diplomacy." Ned replied.

Cersei's stomach clenched, "there is no more time for schemes. They will leave in a fortnight. Ned, are we sure he will stay?"

The Lord of Winterfell stopped and kissed her hand. "He will stay. He has to. Any news about the queen?"

Cersei sighed, "she joins me and Sansa in the midafternoon. She has adopted two wildling girls as her maids. They do not report to me. I do know that our son has all but moved into her quarters. The dragon queen calls one of my maids to do her braid."

Ned understood perfectly well. "There is nothing else we can do my love. He will have to make his choice."

Cersei nodded. It was true. There was nothing more to do. Cersei and Margaery had done their best to poison the queen. Jon was barely home anymore. Ned inundated him with work either in the Dreadfort or the Gift. Suddenly, Cersei regretted the schemes. Maybe Jon would choose the queen over them. It would mean that they would only have a few more days with their son.

They entered the festivities. Sansa and Tyrion were laughing with Robb. The queen was not in attendance as of yet. Cersei saw little Alys Karstark. She was not little anymore. Cersei gathered that the great redhead by her side was her new wildling husband. Lady Stark made her way to the different great lords. The prince was doing the same but opposite direction. Soon the hall was teeming with people. The musicians began to play. The music stopped as the Dragon queen made her way inside the hall. Cersei noticed that he was escorted by Jon. Her son wore his hair in a half bun, same as her father. He wore black clothes with the grey direwolf pin on his breast. They greeted other lords and made their way around the room just as Cersei and Ned had done.

Ned sat by her. "I thought he would be too tired to come to the feast." Cersei smiled. "Let us celebrate and enjoy this feast." She said and kissed his hand. Cersei had her meal and saw as Robb and his wife danced to some songs. Tyrion drank and ate. Sansa smiled prettily. The little bird danced with ser Royce and other lords in the Eyrie. Ned refused her wheedling to dance. Cersei danced with Robb. Her second eldest laughed with her and spun her enthusiastically.

"Are you happy mother?" He laughed ad twirled her.

Cersei laughed and kissed his cheek. "I am sweetling. I have you and your brother here."

He kissed her forehead. "I always knew Jon and I were your best boys." He laughed and kissed her some more.

Cersei danced some more with her second eldest. She breathed heavily when the set was done. The prince then asked to dance with her.

"Surely, there are younger and less tired ladies." She said with a small curtsey.

The young man offered her a smile, "perhaps but I have seen you dance. I simply must dance with such talented woman."

The prince was quite adept at dancing. He was very polite. Prince Aegon made small talk and seemed to enjoy himself. Cersei went back after the set. Ned frowned at her. "I don't like that boy." Cersei laughed.

"I find him harmless. He is friendly to Robb. He insisted on going with him to the Eyrie as soon as possible."

"I do not like him." Ned insisted.

Cersei tsked and made more conversation with the other lords. She saw Jon and the queen laugh with the redheaded wildling. Cersei decided to make her way to that side of the table.

"Jon." She said softly. Her son smiled at her.

"Mother." He stood up and kissed her cheek.

"Let me introduce you to Alys' husband. This is Tormund Giantsbane."

Cersei curtsied, "My lord Karstark." She said and smiled lightly.

The man bowed and looked at Jon as if asking for approval. Jon nodded.

"You are as beautiful as your son said." The man flattered her.

"Not as beautiful as your new wife." Cersei replied.

"I had thought she would make a fine wife for Jon but alas you have won her." She continued. Lady Stark noticed that the queen flinched a little. "I shall have to settle for a lesser lady."

"Mother, I do not think Tormund nor the queen want to hear about your matchmaking attributes." Jon tried to salvage the situation.

"Jon, it is high time that you wedded again. You are the heir to the Dreadfort."

"Wolfhall." Jon corrected immediately. The queen frowned. Cersei smiled. "An apt name. You need a wife. Perhaps one of lord Cerwyn's daughters."

Jon shook his head, "I grow weary of this conversation."

"Very well. I shall not push my motherly concerns on you." She said and asked about the progress in the Gift and Wolfhall.

The redhead giant took the hint and started to enumerate all the difficulties that they would have to face come real winter. Cersei gauged that Daenerys grew angry or restless. Jon was engrossed in speaking of all that there needed to be done. Perhaps Ned was correct and Jon would stay with them. He sounded very passionate about all the reforms and plans.

Cersei asked questions upon questions until the prince came and asked the queen for a dance. Jon frowned but Daenerys accepted willingly and laughed with her nephew. Cersei felt satisfied with her efforts.

Jon continued to speak with her and Tormund. Her son however kept an eye on the queen. Cersei saw as the queen danced with other men. Jon seemed to have had enough after a while. He stood up and went to drink with Robb and Tyrion.

Cersei went back to her place by the Ned. He raised a glass to her. Cersei raised her cup as well. "I have seen that you have started some schemes of your own."

"One never stops looking out for family." She drank some of her wine.

Ned finally accepted to dance with her after an hour or two. He had drunk his fair share of wine and ale by then.

He smiled and danced with her as when they were younger. Ned went back to the table when Jon took over.

"It will not work." Jon frowned and turned her.

Cersei frowned, "beg your pardon?"

"I love her and she loves me." He said with finality. Cersei remained quiet. Jon did not offer anything else.

Jon went back to Robb and Tyrion who drank by a nearby table with Tyrion's men. The prince and the queen returned to the great table. Cersei went back to her seat as well. The royals sat by Ned and began conversation. The lady of Winterfell joined them. They spoke of the kingsroad and how long it would take for them to get to the Eyrie and King's Landing.

Cersei listened carefully. They drank some more when the song started playing. She was surprised when the first notes started playing. The royals had not noticed but Ned had. "That blasted song." He muttered.

She heard the chords and thought they would surely not sing but they did.

"And who are you, the proud lord said, 

that I must bow so low? 

Only a cat of a different coat, 

that's all the truth I know. 

In a coat of gold or a coat of red, 

a lion still has claws, 

And mine are long and sharp, my lord, 

as long and sharp as yours. 

And so he spoke, and so he spoke, 

that lord of Castamere"

Her sons sang as did her baby brother. The Lannister men sang as well. Cersei thought that Jon was looking at her when she realized that she was not the target. Her eldest child looked directly at the Royals.

But now the rains weep o'er his hall, 

with no one there to hear. 

Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, 

and not a soul to hear."

Robb and Tyrion sang at top of their voices. They were enjoying the song. Jon looked determined, murderous even.

The Prince shook with rage by the time the verses repeated. Daenerys grabbed her nephew's arm. "This is an outrage."

"You will simmer down Aegon." Daenerys said.

The song came to an end; her foolish sons and brother raised their cups to the great table. Ned frowned but Cersei raised her goblet. Jon looked at her and drank all of his wine. Cersei had a bad feeling then.

"I demand an apology." Aegon hissed.

"You will have none." Jon sauntered back to the table. "It is merely a song my prince." He said with a smile. It was almost mocking.

The prince tightened his hold on his sword. "Aegon, this is enough." Daenerys put her hand over the man's.

Jon drank some more wine. "Pardon me." Her oldest son went down to the dance floor and joined some of the wildlings. He joined Robb for a moment.

Cersei saw the Targaryens out of the corner of her eye. She heard the heated discussion. "It is a silly song."

"They killed my mother and sister." Aegon hissed.

"Our family killed the Older Starks. Your father raped and kidnapped their aunt." The queen replied. "Leave the hall if you cannot stand it any longer."

The prince left after three songs. Cersei felt better then.

Robb was dancing with a wildling and being improper. Tyrion came back to the table and went to his wife. "It is high time we retired my love." Tyrion said to his wife.

Sansa meekly went with him. Cersei and Ned stayed another hour. Margaery had left shortly after Tyrion and Sansa. Jon was nowhere to be seen.

Daenerys was escorted by Jorah.

"Foolishness." Ned barked when they were alone.

Cersei tried to calm him down. "Nothing happened."

"I want them gone. This is a nightmare. Robb and Tyrion should have had more sense than that. How dare they ask for that thrice damned song?"

Cersei frowned, "it is just a song."

Ned growled, "it is not just a song. You heard Aegon; he still holds that grudge against your family and our son is trying to take away his throne."

Lady Stark understood his reasoning. "Today was a good night. We created a rift. Did you not see her face? She was upset with Jon. You were correct. Jon will not leave Wolfhall or the North. He wants to finish the work. He is also jealous of Aegon. They will fight. I doubt there our son will be going to her quarter tonight."

Cersei slept with Ned's arms around her. They were hoping for their son's unhappiness. Cersei suddenly felt guilt.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts
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