
Chapter 16

After her husband's revelation she was more aware of him and his intelligence. Cersei Stark looked for hints of deceit or ulterior motives but there was nothing. She had been shocked and tried to pursue the topic but Ned had a peculiar way of avoiding it or completely changing the subject to the point she had not been aware he did not answer her questions. Arya Stark was born in the middle of the night. She came into the world yelling and kicking. Cersei was glad she was a girl. She was all Ned and had the strongest lungs out of all her children. That was the first time Ned was present at the birth of one of his children. "She is beautiful. Arya, her name is Arya." Cersei proclaimed. The babe had dark hair, as dark as Jon's and grey Stark eyes. She loved all her children in an especial and unique way but from the moment she laid eyes on Arya she knew Arya would be unlike any of her children. She was energetic and demanded her full attention from her first feeding. The newest Stark scion screamed louder than Robb or Jon. Joanna and Tommen were placid children with a sweet demeanor. Ned kissed her deeply and thanked her quietly as they hugged.

The Stark household was prosperous and Winterfell was back to its old glory. Under Cersei's care and rules the incomes increased. Ned was the lord of Winterfell, he talked to the people but it was Cersei who counseled him and advised him when it came to financial matters and politics. Ned valued her and heeded her wishes. Lady Stark found a balance between taking care of her progeny and managing the Winterfell grounds and affairs.

She spent mornings in her solar managing household items. Three or four hours with Ned in the early afternoons advising him on matters of the castle and the nearest town, there was only one matter that she was not involved in; the Wall. Ned sent men for the Night's Watch twice a year. He refused to budge in the matter even after she made compelling arguments against sending trained men to defend a Wall against wildlings who were clearly weak and scattered. Her husband was adamant that the number of men would not decrease nor the frequency in which he sent men to join the Night's Watch.

The afternoons were for her children. Ned would go hunt, train or travel with his bannermen. Jon and Robb learned their lessons with maester Luwin in the morning by mid afternoon Cersei had lunch with all of her children. Joanna, Tommen and Arya still were too little to have lessons. The twins were happy three year olds and Arya was a fiercely independent girl. They played together all day. Joanna and Arya babbled to each other while Tommen quietly played with soldiers and tried to emulate Robb and Jon. Ned would join them and they would play or talk until supper. Her older children went to practice with their father three days per week. Ned remarked how proficient they were. The smaller children would color with her or play with her hair. Arya and Tommen liked horses. Joanna shied away from them. She resembled her more but Cersei saw herself in Arya who was always walking away from her or tipping things over with her chubby baby hands. Her nights were Ned's, that was their time, no children just them.

She received letters from father, Jaime and on occasion Tyrion who liked to know more about his nephews and nieces. She was reading a parchment one afternoon after Ned had cancelled his lessons with a seven-year-old Jon. Joanna, Tommen and Robb were off somewhere playing horses or some game alike. Arya, her baby, well not really a babe since she was two going three already, was toddling away from her nursemaid to meet her.

Jon was reading a book Tyrion sent him. He looked up and smiled. "Mamma, mamma." Arya yelled and was picked up by Cersei who kissed her cheeks and forehead.

"Father went away to the Dreadfort." Jon pouted and sat next to her and his little sister. Jon hated the Dreadfort, it was probably why Ned did not take him. "Robb is with the twins and maester Luwin in the forest. I asked Farlen to take me to see the new foals but he would not take me." Cersei heard the sulk behind her son's tone. Jon and Ned were alike in that sense, they sulked and could they sulk.

"Your father of course wanted you to go with him." Jon nodded and pouted. "I do not like it there."

Cersei remained impassive. "Well, that is your concern son." She put a squirming Arya down. The little girl ran around the room and tried to climb over the draperies.

Jon smiled. He liked his sisters; he was good with them, maybe because he was older. Robb treated them as boys and was rough while Tommen just wanted to be like his big brothers. Joanna was sweet and docile, playing with everyone especially Arya. Her youngest loved to play with Joanna.

"Play with us." She asked and beckoned him to her.

"No." Jon remained by the fireplace.

"Suit yourself." She said dismissively and chased Arya around the room until the baby was breathless and she was laughing at Arya's red cheeks. Jon did not join them. He was stubborn as much as Ned, Robb and even Tommen on occasion.

She tucked all her children good night. Joanna was the hardest. "I want to see my Papa." Ned had his daughters spoiled, especially Joanna. Arya was too young to care if they said goodnight or not but at four years old Joanna knew that she had not seen her father all day.

"Father is not home yet. He had to go away to visit some friends." Cersei kissed her forehead.

"I want to see him." Joanna replied ignoring her completely and rising from the bed.

Cersei watched as her child went to her windowsill and sat down. "Joanna, come to bed at once. You need your sleep."

"No. I will wait for Papa. I can see him when he comes."

Cersei picked her and placed her back in bed. "Your father would not want you waiting for him. Father will expect you to sleep and listen to your mother. You would not want to anger father would you?"

Joanna shook her head, "Papa loves me. He will never get angry with me. I am his kitten."

She laughed at her little frown. "Yes, and I am a lioness and I say you go to sleep and if I see you in the windowsill. I will let Farlen take away your puppy."

Joanna pouted. "Papa will not let you."

Cersei humored her and discussed with her until Joanna was asleep.

She checked on Robb who was sprawled on his bed. Tommen was mumbling but sleeping. Jon and Arya were asleep, she smiled, and they were deep sleepers.

She went to her quarters and read her letters again. King Robert had another bastard, this one in the Stormlands. Stannis Baratheon and his wife had lost another child. Lysa Arryn gave birth to a boy but died within three days. The queen was still in the Riverlands. She bathed and waited for Ned to come home. She waited until her eyes closed by their own accord.

The lady of Winterfell woke up to Old Nan shaking her awake. "You must wake up child." She saw the worried look the old woman wore.

"What is it?" She asked, dreading the answer before she heard it.

"Ned was hurt by wildlings."

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