
Chapter 223

In the grand central plaza of Sorbet Kingdom's capital city, in stark contrast to the surrounding gloom that blanketed the rest of the nation, a vibrant and grotesque jubilation filled the air.

The massive plaza, framed by towering statues and opulent buildings, buzzed with the excitement of a gathering unlike any the kingdom had seen in years. The celebration here was a mockery of the suffering elsewhere, a perverse display of power and privilege.

Over four hundred Celestial Dragons had descended upon the capital for this grand event. Each one was accompanied by an entourage of soldiers, slaves, and a menagerie of exotic beasts known as hunting hounds, specially bred and trained for this very occasion.

These beasts, with their bloodthirsty eyes and razor-sharp teeth, strained against their chains, eager to be unleashed.

The Celestial Dragons themselves, usually draped in flamboyant robes and ornate masks, had today donned more practical attire. Thick leather armor and protective garments reinforced with the finest materials adorned their bodies, offering both protection and a sinister aesthetic.

Their masks, however, remained, hiding their faces but doing nothing to conceal the cruelty in their eyes. Surrounding each of them were dozens of World Government agents, their faces impassive, ready to leap into action at the slightest hint of danger.

Lavish carriages, gilded and grand, were stationed nearby, each carrying provisions, luxuries, and a mobile resting place for the Dragons, who would spend days, possibly weeks, indulging in their twisted sport.

At the center of the plaza, towering above the gathered nobles, stood the host of the event—a monstrous figure over four meters tall. His presence was commanding, a shadow that loomed over the festivities.

He was no ordinary Celestial Dragon. His sharp features and chiseled build hinted at a life of discipline, one that set him apart from the other pampered aristocrats. He wore not the garish clothes of his peers but a practical, battle-ready outfit that clung to his muscular frame, emphasizing his physical prowess.

This man was a member of the God's Knights, the secret enforcers of the Celestial Dragons' will, sent to ensure that this "hunt" would be more than just a game.

He stepped onto a raised platform, his voice booming across the plaza as he addressed the crowd. "My dear brethren," he began, his tone dripping with a mixture of arrogance and excitement. "I am exceptionally delighted to welcome one and all to this grand hunting event!"

The plaza erupted in cheers, the Celestial Dragons eager to begin the festivities. The man on the platform, with his piercing gaze, scanned the crowd before continuing, "For more than a decade, we have been denied our birthright. No more! No more shall we be deprived of our privileges. We are the descendants of gods, the rulers of this world.

The entire world must serve at our pleasure, and if hunting them down gives us entertainment, then they must feel blessed to be chosen by us as prey. This is their salvation!"

His voice echoed across the plaza, and many of the Celestial Dragons nodded in agreement, their eyes alight with a shared sense of superiority. They were dragons among worms, and this hunt was their divine right.

"Without further delay," the host continued, his tone growing more intense, "let us delve into the rules of this competition and the ways in which this event is special—different from the previous triennial hunting competitions we have participated in."

He paused, allowing the anticipation to build. The Celestial Dragons leaned forward, eager to hear what was in store for them. "This time, as a tribute to having missed many years of our beloved hunt, we have made this event grander than ever before, with more than ten million rabbits to hunt!"

The cheers that followed were deafening. The plaza vibrated with the sheer excitement of the gathered nobles, their enthusiasm only heightened by the presence of marines and World Government agents who had secured the area.

The Celestial Dragons, normally cautious in the face of potential danger, had forgotten their fears in the thrill of the hunt. Even the looming threat of powerful pirates like Big Mom, Shiki, and Whitebeard couldn't dampen their spirits today.

"Like before," the host continued, his voice carrying above the noise, "at the end of the hunt, whoever collects the most points will be crowned champion. The hunt will continue until the last rabbit is dead."

Another cheer went up, but the host wasn't finished. "To make the hunt more thrilling, this time, in addition to the original residents of the island, we have also procured dangerous criminals, pirates, and beasts from various parts of the world to add to the entertainment. For those who are here without proper preparation, venture into the hunt with caution—accidents always tend to happen."

A dark chuckle followed his words, a hint of hidden meaning that caused a few Celestial Dragons to exchange uneasy glances. But they quickly dismissed their fears. With the forces they had brought along, their safety was guaranteed—or so they believed.

The host's smile widened as he moved on to the next announcement. "This time, in addition to the Rare and Super Rare rabbits, we have also added a third category of special targets known as Ultra Rare rabbits. Each of these special rabbits will bear a unique mark corresponding to their rarity."

The crowd buzzed with excitement at this revelation. "Among the total targets, there are 18 Ultra Rare rabbits, each worth ten thousand points. There are 800 Super Rare rabbits, each worth a thousand points, and twenty thousand Rare rabbits, each worth a hundred points. Every other rabbit will be worth a single point."

The anticipation in the crowd was palpable. The points system was the key to their competition, and the introduction of the Ultra Rare rabbits had added a new layer of excitement.

The host wasn't done yet. His voice dropped to a conspiratorial tone, drawing the attention of every Celestial Dragon in the plaza.

"To add more spice to the game, there will be something called a Unique Rabbit, which will be introduced when half of the rabbits have been hunted. The identity of this rabbit will only be disclosed then."

A murmur of intrigue rippled through the crowd. The suspense was intoxicating, and the Celestial Dragons could hardly wait to see what this Unique Rabbit would be.

The host stepped back, his part in the proceedings complete. The Celestial Dragons erupted into excited chatter, their minds racing with thoughts of the hunt ahead. The plaza, now a seething mass of eager participants, buzzed with anticipation.

This was no ordinary hunt; it was a spectacle of cruelty and privilege, a perverse celebration of power and dominance that would echo through the annals of history.

Admiral Hazard stood rigidly on the deck of the observation area that was specially built, his eyes fixed on the massive digital display counting down the minutes to the start of the hunt. The atmosphere around him buzzed with anticipation, a grotesque excitement that permeated the air as the Celestial Dragons eagerly awaited the commencement of their cruel sport.

The display towered over the plaza, its red digits ticking down with a steady, ominous rhythm. Cages all around the island were being unlocked, their doors slowly creaking open to give the terrified "rabbits" a brief head start before the hunt began.

Seated nearby, Admiral Agana reclined comfortably in a lavishly decorated viewing area, her presence a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere around her. Her chair, cushioned with the finest silk and adorned with golden trimmings, was positioned perfectly to provide her with a panoramic view of the proceedings.

Despite the ostentatious surroundings, Agana herself seemed almost bored, twirling a delicate parasol absentmindedly as she observed the preparations.

Agana was a unique figure among the Celestial Dragons. Unlike most of her peers, she held a degree of respect for strength and competence, qualities she had rarely found in her aristocratic brethren. She was a Celestial Dragon by birth, but her attitude was more complex, driven by her own code of conduct and an understanding of the delicate balance of power in the world.

Her dark, calculating eyes studied Admiral Hazard, searching for any sign of discomfort or discontent. His stoic demeanor was difficult to read, but she had a keen sense for detecting the subtle nuances in people's behavior.

"Admiral Hazard," Agana began, her voice smooth yet probing, "does this unnerve you?"

Hazard didn't turn to face her. His broad shoulders were squared, his hands clasped behind his back in a posture that exuded discipline and control. He was a man of few words, known for his calm under pressure and unwavering focus.

His tall, imposing figure was a stark contrast to the frivolity around him. His spectacled gaze remained locked on the display, but there was no mistaking the tension in his jaw, a small but telling sign of his unease.

"Does my opinion change anything?" he replied evenly, his voice carrying a deep, gravelly tone that matched his calm appearance. He knew better than to show overt displeasure in such company, but neither would he pretend to condone what was about to happen.

Agana's lips curled into a small, amused smile. "Not really," she admitted with a light chuckle.

"But knowing where you stand would make it easier for me to decide how to treat you."

The response was as calculated as it was revealing. Agana wasn't here for the hunt itself, though her presence made it seem so. She had a deeper agenda, one that involved the complex and dangerous game of power within the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

Her father, a powerful figure even among the highest echelon of Celestial Dragons, had sent her here with specific orders—to ensure that certain members of their elite class would not leave the island alive. It was an internal purge disguised as a hunting event, a way to eliminate troublesome elements within their ranks without raising suspicion.

Hazard's eyes narrowed slightly, catching the underlying meaning in her words. He was no fool; he knew that the hunt served more purposes than just the sadistic pleasure of the Celestial Dragons.

It was a display of power, a message to the world, and in some cases, a method of silencing dissent among their own ranks. As a Marine Admiral, Hazard was sworn to uphold justice, but the reality of his position was far more complex. The Marines served the World Government, and by extension, the Celestial Dragons. Yet, Hazard had always walked a fine line, balancing his duty with his own sense of right and wrong.

He finally turned his head slightly, just enough to catch Agana's gaze. "Justice," he said, his voice measured, "is not so simple. My role is to maintain order, to protect those who are deemed innocent by the government. But here, on this island... the lines blur. The law does not always align with justice."

Agana's smile deepened, a hint of mischief gleaming in her eyes. "Indeed, Admiral. It's why I find you so fascinating. You're a man of principle in a world where principles can be a liability. Tell me, do you believe what's about to happen here falls under the mantle of justice?"

Hazard didn't answer immediately. He was a man who chose his words carefully, understanding the weight they carried. Finally, he spoke, his tone even but firm. "What happens here today is far from justice. It's a spectacle, a display of power. My presence here is to ensure that things don't spiral out of control, to prevent unnecessary loss of life."

"Unnecessary?" Agana echoed, her voice carrying a slight edge of irony. "And who decides what's necessary, Admiral? Is it you? Or the World Government? Or perhaps... the Celestial Dragons themselves?"

Hazard met her gaze, his eyes steely. "I decide what I can, within the limits of my authority. But even an Admiral's power has its boundaries."

Agana nodded thoughtfully, appreciating his candor. She leaned back, twirling the parasol once more, her demeanor returning to one of detached amusement. "You're right, of course. We all have our roles to play in this grand theater. Yours is to uphold the law, even when the law is written by those who revel in the suffering of others."

Hazard remained silent, his attention returning to the countdown, now at mere seconds. The reality of his situation weighed heavily on him. He was a man of action, of discipline, and yet here he was, a silent observer to an atrocity disguised as a game.

The countdown hit zero, and a loud horn blared across the island, signaling the start of the hunt. The Celestial Dragons cheered, their grotesque masks unable to hide their glee as they prepared to unleash their hounds and begin their bloody sport.

Agana watched him closely, noting the subtle tightening of his fists, the barely perceptible furrow in his brow. "Don't worry, Admiral. Your hands will remain clean today. Just do what you're here to do—maintain order, ensure the hunt proceeds as planned. After all, you're not here to question the gods, are you?"

Hazard's jaw clenched, but he gave no other sign of his inner turmoil. "No," he said quietly, almost to himself. "I'm not here to question the gods. I'm here to do my duty."


As the massive iron gates of the cages groaned open, the air filled with a cacophony of raw, primal fear. The once-contained masses, huddled together in dread, now surged forward in a frantic rush, the overwhelming instinct to flee overpowering any rational thought.

Each person became a singular force of desperation, pushing, shoving, and scrambling to escape the horrific fate that awaited them.

Mothers clutched their children to their chests, their eyes wide with terror, as they sprinted toward the dense forests that fringed the Sorbet Kingdom. A young mother, her face pale and streaked with tears, held her infant close, the child's wails piercing the air.

She stumbled, nearly falling, but the thought of her child being caught propelled her forward, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She glanced back once, only to see the cruel grins of the Celestial Dragons' soldiers as they watched the spectacle unfold, their hands resting casually on the weapons that would soon be unleashed.

A group of elderly men and women, their frail bodies already weak from days of confinement, struggled to keep pace with the panicked crowd. One old man, his legs shaking with the effort, reached out to a younger, stronger man running beside him.

"Please," he rasped, "help me... I can't..." But the younger man, his face contorted with fear, shook him off and sped away, the survival instinct obliterating any sense of compassion.

Children, separated from their parents in the chaos, darted in every direction, their small figures easily lost in the throng. A boy of about seven, his clothes torn and dirty, tripped and fell hard onto the ground.

He cried out in pain, clutching his scraped knees, but was quickly trampled by the panicked crowd. He struggled to his feet, tears streaming down his face as he looked around, desperately calling for his mother.

But his voice was swallowed by the overwhelming noise, and he was forced to keep running, driven by the fear of the unseen hunters who would soon be upon them.

Near the edge of the cage, a group of young men and women tried to form a chain, linking arms to move together toward the shelter of the forest. Their eyes were wide, their breaths coming in short, panicked bursts as they tried to maintain some semblance of order amid the chaos.

But their efforts were in vain; the sheer mass of people crashing toward the exit broke their chain, and they were swept apart, each one lost to the tide of humanity.

A man, his face smeared with dirt and sweat, ran with a limp, his leg injured from the brutal treatment he'd endured in the cage. His eyes darted around, wild with fear, as he realized he wouldn't be able to keep up with the others. He spotted a group of people ahead, seemingly slowing down to help someone who had fallen. With a desperate burst of energy, he pushed himself toward them, hoping for aid.

But as he reached them, he saw the group scatter, leaving behind a woman lying on the ground, her face twisted in agony as she clutched her ankle. The man hesitated, torn between helping her and saving himself. A moment later, he made his decision, turning and fleeing without looking back, guilt gnawing at him even as he ran.

In another part of the mass exodus, a father tried to shield his teenage daughter from the jostling crowd. She clung to his arm, her face pale and stricken. "Stay close," he urged, his voice barely audible above the din. "We'll make it, we just have to keep moving!"

But even as he spoke, he knew the odds were against them. The sheer number of people, combined with the limited space and the impending danger, made it almost impossible to keep track of each other.

Suddenly, the crowd surged, and he felt his daughter's grip slip from his arm. He turned in panic, frantically searching for her in the throng, but she was gone, lost in the sea of bodies.

The sound of the horn, signaling the start of the hunt, cut through the chaos, sending a fresh wave of terror through the fleeing masses.

Those who had dared to hope for some semblance of mercy now realized the true horror of their situation. They were not being freed; they were being released only to be hunted down like animals.

Screams echoed through the dense foliage as the first of the hunters began their pursuit, the Celestial Dragons' hounds leading the charge. The air, once filled with the sounds of panic and fear, now reverberated with the guttural growls of the beasts and the sharp cracks of rifles. The hunt had begun, and for the millions of "rabbits" scattered across the island, the nightmare was only just starting.


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