
Chapter 184

Marine HQ, Marineford.

Three weeks had passed since the official start of the World Military Draft. The draft, scheduled to last for a full month, was already yielding promising results. The first batch of elites had arrived at Marineford, ready to undergo rigorous training.

With the help of Zephyr, Fleet Admiral Sengoku had secured an excellent instructor for the elite camp. Even Zephyr himself seemed satisfied with the man taking over his additional responsibilities.

Currently, Fleet Admiral Sengoku is buried in paperwork, his office filled with towering stacks of files. Vice Admiral Tsuru had been dispatched to Mary Geoise to report on the progress of the World Draft and propose an additional budget. Zephyr had gone to assess a potential candidate for the Chief Warden position at Impel Down.

Although the underwater prison had lost its former glory of being unbreachable, it still held significant importance to the World Government and the Marines. The mechanism for the Gate of Justice had been fully repaired, and many escaped prisoners had been recaptured. However, the most dangerous criminals from levels five and six remained at large, and the Marines were struggling to muster enough top-tier fighting force to address the issue.

Suddenly, the door to Sengoku's office flew open without a knock. Sengoku felt a headache form as he instantly recognized the intruder. Rather than being delighted to see Garp, he was fuming with anger.

"Garp, you bloody bastard," he roared, rubbing his temples. "Why the hell would you tear down the Marine base in Loguetown along with half its island?"

He shot up from his seat, sending the folders he was working on scattering through the air. He very much wanted to smash his table to smithereens, now understanding why Kong kept asking for replacement tables whenever Garp visited his office.

Garp, oblivious to the chaos he caused, gave Sengoku a sheepish smile while munching on rice crackers. Bogard, ever the diligent aide, silently moved to collect the scattered documents and began rearranging them on the table.

"Is this old man the Fleet Admiral you told me about, Garp-san? Not bad, he seems quite strong," Raylene commented, standing next to Garp. One of her arms was heavily bandaged and held in place with a sling. She unceremoniously dug into the rice crackers Garp was holding, chomping on them with gusto.

Sengoku was dumbfounded, only now realizing there was someone else with Garp. The woman seemed to have just come out of the hospital, but what irked him was their nonchalant attitude, especially Garp's smug grin.

Sengoku turned to Bogard, the only other person in the room who seemed to have sense, and questioned him, "Bogard, who is she?"

Bogard, while continuing to rearrange the files, responded, "She is Raylene, she is from East Blue. Garp-san thinks she would be a nice addition to the Marines and would like you to consider her for the Admiral position."

Sengoku turned to the two, who were now seated unceremoniously, helping themselves to the tea he had personally brewed for himself. An admiral position? Was this supposed to be a joke? Then it clicked. Garp had sparred with someone in Loguetown, razing the entire Marine base to the ground along with part of the island.

The Marines had to pay out substantial compensation for the destruction of property. Luckily, they had held back; otherwise, from the reports, Sengoku estimated the island could have been sunk. Now, he scrutinized the woman next to Garp and her unusual weapon leaning against the table.

Observing her closely, he could tell she was strong, but appointing an Admiral required convincing the Elders and conducting a thorough background check. For all he knew, Garp might have already promised the position to this fierce-looking woman.

Sengoku couldn't help but sit back in his chair with a throbbing headache.

Garp continued snacking on rice crackers, unfazed by Sengoku's outburst. "It was a necessary test, Sengoku. Raylene here is exceptionally strong. We need people like her in the Marines."

Sengoku shot a glare at Garp, then turned his attention to Raylene. "And you, Miss. What makes you think you can be an Admiral? Do you understand the responsibilities and challenges that come with such a position?"

Raylene met Sengoku's gaze without flinching. "I do. And I know I have what it takes to make a difference. The Marines need strength and integrity, and I can provide both."

Sengoku leaned back, contemplating. Despite the chaos Garp had caused, there was a ring of truth in his words. Raylene's strength was undeniable if she could make Garp personally recommend her, and her fierce spirit was evident. However, becoming an Admiral was not just about strength; it was about leadership, strategy, and unwavering dedication to justice.

He sighed, deciding to give her a chance. After all, with the world draft going on, he had certain leeway to wiggle in potential candidates, and Sengoku didn't want to see the admiral ranks filled completely with lackeys of the world government in the future.

"Fine. But this isn't a decision I can make alone. You'll need to prove yourself further. There will be trials, and you must undergo a thorough background check. If you pass, then we can talk about the Admiral position."

Raylene nodded, understanding the gravity of Sengoku's words. "I accept."

Garp grinned widely. "Great! I knew you'd see reason, Sengoku. See how good a friend I am, getting you an admiral the day I join back on duty."

"You! Garp, don't you dare speak! You've been on your so-called vacation for close to two years now, so don't you dare..." Sengoku fumed while he pulled the teapot to his side and poured himself a cup, knowing that if left alone, the two people sitting in front of him would empty it. He also poured a cup for Bogard, who picked it up with a nod and sat on the couch to the side.

"Oh, we get such long vacations? Can I take one now?" Raylene asked with a grin.

"Shut up, Marine!" Sengoku glared at Raylene and then at Garp. "What the hell have you been teaching her about the Marines?" However, Garp simply stuffed more rice crackers into his mouth, making Sengoku sigh in frustration.

Taking a few sips, Sengoku picked up a folder he had set aside inside a drawer and pushed it towards Garp. "Now that you're back on duty, I want you to deal with this matter."

Garp's goofy demeanor vanished as he checked the folder, and his brows raised in surprise. "Is this intel accurate? And why would they be worried? It's just a new newspaper," Garp said.

Sengoku couldn't help but sigh and pick up a small stack of newspapers, placing them on the table.

"These started circulating just a week ago, and although it seems harmless for now, the World Government feels that this so-called 'World Times' is a direct threat to the stability of the system. The publishers, whoever they are, seem to be hell-bent on continuing to publish despite a worldwide ban."

"I don't see any lies in here. It seems like a pretty fair newspaper to me," Raylene commented as she went through one of the newspapers. "It's more like facts compared to the other ones we normally get, and this one has much more news and is cheaper," she added casually.

Sengoku wanted to reprimand her, but since she was new to the workings of the Marines, he decided to explain things to her. However, Garp spoke first. "They are afraid... they are afraid of what this newspaper might disclose. Until they know who is in control of this, they cannot have such a paper spreading information that's undesirable to them." He then turned to Sengoku. "And you want me to find the source of this? That's like trying to find a needle in the vast ocean," Garp said.

Sengoku leaned back in his chair, his expression serious. "This newspaper isn't just about providing news. It's about control, influence, and power. The World Government fears the sway this 'World Times' might hold over the masses if it continues to spread information that goes against their narrative. Our intelligence suggests that the paper has connections to various revolutionary movements. If left unchecked, it could destabilize the fragile order we've maintained."

Raylene listened intently, her expression shifting from casual interest to understanding. She realized the gravity of the situation. "So, it's not just about the news. It's about who controls the narrative," she said thoughtfully.

"Exactly," Sengoku replied. "If people start believing that the World Government is hiding things or not acting in their best interest, it could lead to widespread unrest. We need to find the source and stop it before it causes more damage."

Garp sighed, closing the folder. "Alright, I'll take care of it. But don't expect miracles overnight. Finding the source of this will take time."

Sengoku nodded. "I understand. Just do your best. We can't afford to let this escalate. I am reassigning you to the New World. Help me get some control over these troubled waters."

Raylene looked at Garp, a newfound respect in her eyes. "I guess being a Marine isn't as simple as I thought," she said.

Garp chuckled, finishing his rice crackers. "It's never been simple. But that's what makes it interesting. Welcome to the real Marines, Raylene."

As Garp, Bogard, and Raylene left Sengoku's office, the Fleet Admiral leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. The headache was still there, but now there was a glimmer of hope. With Garp back and Raylene showing promise, perhaps they could navigate through these challenges.


New World

A small dinghy blocked the path of a massive ship shaped like a whale, the infamous vessel of none other than the Emperor of the Sea, Whitebeard. On the main deck of the ship, the crew waited patiently for their captain's command. They had an unlikely visitor aboard—one who had somehow managed to find them in the vast ocean. Originally, they were on their way from Wano to Fishman Island, but this visitor had been waiting quite some time to meet Whitebeard.

"Glug... Glug..." Whitebeard was drinking directly from the large barrel that the visitor had brought along as a gift. He drained the entire barrel and tossed it aside with satisfaction.

"That was some good stuff! At least you know manners." Whitebeard narrowed his gaze at the young man standing before him. It seemed like it took every ounce of courage for this young man to approach Whitebeard for help, but he had to swallow his pride.

"Brat! You sure are audacious. You tried challenging my men continuously and even dared to challenge me, and now here you are, standing before me, asking for a favor. So tell me, why should I help you?" Whitebeard asked, turning his attention to the missing limb of the visitor. His gaze narrowed a bit, as if in question.

"It seems like you've been taught a harsh lesson, haven't you, Crocodile Brat? So tell me, who was it that took your arm but spared your life?" Whitebeard asked curiously.

Crocodile gritted his teeth in anger, his other hand unconsciously reaching for the stump where Donquixote Rosinante had severed his arm. He had taken quite some time to reflect on what had happened back then and the things Rosinante had told him.

He realized he had become complacent because Whitebeard and his crew had always left him alive whenever he challenged them. He had grown arrogant, thinking he was strong enough to face the strongest man and come out of it alive.

But finally, the young teen had shown him the disparity between the two worlds they lived in. Crocodile had been overreliant on his Devil Fruit powers. Although he was aware of the concept called Haki, he had never bothered to truly learn about it.

"Donquixote Rosinante..." Crocodile whispered, but Whitebeard heard it clearly.

"Heh... so it was that brat who studied under Garp. Then you're lucky he left you alive after taking just a single arm. That kid is quite bloodthirsty. He may not seem like it, but he's someone one should always be cautious about."

"Well, let's forget about that, Crocodile Brat! I'm sure you didn't take all this risk to meet me directly just to deliver a gift. So tell me, what are you here for?" Whitebeard's voice roared, reverberating throughout the ship and shaking it.

"I have come here to learn. Teach me... Teach me about the secrets of Haki. If I'm going to learn about it, I might as well learn from the man who calls himself the strongest in the world,"

Crocodile declared, looking Whitebeard straight in the eye. Despite the overwhelming pressure from Whitebeard, Crocodile didn't falter. He had already resolved to die if things went south with Whitebeard. He had stepped onto this ship, knowing that all too well.

The entire deck fell silent as everyone was struck dumb by Crocodile's request. Even Teach, who was among the lower-ranking members of the crew, was dumbfounded. Silence enveloped the whole ship; even the sea seemed too calm and eerie.

"Gurarara!" Suddenly, a deafening laugh echoed around the sea. "Brat! You sure have balls. You want me to teach you Haki? So tell me, What are you going to do once you learn Haki, if I agree to teach it to you?" Whitebeard asked with a glint in his eyes.

"If you teach me, then someday I will grow strong enough to bring you down. And meanwhile, I will repay a certain someone for this," Crocodile said, tightening the grip on his stump.

Whitebeard's laughter died down, and his expression turned serious. He studied Crocodile intently, weighing the sincerity and resolve in the young man's eyes. The crew held their breath, waiting for Whitebeard's decision.

"Brat! So you want me to train you in the secrets of Haki so that someday you can take my head? Is that it?" Whitebeard questioned him as he rose from his throne, towering over Crocodile. The imposing figure of the Emperor of the Sea cast a long shadow over the deck, but Crocodile remained unfazed.

"Yes! I want you to teach me without holding back, so that someday I can best even the strongest man in the world," Crocodile declared, his voice unwavering and his eyes filled with determination.

The tension on the ship was palpable. Some of Whitebeard's crew instinctively drew their weapons, ready to end Crocodile once and for all. The clinking of swords and the creaking of the ship's wood under the weight of the men added to the heavy atmosphere.

However, a gesture from Marco, Whitebeard's First Division commander, made them stop. It was not their decision to make.

Whitebeard's piercing gaze scrutinized Crocodile. The massive blade of the Naginata was placed right by Crocodile's neck, his eyes narrowing as he considered the audacious request. The silence stretched on, and the only sound was the gentle lapping of waves against the hull.

"You're a bold one, brat. Coming here, asking for my help, and then declaring you'll use what I teach you to take me down," Whitebeard said, a hint of amusement in his voice as the blade drew blood. "Do you have any idea what you're asking for?"

Crocodile met his gaze with unflinching resolve and nodded without hesitation.

"Gurararara! good…brat… Good, you have sparked my interest. Alright, brat. I'll teach you," Whitebeard said finally, his voice booming across the deck. "But know this: Haki is not just a power to be used lightly. It requires dedication, strength, and a will of steel. If you fail to meet my expectations, you won't leave this ship alive. Understood?"

Crocodile nodded, his eyes burning with desire and determination. "Understood."

Whitebeard turned to his crew. "Prepare a place for the brat. He's going to be staying with us for a while." He then looked back at Crocodile. "You've got a lot to learn, and it's not going to be easy. But if you survive, you'll come out stronger than you ever imagined."

The crew began to murmur among themselves, surprised and curious about what lay ahead for Crocodile. Teach, however, watched with a calculating look, already plotting how this new development might benefit his own ambitions.


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Currently updated until Chapter 238.

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