
Chapter 41: Sluggish Yule Dance

December 10th, 1976


"Who do you guys think will be next?"


'Who indeed?'


He slowly put his fork back down and reached for his glass of water instead. The impending conversation, despite interrupting his train of thought, spiked his curiosity.


"Doesn't really matter, does it?" Wilkens snorted and helped himself to some more fried bacon: "It's going to be another mudblood. Why should we care what year or House it'll be from?"


The topic during today's breakfast at the Slytherin table was the very same as it had been over the last few days. Naturally, the other Houses discussed the latest attack as well, however it was doubtful whether the opinions on it would be the same.


'At the other tables, he was dubbed a monster.'

'Yet here he was practically celebrated as a hero.'


He decided to continue listening in on their conversation, curious to learn even more about what his housemates thought about the incidents.


"I'm surprised they didn't shut down the school yet." Julius Winter, one of his peers from seventh year, shrugged: "Not that I'm complaining of course: "The longer the mudblood lover does everything in his power to keep things from the public, the more of his dear protegees will be caught by the Heir."


"So you actually think the Heir of Slytherin is behind all of this?" Wilkens chuckled and shook his head: "I don't think so..."


He flexed his knuckles. 'How dare they make a mockery of him and his work.'


"We all know that there is only one current heir of Slytherin here in Britain." Winter's voice turned into a whisper. The other upper-year Slytherins exchanged quick glances and edged closer together on the benches: "He has proven his lineage more than enough times already, hasn't he?"


'But you're wrong.' Hatred boiled in his stomach: 'There is another.'


"How do you reckon he entered the castle undetected twice already without Dumbledore learning of it." Selena Rosier tossed her long black hair over her shoulder, challenging the statement with a raised eyebrow: "Every first-year knows that the headmaster of Hogwarts controls the wards around the castle and can detect any attempt of intrusions."


She received a few nods from the people around, however, Winter shook his head and sneered: "You act like He is on the same magical level as one of those sorry excuses of wizards who call themselves Marauders over at the table in red. We're talking about the greatest wizard of our time, Rosier. If the Dark Lord wants to get into a place, then no barriers, physical or magical, will stop him. I fully believe it's him."


'You're close to the truth, but you should still keep your trap shut.'


"What's with the latest message then?" Wilkens chimed in once more: "Apparently something has been taken from him?"


"Perhaps the entire castle was referred to." Rosier suggests: "As the heir to the most prestigious Founder, he should have a say over the school instead of some half-blood excuse of a headmaster." She shot a quick glare up at the staff table.


'She's not wrong, but that's not quite it.'


"I just hope the heir will not just limit himself to mudbloods only." Flint grunted while glaring daggers over at the Gryffindors: "I want to see the Peverell bastard pay for what he did last term and at the beginning of this one." 


'Harry Ignotus Peverell.'


Flint glanced around himself, enjoying the reaffirming nods of peers: "He is the greatest enemy of House Slytherin in this castle right now and he's already gotten away with embarrassing us too often. It's time he's taken down a peg or two by someone. I think if it is truly the heir of Slytherin all the better."


'Surely I could do it, but why risk it?'


His eyes darted over to the raven-haired wizard and he caught him laughing with his blonde girlfriend. 


'Marlene Elizabeth McKinnon.'


Peverell had not crossed his plans yet, but his girlfriend had dared to do so. The idiot from her own House, the Prefect Montague, had willingly shared that it was her who saved the young mudblood's life that night.


"And his blood traitor whore as well." Wilkens chimed in, clenching his jaw while ogling at the golden hair of the witch, who as per usual sat with her boyfriend.


'She had been there during his second attack as well.' His eyes narrowed when he remembered the Ravenclaw coming back to the crime scene and bringing her boyfriend with her. It had cost him a lot of patience not to curse the other boy in the back after he so rudely shoved his way past him.


'Why had he even been there?'


From the Headboy he had later learned that Peverell had been given permission by his Head of House, but why the interest in the crime in the first place?


'Was he just playing the heroic Gryffindor detective or was there more to it?'


"I see you're still pissed about losing to her in front of the entire school." Serena Rosier snorted: "Also, weren't you one of the many wizards who asked McKinnon out multiple times before Lestrange entered into a courting agreement with her family last year?"


'Too true.'


A cold smile tugged on his lips. McKinnon had indeed embarrassed Wilkens and she had done so by only using a simply stinging hex. Yet it had been evident that the young witch had been capable of much more skillful pieces of magic.


'The Patronus for example.'


If one were to believe Montague, it took the form of a winged horse and was fully corporeal. An almost unheard-of feat for a sixth year... The story partly matched what he had witnessed himself the night of the second attack when a silvery Thestral flapped its wings in front of the witch before vanishing with a puff.


That one must have been her boyfriend's.

'What a perfect match...'


A faint rosa blush crept up Wilken's cheek. He instantly snapped back: "Now that she has besotted herself with the likes of Peverell she isn't worth more than a common whore from Knockturn. I bet she spread her legs for Peverell while courting Rabastan. He told me that he'd always been suspicious of them."


'They must have studied the Patronus together then.'


But what else was the girl capable of and how powerful was her boyfriend truly? Perhaps even powerful and skilled enough to hide not just one, but two rooms within Hogwarts?


Surely not, right?

'He was but a sixteen-year-old boy, above average, nothing extraordinary...'


"You boys must be so disappointed that the two fittest birds in the castle are out of question now." Serena Rosier rolled her eyes and wrinkled her nose in contempt: "You talk so much shit about them, and yet, all of you will still jump at the opportunity to feel up either Evans or McKinnon if they ever gave you the time of the day. You're pathetic!"


Whispers of disagreement and uproar echoed over the table. Many of the wizards shook their heads in disgust, yet their eyes continued leering at the forms of the two witches mentioned.



'All of them.'


"We would use them and toss them away afterward, which is the only thing someone like the Evans mudblood will ever be good for in our society." Winter snorted with a cruel grin: "However, none of us would even consider seriously courting a witch like McKinnon again, now that she stooped so low."



'She merely has to bat an eyelash and you'd fall to your knees at her feet.'


"I couldn't care less about either of them." Wilkens sneered and turned back to glare at said witches: "I seriously hope they're up next on the Heir's list."


"What do you think, Avery?" Winter spoke up: "You're unnaturally quiet."


'You're idiots. All of you. That's what I think.'


He slowly placed his glass of water back down on the table and took in each of his peers: "I think many of you are forgetting some of the core values Salazar Slytherin desires in his students: 'Opportunistic and cunning.'"


He turned to Flint: "Tell me, Flint, is there anything cunning in speculating about the next victim as if this was some quidditch bet? Do you seriously consider this a good time for that?"


The boy gulped heavily and lowered his gaze: "No, Avery..."


"Perhaps there is something cunning about boasting about the Dark Lord when the Aurors, teachers, and other students are barely a few meters away, Winters?"


"No." The other boy shook his head.


"Then I suggest all of you go back to focusing on what truly matters instead of spreading baseless rumors and moronic speculations." He hissed in irritation: "We are Slytherins, we wait for favorable opportunities and strike when it hurts the most. Have patience and observe, that is how we shall continue."


'That is how I shall continue as well.' He added silently and turned his eyes back to Peverell and McKinnon. It was certainly time to learn more about either of them and get a feel for their true strength...


December 18th, 1976


"So, how are things between you and Goldberg?"


The boy fixed the hem of his dress robes and shuffled through his ebony hair, reversing any progress he made at taming it over the last half an hour.


"Good - I think." James swallowed heavily.


'That doesn't sound confident.'


"Spill, mate." Harry rolled his eyes while they took a left and headed down the giant staircase: "You seemed to have fun on your Hogsmeade date last month and I see you two talking occasionally in the hallways and in class. It can't be that bad..."


"It's okay most of the time. We do get along just fine and I'm enjoying myself, however, I just don't feel anything special when we - you know..."


"Snog?" Harry raised an eyebrow and smirked: "When you feel her up? I hope you guys haven't gone that far yet, otherwise, I would have to tell Dorea about it. She will be delighted to learn that her little Jamie has finally had some experiences with a witch."


'I can't believe I'm having this conversation with my father.'

'Though it does feel more like having it with a brother of sorts...'


James glared at him: "We haven't done anything more than snogging and you better keep your trap shut, Harry, otherwise I will tell mum what you and McKinnon get up to every other day! You think none of us realize that you hardly spend the weekend nights in our dorm anymore, or that you come back late with a goofy grin most nights?"


'He's not wrong...'


"Excuse me, have you seen my girlfriend? You act like I will deny it instead of taking pride in it." Harry snorted with a wide grin: "Go ahead and tell Dorea. Somehow, she already knows everything anyway."


"You're such a lucky git, Harry!" James huffed under his breath, yet he still seemed tense and kept fidgeting with his dress robes: "So unfair..."


Harry sighed: "This isn't about going there with Antonia, is it? This is about seeing Lily?"


"Is it so obvious?" James groaned and grimaced: "I just hate that I will be seeing her with someone else. Perhaps I should have asked her..."


"You would have only risked upsetting her and joined the line of half the boys in the upper years who have been rejected by her." Harry patted his shoulder: "She only picked Arthur MacMillan because he's harmless and they're on friendly terms. Your goal for tonight should be to ask her for at least one dance and perhaps hold the occasional conversation."


'That would be good progress already.'


"I can do that." James exhaled deeply: "Mum insisted that I learn how to dance when I was barely five."


"See, then you already have an advantage over me." Harry chuckled: "Marlene will probably roast me tonight as l continuously step on her toes."


James cringed while they turned into the fifth-floor corridor leading to Ravenclaw's common room: "True, you've been raised by muggles. But you can't be that bad now, can you?"


'You have no idea.'


"I went to my first ball when I was fourteen and it was horrible." Harry laughed, remembering his date with Pavarti Patil even though he had wished to ask out Cho Chang: "Afterwards I danced on a few more occasions, but you can count them on one hand. I'm horrible, mate."


"Best of luck to you then." James sniggered: "McKinnon has definitely spent even more time perfecting her moves than I did. It's usually expected of pureblood witches."


"Bloody pureblood." Harry groaned, coming to a stop before the eagle handle: "You've ever been inside?" He asked his father, gesturing for the sealed room.


"No." James shook his head: "Wormtail managed to infiltrate all the other common rooms so we could map them out last year."


"How is it coming along, by the way?"


"It's going great!" James' mood immediately brightened: "We're almost done with the sixth floor and then there is only the seventh and the astronomy tower left. Your advice on how to use the homunculus charm was brilliant!"


'You guys would have figured it out perhaps a week later anyways.'


"Glad I could help." He shot his father a grin: "Let's see what our girls are up to, shall we?"


"State your riddle, please."


"I have cities, but no houses.

I have mountains, but no trees.

I have rivers, but no fish.

What am I?"


"How ironic." Harry grinned over to the other boy, whose eyebrows were narrowed in concentration before a lopsided grin spread over his face: "A map!"


"Well phrased."


The eagle handle twisted and turned while the outline of a wide door materialized in front of them. Harry pulled the handle and confidently stepped through, gesturing for James to follow him.


"Seriously, Harry? Again?"


He glanced over to the staircase leading from the girls' dorms down into the common room and caught his breath.




The warm light of the chandelier sparkled in golden curls, elegantly pulled up into an aristocratic style. Expensive, bordeaux silk, fitting her body like a second skin while leaving her back exposed, Harry shivered as she strode down the stairs.


"You're staring, mate!" James poked his side, allowing him to finally snap back into it 


"I just couldn't wait to see you, love." Harry attempted his most charming grin


"You couldn't even wait a few extra seconds for me?" Marlene batted her eyelashes with a smirk.


"No..." He walked the last few steps towards her and pulled her in his arms by her slim waist: "I'd say the trouble of getting inside was totally worth it."


"Well phrased, my love." She whispered against his lips after kissing him, imitating the eagle door handle almost perfectly.


'She's perfect for me.'


They were lost in their own little world as they simply stared deeply into each other's eyes, not paying any attention to the jealous and envious looks they were receiving from the many male and female members of her house.


When James loudly cleared his throat, they finally turned around.


"Ms. Goldberg." Harry shot the brunette girl on James' arm a polite smile: "You look lovely tonight. I hope you're looking forward to the party?"


"I do." She blushed furiously and stammered a thank you under her breath.


"We should get going," Marlene suggested, her eyes resting on James' date with a sparkle of distrust: "Slughorn might come looking for us himself if we're any more fashionable late."


They arrived at the potion master's office after a rather awkward walk, during which Marlene kept some distance between Harry and Antonia, a few minutes later. Some fifth-year Hufflepuff prefect blushed furiously while crossing Harry's names off the list of guests and allowed the small group to enter.


"Greedy, shallow little harpies." Marlene huffed under her breath and clung even closer to Harry: "This one is mine."


'She gets almost as possessive as I do.'


"Indeed, I am, love." Harry stiffened a chuckle and pressed a kiss down to her neck while leading her inside the office. Things looked just as he remembered from the first time he'd been invited.


The ceiling and walls were draped with emerald, crimson and golden hangings, so that it looked as though they were all inside a vast tent. The room was crowded and stuffy and bathed in the red light cast by an ornate golden lamp dangling from the center of the ceiling in which real fairies were fluttering, each a brilliant speck of light. 


Loud singing accompanied by what sounded like mandolins issued from a distant corner; a haze of pipe smoke hung over several elderly warlocks deep in conversation, and a number of house-elves were squeakily negotiating their way through the forest of knees, obscured by the heavy silver platters of food they were bearing, so that they looked like little roving tables.


"Harry, m'boy!" A deep voice greeted them as soon as he entered the enclosure with Marlene on his arm. The crowd of partygoers split to allow Slughorn's enormous belly to head over to them


'Here he comes.'


"It's so good to finally see you, m'boy! I already thought you might've gotten lost on your way here." He beamed even brighter when he spotted his date: "And you're attending with the lovely Ms. McKinnon, just as I anticipated. You look simply stunning, my dear, definitely the most impressive couple tonight!"


"We're thankful for the invitation, sir." Marlene's smile was that of the perfect pureblood witch: "It's an honor to attend such an event."


"Nonsense, nonsense." The professor shook his head with a good-natured chuckle: "The honor is mine! I've told so many of my guests about two of my favorite students attending tonight. They can't wait to meet either of you!"


'Another vampire and some no-name author who wants to write a biography?'


"I'm sure there will be more than enough time for some networking later on, professor." Marlene's lips curled: "However, first I must insist on taking Harry over to the refreshments and share a few dances with my date."


"Naturally, naturally, my dear. Make sure to seek me out again over the course of the night. So many people... dying to meet you..." He murmured a few more words before he eventually spotted James and Antonia waiting impatiently behind Harry.


"Ms. Goldberg!" Slughorn finally allowed Harry and Marlene to slip past him: "And you brought Mr. Potter with you for tonight, splendid, splendid!"


'Thank Merlin.'


"Thanks for rescuing us there." Harry exhaled while Marlene led him over to the corner, picking up two glasses of elven wine from a small house-elf who darted through the crowd carrying a silver platter above his head.


"It wasn't actually that much of an excuse." Marlene smirked up at him, sipping on her glass: "I want to dance with you, Harry."


"But I haven't finished that yet." Harry protested when she suddenly seized the glass out from underneath his lips and placed them on a table. 


"I said I wanted to dance." Tugging his hand, she led him over to the dance floor, where a few other couples were already swirling each other around, swinging back and forth to the rhythm of the music.


"I'm not much of a dancer honestly." Harry grimaced: "It's never really been part of my education..."


"Then I will teach you the steps" Marlene smirked up at him and stepped closer until her hot breath hitched on his jaw. "You simply place your hands, like so."


She guided his right arm to the small of her back. Harry felt incredibly soft, exposed skin underneath the tip of his fingers.


"Make sure that hand stays there and doesn't dip any lower." Marlene batted her eyelashes playfully and took his other hand in hers: "It would be most improper..."


"I imagine it would," Harry murmured, doing his best to keep his eyes on hers and not let them dip low to her partially exposed décolleté.


"Good." Marlene whispered against his neck: "Now just follow my lead."


She started moving elegantly and with a grace that made it seem like this was her natural environment. Harry carefully mirrored her movement and grew slightly bolder when he survived an entire minute without stepping on her feet.


"We finally found something you're not an expert in." Marlene giggled in his arm, closing the distance between themselves until her head almost rested against his shoulder and Harry could inhale the sweet scent of her golden hair: "Just relaxed, Harry, you're doing great."


The tension slowly left his body and when a new song with a slightly faster rhythm was played next, Harry found that he actually enjoyed the experience.


'Certainly leagues better than my Yule Ball.'


"This will be excellent practice for our appearance at the Blacks' New Year's Eve Ball," Marlene smirked while performing a perfectly executed twirl underneath Harry's arm, closing the distances even further when she came back: "You should be good enough by then not to embarrass us in front of magical Britain's most prominent pureblood families."


"I almost forgot about that one." Harry groaned: "At least James and Sirius will be attending as well."


"You won't see much of them, because we will use the Ball as our first major appearance as a couple, Harry." Marlene said decisively: "There are many noble families, Lords, and Ladies, who will all wish to talk to us and they will undoubtedly use the occasion."


"I couldn't imagine a more fascinating night." Harry grimaced as he spun Marlene once more.


"I know I could." She smirked coyly when she returned: "If you behave yourself that night you might start the new year with more than just a kiss, my love."


"You want to start the new year with a bang instead?" Harry buckled in laughter: "Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?"


Fifteen minutes later, the couple decided that they spent enough time dancing for now and sought out some refreshments instead. Lots of people joined them over the course of the next hour, be it annoying guests from outside, asking for all kinds of favors, other SlugClub members, or even Lily and James with their respective dates.


As soon as they separated from a larger group to head back to the dance floor Slughorn immediately spotted them and walked over to them, followed by a man Harry would have never expected at the potions professor's Yule Party. 


His fingers tightened their hold on Marlene's when the two approached them, making his girlfriend peek up at him in confusion. 'This had to be a joke.'


"Ms. McKinnon, Harry m'boy, allow me to introduce a former student and now a dear friend of mine. He was a Ravenclaw a few years below your father, Ms. McKinnon, and now works in the Department of Mysteries. This is Al..."


"Croaker will be just fine for tonight, Horace." The man's sharp gray eyes wandered from Marlene over to Harry and remained lingering on him: "I'm glad to have found you here tonight, Mr. Peverell. I was hoping to speak to you for some time."


"I have told Mr. Croaker that the two of you showed an interest in some of the fields the Unspeakables work with. It is usually Augustus who accepted my invitations to my little parties, but I'm glad to have found a more than suitable replacement for him." Slughorn chuckled good-naturedly and entirely missed the way the Unspeakable's eyes twitched ever so slightly at the mention of his presumably former colleague.


'Even nowadays my former boss seems to be an exceptional occlumense'


"Talking about dear Augustus..." The professor turned to his guest: "I have not heard from him for some time now. It is so unlike him to not write to me frequently. I do hope he is alright?"


'I somehow doubt that.'

'Either dead or in Azkaban.'


"Yes, of course..." The man's expression did not even slip for a second: "Although you will understand that I'm unable to give you any details on his whereabouts."


"Of course, of course." Slughorn nodded quickly, his fat chin wobbling up and down: "Secrecy is the perhaps most important aspect of any Unspeakable's work."


"I fully agree. Talking about secrecy..." His eyes turned back to Harry: "You caused my department quite some trouble already, Mr. Peverell..."


"Did I now?" Harry raised a single eyebrow, seemingly unbothered, yet he felt the weight of his wand pressed against his sleeve, ready to defend himself and Marlene should the man make any unexpected moves.


"Indeed, you did." Croaker continued: "None of us managed to isolate your magical signature within the nails that have been used in the attack on the small muggle-born girl. Quite a feat for someone so young..."


"Is this an interrogation, sir?" Harry smiled coldly: "When my date convinced me to attend tonight, she mentioned the word 'party'."


Slughorn cleared his throat: "Yes, perhaps we could- "


"I apologize, Mr. Peverell, perhaps my message was delivered the wrong way." Cracker inclined his head and shot both Harry and Marlene his most sincere smile: "Nevertheless, Horace here has told me so much about you, that I'd like to use this opportunity to make an offer to you and to Ms. McKinnon."


'What a clever play, Croaker...' 


Harry hid a snort. Undoubtedly the Unspeakable assumed that by inviting his girlfriend, Harry might be either compelled or forced to tag along. 


'Unfortunately, Croaker assumed correctly.'


Harry could hardly let her walk into a department full of mind magic specialists with all the secrets she kept for him.


"An offer, Mr. Croaker?" Marlene's fingers twitched in genuine excitement and she bounced on her heel: "What kind of offer, sir?"


"A summer internship in the department I work for." Croaker's eyes flickered from Harry to Marlene, realizing that it was her he had to convince: "Mrs. Marchbanks was friendly enough to send us the copies of your OWL transcript. My superiors are very impressed and would offer you this unique chance to take a sneak peek at what the work of the Unspeakables might be like. I'm afraid further details will have to wait until we're in a more private setting."


"An unheard-of and very generous offer!" Slughorn's jaw dropped in shock.


"Of course, we wi-" Luckily she barely stopped herself from showing too much excitement when she realized that Harry wasn't sharing her enthusiasm: "What I mean is that I will consult with my family and with Harry first."


"I'm certain they will be delighted that their daughter was given this opportunity, dear!" Slughorn beamed.


"Excellent." Croaker smiled at them. "You can expect an owl after the beginning of your new term with more information should I have managed to capture your interest. Enjoy, the party, Ms. McKinnon, Mr. Peverell, Horace."


Croaker nodded to each of them, again his gray eyes lingered perhaps a tad longer on Harry before he turned and left.


"If you will excuse us, professor." Marlene tugged on Harry's hand and pulled him back towards the dance floor: "I'm sure you'll understand that my date and I have much to discuss."


"Naturally, naturally, my dear." Slughorn chuckled: "Please enjoy yourself. There will be opportunities to talk later, I'm sure. I still have so many other people I'd like to introduce you to..."


"You're worried about it." It was not a question but a statement that left Marlene's lips as she edged closer in his arms and the couple swirled over the dance floor.


'She knows me too well.'


"I just dislike the idea of you being surrounded by not just one accomplished Legilimens but an entire team." Harry sighed and absently brushed his fingers over her back in slow circles: "But this is still an opportunity we can hardly ignore. I know this must be like a dream coming true for you..."


"You're right, my love." Marlene smiled lovingly and pressed a kiss against his lips. "We can talk about it during the holidays. There is no need to sour our moods tonight..."


"Thank you." Harry pulled her against his chest and took a deep calming breath. His lips curled into a smile when his eyes caught something above Marlene's shoulder.


"What is it?" Marlene turned them slightly so that they both may see.


James Potter stood in front of one of the many tables. His body was tense and he seemed anxious as he held out his hand to an auburn-haired girl in a blue dress while his lips formed words Harry and Marlene were too far away to hear.


'He finally called upon his Gryffindor courage.'

'About time.'


"Morgana, she better say yes." Marlene giggled: "Otherwise we won't see Potter until next term."


'Will she?'

'Has James matured enough for her already?'


A small blush crept up Lily's cheeks and emerald green eyes sparkled in delight. She turned to the brown-haired boy next to her, who gave her a nod. Standing up, Lily accepted James' hand and allowed him to lead her over to the dance floor.


"They actually make quite the cute couple, now that you see them together" Marlene commented as Harry's father and mother joined them on the dance floor and began dancing, at first a bit awkwardly, but soon sporting equal grins and beaming at each other as they laughed and joked.


James caught Harry's proud smile over the top of Lily's head and whispered a silent 'thanks' as he guided the redhead into a swirl, before pulling her back in a tad closer than she was before.


'Nice one, James.'


"They do, don't they?" Harry smiled: "I know they'll be good for each other."


One of the few pictures he was given by Hagrid danced in his thoughts. A young bride in a long white dress with a crown of flaming red hair was spun around by her ebony, unruly-haired groom. They laughed without a single care in the world, lost in the moment, simply enjoying each other on what might have been the happiest day of their lives.


'It's not too far off actually.'


He had no idea when his parents had first shared a dance in his original timeline, but undoubtedly it was not as early as now. According to Remus they only started dating in their seventh year.


Still, only a few months later Lily and James had loved each other more than life itself, more than anything in the world, save for their young son. Their sacrifice had made that more than obvious. 


It was only fair that they might find, share, and cherish this love earlier this time around.

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