
Three Years Later

With a grin on my face, I rushed towards Naesala as she smiled at me and opened her arms provoking me.

I punched her in the stomach with all my strength, but she didn't budge a bit. She grabbed me by the wrist and kneed me so hard in the chest that I lifted off the ground.

After I fell to the ground, my chest felt heavy and painful and I started coughing and trying to breathe.

"Never rush blindly at your enemy, even if you are sure of your victory. Keep your distance from your enemy and form a plan to attack and retreat. There is no shame in wanting to save your life. You can always come back stronger and have your revenge."

After a few moments, I could breathe properly again. When she saw that I was okay, she helped me to my feet and patted down my clothes to clean off the dust on them.

"You have the strength, little prince, but you rely too much on your power. You just run, swing your punch and hope it hits. You can't defeat your enemy that way unless you overpower them. Now try to hit me," she said as she stood where she was.

I punched her in the stomach again, but she only bent ´her body slightly to dodge my attack.I tried to kick her leg, but she took a step back to dodge my kick.

I tried to run around her and strike in a random pattern to confuse and catch her off guard, but every time she dodged my attacks.

"You are predictable, little prince. I can read your attacks clearly. You look at where you want to attack and put too much strength into your attacks making your body more tense. Be unpredictable before you engage in combat with your enemy. Memorize their body so you can hit them where you want without looking at that part."

She said as she looked me in the eye and, out of nowhere, punched me in the face with her left hand.

I brought my arms to my body to defend myself, but her punch stopped before it hit me. I looked to the side and saw her foot come to a stop just right before my head.

"Dodging is good; you can avoid injury and save your stamina. But it's better to deflect your enemy's attack, because that way you can control their movements." she said as she opened her amrs signaling me to attcak her

I threw a punch at her, but she kneed me on the arm and pushed it upwards as she flicked her finger against my forehead.

I distanced myself from her slightly, then kicked her leg, but she just held my ankle and pulled me towards her as she punched me in the stomach.

She didn't hit me hard enough to hurt me but she did hit me enough to push me backwards slightly.

"You have so much to learn, little prince, but we have time. Wait here I'll be right back with your training gear," she said and made her way to her tower.

Shortly afterwards, she returned with an iron breastplate, a bracer, shoulder plates, a helmet, a leg piece, and boots.

"These are my training gears, the ones I used four centuries ago when I was an apprentice knight myself. They are enchanted items that increase in weight when you wear them. Their weight begins with the wearer's body weight and the armor's weight doubles every two seasons. You will wear it for the duration of your training."

{A/N:MC is 13 years old, his height is 185cm(6'1") and his current weight is 90 kg, so the armor's weight will increase 90x2>180x2>360x2>720x2 like this.}

She said as she handed me her training gear. I took off my armor and put on the training gear she gave me, but it didn't feel much different than normal armor.

"During your training, you will do the classic knight training, but without taking off your training gear. and I heard what happened in the Elven Forest when you were on your first hunt. You did wonderfully, and for that I will double your training every season as a reward. Now go home, get some rest, fill your belly with delicious food and let your mother and sister pamper you as much as you want, because starting tomorrow you will wish you'd never come to me." She said the last sentence with a mischievous grin.

"Ohhhh, how I wish I could have been there when you slaughtered those humans in cold blood and without mercy. You just keep getting more and more perfect... Mmhhmm... I can't wait to mold you into a most powerful and perfect being, my husband."

As I left the garden, Naesala whispered to herself, thinking that I would not hear, but I did. By the goddesses' life-nurturing bosom, none of the women in my life are normal.

[First year of the training]

The next day, Naesala made me run around the garden at full speed for two hours. After a ten-minute rest, she made me climb up a mountain four times and then down again.

She also made me swim in the lake for an hour without stopping, and before we ate our morning meal, she made me stretch my body to the limit to make me more flexible.

After training in the morning and after we eat our meal we would spar with weapons or hand-to-hand combat until the night. When training was over for the day, she would make me run at full speed to the castle.

[A/N:Amor's weight in the first year 360kg]

[Second year of the training]

In my second year of my training, Naesala made me run around the empty side of the city at full speed for an hour.

She also made me climb a mountain with a boulder on my back and swim against a strong current in the river.

The weight of the training gear increased to the point where it slightly hindered my actions.

A few months later, she wanted to improve my reflexes and reaction speed, so she made me stand in the middle of the garden with a blindfold to further improve my full focus, something I had learned from Sylvanas when she trained me.

While I was in full focus, Naesala threw stones at me, which I had to dodge until the afternoon. Then we continued our combat training until night.

"You can do it, Melda. Mommy believes in you! Even if you get hurt, Mommy will kiss you to make it better."

Every time mother had time from her duties, she would come to visit me. Of course, unless Naesala threw stones at me with all of her strength, they would never be able to penetrate my body and hurt me.

But regardless of whether I was hurt or not, mother would still kiss all over my body.

"Be careful, General. If any harm comes to my son, I will rip your head off and hang it from the gates of the knight's camp."

"Yes, my queen."


"Hmmm... you are doing well, Malgath."

When Alleria came to visit, she'd just give me a quick word of praise, kiss me for every stone I dodged, and then leave after having a meal with us.


"Get your breathing into rhythm and listen to the sound of the wind. Feel the stone's path. Let your instinct guide your body."

When Sylvanas came, she would sometimes give me advice, and after our training was over, she would massage my body before she left.


"Ehhh...ehhh...you got hit again, little brother. Hehehehehe... Come on, move more, you can do it."

When Vereesa came, she would either cast some simple spells on me like wind push or water ball since she was a sorceress, or she would ride on my back and just be her usual cheerful and childish self.

Hearing mother's and my sister's voices often distracted me and earned me a stone to my head many times.

But their presence during my training did not disturb me or break my focus.

On the contrary, it was even more helpful to have them here, as it allowed me to learn how to distinguish between the different voices more clearly.

Since I rarely had the chance to practice my full focus with several people around me.

In the second year of my training, I was able to master all the weapons that were available to me.

"You are truly one of a kind, Prince Malgath. You exceed all my expectations and more," Naesala said with a soft smile and affection in her eyes.

After learning what I did to humans and training me for a year, she changed the way she addressed me.

[A/N: Armor's weight in the second year 1440kg]

[Third year of the training]

In my third year of training, Naesala also started to join me in training as she thought that she was neglecting her own training because after two years, I can force her to use half of her strength when we are sparring.

My training increased again. Now I start by running at full speed for two hours with a boulder on my back.Then I climb a mountain with a boulder on my back and swim against the current of the waterfall for an hour.

After eating our meal, I spar with all the knights before sparring with Naesala.

[Arben Echad] (Knight's Camp)

I took a step back to dodge the knight's punch and threw my head back to hit the one behind me, while holding up my right to block the punch coming from the right.

I lifted my foot and slammed it on the ground, kicking up dust and forming a crater beneath me. knocking the knights back while a small cloud of dust formed around me.

Fully focused, I rushed towards the closest knight. Thanks to all of the training I did last year, I was able to enter full focus at will.

After my morning training until after noon, I sparred with all the knights at the same time.


After I finished training with the knights, Naesala took me to the ranger training ground to dodge arrows and further train my reflexes and reaction speed.

I stood in the middle of the ranger training ground as dozens of rangers surrendered me with arrows in their bows, ready to shoot at me at any moment.

'Whistle' When I heard a whistle, I tilted my head to the side and felt the wind on my face. Then I heard several whistles and began to bend my body to dodge the incoming arrows, dodging most of the arrows that came at me and catching the ones I couldn't dodge.

At the end of the third year of training, Naesala took my training gear, which immediately returned to their original weight as soon as I took them off.

She said that I had learned everything I could from her and that I only lacked experience, just as Sylvanas had told me when my training with her ended.

To celebrate the end of my training, she took me to the deeper parts of the bright forest to get my own elk.

[A/N: Armor's weight in the Third year 5,760kg]

[Calima málos] (bright forest)

"Elven elks are strong but sensitive creatures. You must be able to connect with them on a spiritual level in order to ride them, Prince. It's hard, but if you ever succeed in taming an elk, they will become your eternal champion. They will live and die with you."

[teenage MC]

Naesala said as we rode together on her golden-horned elk with golden neck armor into the deeper part of the bright forest where elven elk reside. Mother and my sisters could not come with us, as they had their own duties to attend to.

[Naesala Elk]

Sylvanas was out with her blood rangers, burning Duke Tristan's villages to keep him busy and away from the Baron Alleria was dealing with, which indirectly led the Duke to make another demand of us.

Mother was at court with the elders, discussing how we should deal with the human duke's demands. Since we had rejected his last demand, he was much more aggressive this time, as his territory was in chaos.

Alleria was in the baron's territory with her shadow scouts to assassinate the human baron's descendants and drive him mad. Since the human baron had passed the age to have children and none of his children were competent enough to continue ruling the territory, and baron would likely be a far worse ruler in his old age than his brother ever was.

Vereesa couldn't come because she was about to have a breakthrough with the spell she was developing.

[half an hour later]

After I arrived in the deeper part of the bright forest, I looked at the herd of elks with white fur and golden patterns on their bodies, and they were as big as a male elf.

[Elk height:250cm and elk herd IMAGE]

"We used to have a cavalry, but after the fall of the Elven Guardian, when all the other races waged war against us, we lost almost all of our cavalry over the course of 10,000 years. But what really ended our cavalry was the war three centuries ago, when the last of our cavalry was wiped out. After that, there were only about a dozen elven cavalry left. They were disbanded as they were too few to be used in war. The herd before you is the only elven elk herd left in the realm, Prince Malgath, so only elders and high-ranking elves are given the chance to tame them," she said with a sad look as she looked at the elk herd and patted the mane of her own elk.

"Go and claim your elk, but don't go any further than the marked tree. That is the place where a cannibal resides, and no one has ever managed to tame it yet, so don't try it will be a waste of time," Naesala said, pointing to the tree with the red mark.

"Is there an elk that feeds on its own kind?"

"No, he actually protects the herd from other animals. We call him cannibal because he feeds on other animals. He's very aggressive, attacks and eats anything that isn't an elk."

I nodded at her words and walked towards the marked tree. As I walked through the herd of elk, some of them came to my side and allowed me to pet them, but none of them tried to make a spiritual connection with me.

After walking past the marked tree and ignoring Naesala's call for my name behind me, I saw a huge elk almost twice the size of its own kind with red eyes and horns lying under a tree.

[MC'S Elk Height: 330cm IMAGE]

When the elk saw me enter his territory, he stood up and looked at me. When our eyes met, we stood still for a moment before the elk started to huff and hit the ground with his hooves.

I didn't back down and looked at the elk with a determined look. When he saw that I was challenging him, the beast rushed towards me.

Just before the elk was about to hit me, I stepped aside, hugged its body, lifted it up, and slammed the elk to the ground. Then I backed away from the elk.

After being stunned for a moment, the elk stood up and shook its head to collect itself. After backing away, the beast looked at me with an angry gaze, then let out a battle cry so loud that it shook the whole forest. The elk lowered his head and pointed his horn at me before rushing towards me.

I reached forward and caught the elk's horn to stop him, but I had overestimated myself as the beast managed to push me.

The elk pushed me with its strength into the tree directly behind me, with such force that the trunk of the tree was almost destroyed when I crashed into it. Strangely, I didn't feel any pain.

But pushing me towards the tree stopped the elk's movement. I bent my knees and jumped as I let go of the elk's horns. After I jumped, I grabbed the branch above me and used it to push myself down faster as I slammed my knee on the elk's head and used the momentum to jump back and land on the ground.

After hitting his head, the elk didn't fall over but turned its head towards me, which surprised me as I didn't think the beast would still be standing after that attack.

But after looking at me for a moment, the elk nodded its head. His eyes glowed brightly for a moment, then its eyes stopped glowing and the beast fell down while I felt a connection forming between us.

I walked up to the elk and looked at it, not knowing what to do after taming an elk.

"You sure did a number on that poor animal." I heard a sweet voice right next to my ear. As I turned my head in the direction of the sound, I saw a tiny elven woman with purple hair, eyes and butterfly wings sitting on my shoulder.

When the little elf with the wings saw me looking at her, she got up from my shoulder and landed on the elk's head. Her hand lit up briefly, then she turned to me.

"You have committed a grave sin! You have harmed a sacred animal in my forest, you will pay for this!" the tiny elf said, growing larger and larger as the world around me turned from forest to complete darkness.

Out of the darkness, the tiny elf now became a giantess whose entire body was consumed by purple flames.

"I will burn your body and your soul for all eternity! You will scream in pain and beg for mercy while I melt your body and soul with my flames. HAHAHAHAHAH."

She pointed her flaming hand at me and started laughing loudly, but I just looked at her with a calm expression and waited for her to finish whatever she was doing.

When she saw that I had no reaction, her face sank and she just snapped her fingers. I returned to the forest and turned my head to my shoulder, where the tiny elf was now sitting with a pout on her face.

"You are no fun, Elvy. I waited 10,000 years to prank you and here you are ruining everything, stupid," the tiny elf said as she began to kick me in the face with an angry expression.

"Sylianner." I called out her name.


{A/N:3.2k words yay!! MC is 16 years old his current height 205cm(6'9")NICE and here is the height of others Elven Queen Ilerae:220cm(7'2") - Alleria: 230cm (7'5") - Sylvanas:240cm(7'8") - Vereesa:210cm(6'8") - High Priestess Ryllae:210cm(6'8") Knight General Naesala 250cm(8'2") - Elven goddess: Variable(she can change her height at will)}

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