
Training with Ranger General

"Now, Malgath, relax your body. Take a deep breath in, then exhale slowly. Repeat this until your breathing becomes steady."

Sylvanas said as she placed her hand on my chest to check my breathing. I started taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly.

"You are doing well, Mirwa. It's crucial for a ranger to know how to control their breathing in order to maintain stability while shooting."

After a while, I was able to control my breathing rhythm by taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly.

"You are a natural, Mirwa. It may seem easy now. However, as you start shooting, it will become more difficult, as you will need to keep your focus and breathing rhythm steady while shooting, which will cause your aim to waver." Sylvanas gently patted my head as she said.

"Let's finish up your first lesson on the basics. You can practice your breathing later. Now stand with your feet slightly apart and straighten your back to make your body as stable as possible, and grip the bow firmly with your left hand."

I did as Sylvanas said, spreading my feet slightly apart and straightening my back. As she handed me an arrow, I took it from her and placed its nock on the string, pulling it carefully to avoid snapping the bow's strings.

"You are a fast learner, Mirwa...'tsk'. Now, don't draw your arrow all the way back unless you're ready to shoot. Just keep it steady without releasing the string. Before you shoot, take a deep breath and exhale halfway, not fully like before, as you are going to shoot now, not stabilize your body. Repeat until your aim is steady."

I inhaled deeply, but this time I only let out half of my breath as she told me to. However, it made no difference because my aim had been steady from the moment I put the arrow on the string.

I used my full strength to pull back the bowstring, keeping my focus on the target. Just as I was about to release the arrow, I heard a loud crack and snap, causing my overly sensitive ears to ring a bit.


"MALGATH, are you okay? Do you have any pain? Does anywhere hurt? Are you feeling alright? Do you feel any discomfort anywhere?..."

Sylvanas rushed over to my side, asking repeatedly if I'm hurt, and started ripping my gear and checking my entire body.

I was slightly confused. What was that loud snapping sound, and why did Sylvanas look so panicked and scared?

I looked down and saw that my bow was broken in half from the place I held it, and the string was snapped in two. Then I looked up at Sylvanas, who was still checking my entire body.

"I'm alright, sister. I don't feel any pain or discomfort. You don't need to worry." I tried to calm my panicked sister.

"What do you mean I don't have to worry about you? The bowstring hit you really hard. Even if you look alright outside, you may have internal injuries. We should take you to the Imperial Healer to get checked. I'll also send some rangers to call the High Priestess and maybe even the Archmage to check on you if you have any hidden injuries that I can't see. We'll stop your training immediately. It was a mistake to even start to train you. I should have never brought you here and I told you it is dangerous to tra-"

My sister Sylvanas had tears in her eyes as she started to talk non-stop and began using magic to check my body for any internal injuries. She had a look of panic on her face, acting as if I were dying. She even went so far as to say she would bring me to the high priestess and archmage for them to check my body over a simple injury.

That would mean we would go to the castle, and Mother will find out what happened.If Sylvanas was this panicked over an injury that doesn't even exist.

Mother would probably go ballistic and forbid me from doing any kind of training. Not that she could truly succeed, as I would find a way to still train. But it would just mean wasting time, as I could train instead of trying to avoid her or find somewhere to train where she could not interfere with my training.

I didn't want that to happen, so I gently grasped her head and turned it towards me, then kissed her lips to comfort and calm her down.

Sylvanas stopped talking when I kissed her. She looked at me with teary eyes, then closed them to fully enjoy the moment.

While kissing, I suddenly recalled her panicked state, which filled me with warmth and reminded me of her love for me.

I also wanted to show her my love for her, so I kissed her more passionately, putting my tongue inside her mouth.

This completely calmed her down after a few moments.I gently pulled my lips away, leaving a trail of saliva between us.

"Sister, please stop and calm down. You are overreacting. Take a careful look at my body so that you can see I do not have any injuries. We don't need to go to the imperial healer or stop our training."

"*Sigh* Malgath, the string of a bow is not something to be taken lightly. It can even cut limbs.Thank Goddess, you don't have any injuries. But what if you did? If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself. I love you more than anything else, Mirwa. You mean everything to me."

She knelt down and hugged me, placing my head between her breasts, softly patting my back. I hugged her back,wrapping my arms around her while enjoying her bosom.

I felt her tears falling onto my head as she trembled slightly, but she let go of me once her crying stopped.

As I looked at her, I noticed that her eyes were red from crying. She had a gentle smile on her face, but I could tell she was yet to fully calm down as her eyes darted all over my body, looking for any injuries.

Seeing her state, I knew that there would be no training today, so I decided that it would be best to take a good rest and start anew tomorrow.

"Come, sister. Let's retreat to our home, enjoy a delicious meal, and get a good night's sleep in our own bed to rest up for tomorrow's training."

"Our home... let's go to our home. But don't think that you can deceive me. I have yet to decide if we will continue your training or not."

She said with a bright smile on her face, as if she wasn't acting like the realm was collapsing moments ago.

She picked me up to bring me home. 'Sigh,' I do not know why my mother or my sisters pick me up every chance they get.

After I walked into the house, I grabbed some clothes from the closet in her bedroom that were suspiciously full of clothes that tailored to fit me perfectly and put them on, since Sylvanas ripped my training gear.

After putting on some clothes, I helped her prepare dinner. After eating our meal, we retreated to the bedroom and fell asleep in each other's embrace.


{A/N:1.2k words yay}

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