
Chapter Three

***Chapter Three*** Words (1230)

***Pov (Hitoshi Shinso***

*{Mc's Home Musutafu Japan} *

Soaking in the tub after a workout is as nice as always. As I lay there and relax my mind starts to drift towards the future.

"What do I want to do?" That is the question Isn't It? Power, influence,

Women it's not a matter of if but when. With my system Godhood is guaranteed as long as I'm not stupid. 

I need a Goal, something to work toward. Thinking for a while, nothing specifically comes to mind. I shrug, deciding I had an eternity to choose a grander goal for myself. Looking to my more immediate situation. I start to think about a plan for this world specifically. What do I want to achieve here?

Becoming a hero is an easy one. While I couldn't care less about random fodder. The sheer amount of trust and status I could gain by just graduating from the UA Collage with a hero license Is insane.

Going into villainy or being a civilian brings nothing but disadvantages. Especially because of who my parents where I will have an even greater rapport amongst my fellow heroes.

Canon wise? Thinking about it. I'm not really in any position to change anything. At least early on. It's very linear all things considered. 

Anything short of just telling everyone I know the future will change nothing. Not that I would, claiming precognition without the ability to back it up sounds ridiculous.

I will probably keep my nose out of cannon till Eri is saved, it's after we gain our provisional licenses and things start to really pick up. But what should I do till then? 

Laying still for so long and feeling stiff I Start Stretching, I then notice on my torso a myriad of scars layering myself. Struck by a memory of this life I then smile as I've just found a fun way to sow some chaos.


***Pov Himiko Toga***

Humming to myself happily As I get ready to go see my Love! 

'Hmm what to wear.'

Glancing through my wardrobe I find the sexiest pair of panties I own. Blushing at his Potential reaction. I hurriedly grab them Along with my favorite outfit and get dressed.

I grab my socks and gingerly pull them onto my feet and up my legs one by one. Next is my sexy panties stepping into them. I slowly pull them up sticking out my but imagining my love watching me as I do. They cling firmly to me accentuating my already bubbly but. I do a similar act with my much too short skirt. The cause of my mother's endless tirades about being a 'proper lady.' Finished I move to my chest groping my shapely chest with a slight *moan *I briefly consider a bra but with a lewd grin I dismiss it. I then put on the sweater that hugs my curves just a little too well. I then Top it all off with a cute red ascot.

Looking into the mirror I nod in determination 'today is the day.'

[Image Here]

Ready to go I start to leave the house only to hear "my lady the mistress would like to speak to you."

Turning to see the head butler I let out a *groan. *

"Right now? I'm about to leave."

"Yes, she and the master would like to speak with you."

Grimacing I say, "alright show me where they are."

'Damn them for keeping me from My love. If he hadn't told me not to, I would have killed them already. '


They disowned me! Can you believe it! 

I didn't know they loved me so much! And to think all it took was for them to find my diary. They said I was 'obsessed' and I could either leave in their words 'that demon boy!' or they would cut me off. *Hehe* the look on their faces when I left! *hahahaha!*

'Now I get to live with my love! Today couldn't be any better either! I'll get to move in and become his g-girlfriend at the same time!' 

Smiling and giggling to myself as I skip towards His home I start to pout. '*Humph It if it wasn't for meanie Hitoshi being such a sadist we would have already been a couple.' 

'Every time I try to ask him out, He mercilessly teases me! I get so embarrassed that I forget to ask him. BUT NOT TODAY! Today Is the day I get a DATE!'

Reinvigorated I Continue with my signature goofy (Read deranged) grin. His place isn't far from my old place, only about half an hour walk or so. In my excitement I managed it in about 20 minutes. Not that I notice I'm too busy humming in anticipation. Quickly I go through the gate. Make my way up the porch and grab the door handle. Twisting it with a smile I soon pout because it's locked. 

Quickly I knock.




And Knock




As I'm about to beat down the mean door to see my love I hear His beautiful voice! "Coming!"

I listen to the door unlocking with giddy anticipation. As it swings open, I take in all of my love. Describing him by his looks would be like describing color to a blind man. The way he stands, the way he moves, even the way he breathes is intoxicating! His mind is twisted in a way that takes my breath away and his eyes! Oh, his eyes! When he looks at me it's as if my whole being will fall into him and be consumed! 

Quickly losing my composure as I take him in, I attempt to calm myself down. Taking in a deep breath I repeat my mantra 'You're ready, he'll be yours today, you can do this!'

It's at this point I notice he's in nothing but a towel hair wet dripping water. My eyes widen as I realize 'OMG He's Practically Naked!' A blush starts creeping up my face as he greets me.

"Hey Himiko, how ya doing!" he says with a smirk or at least as close as possible for him. To everyone but her it looks more like a snarl 

"U-um hi H-Hitoshi Can I c-come in?" my blushing intensifies at my own stuttering. 'Darn it Himiko! You can do this!' I see a brief confusion in his eyes at my reaction, and then the moment when he looks at himself in realization. He then looks at me with a Farrell grin.

'Uh Oh'

At that moment he lets go of his towel and I see IT. As it flops around my eyes lock onto it. My brain short circuits, unable to cope with the situation. The heat comes back in full force as I compare it to the sizes of the ones I've seen online. My blush only intensifies when he takes a step closer coming only inches away from me. 

He then leans into my ear and whispers with that stupid sexy grin "Hey Himiko will you be my girlfriend" he then turns and kisses me. 

Immediately all the tensions in my body are released as I'm racked with an orgasm from all the years of teasing, he's put me through.


Moaning as My body loses all strength. He catches me and the last thing I see before falling asleep Is his stupid sexy smirk!

'That damn bastard!'


A/N; That's all folks! Coming in at a cool 1230 words. This is my first attempt at some light NSFW. Tell me how it was. Don't be expecting any more for a while Tho, I'm not really into writing ugly bastard smut. So, it will probably be after he evolves.

And fellow writers I've no clue how inkstone work's I'm pulling out my hair trying to get the right spacing between paragraphs any tips? just adding space in the program by hitting enter isn't doing anything I can hit enter a hundred times and it'll just make it a single line gap plz help?


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