
Chapter 257: Didn't You Fight Back at the Time?_1

Xia Bowen remained silent.

Relying on Shangguan Yunqi was less dependable than conducting an investigation oneself.

Song Yunuan continued, "Old Master Xia, Shangguan Heng dreams of living forever and probably has already sent people to either investigate my uncle or to watch over him in Nanshan County Town."

Xia Bowen's head began to hurt again.

He truly wanted to just let go and close his eyes, to not bother with any of it.

He felt mentally exhausted, day by day.

Shangguan Heng was relentless, and Xia Bowen had nowhere to vent his full hatred.

Xia Bowen said, "When Shangguan Heng told me he had a recording, I asked him what he wanted to do.

Shangguan Heng said that if he didn't want Xia Xindong's mad antics to be exposed to the world, he should not engage in any research or chase hollow fame.

Right now, he doesn't want anything. He just hopes that, after some quiet time, Xia Xindong can rejoin his laboratory."

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