
chapter twenty four

"He's coming" Jimin said and we all kept the paper away, Jin came downstairs, "Finally, I'm hungry" "Jin Oppa, come on let's play some games" "Really, you want to play games?" "You play too?" RM was even surprised, "Shocking " I said and closed my eyes, "Of course, remember the last time? "I thought that was just a spit of the moment thing" "so which one" she followed him and was discussing and went to the games room, I brought out the paper again looking at everything, "I'm in charge of foods " I said, "Me too" jimin said, "We'll go to the market together, "I'm in charge of buying the decorations and party equipment " RM said "I'm in charge of decorations " V said, "Me too, and she detailed it according to where she wants each decorations to be, wow real detail planner, RM Hyung wife is master of all talent " "Technically it's his baby mama because he hasn't hasn't tied the knot or even propose " "I plan to, eventually " he said, "well till then, before she's considered yours, I'm sleepy "I closed my eyes.

Jin's POV

                "Ahhhh" Jennifer beat me again, I focused again and this time I killed her, "Yes!!" I shouted, when the door opened, and RM, Jungkook and JK came in followed by Taehyung. "Come on guys watch as I beat her" I said in Korean, "But it says she's leading by 5 Jin hyung" Taehyung said, "woah jenny you're a pro" JK have her the thumbs up, "I'm proud of you" RM ruffled her hair Nicely, "Hey I'm still here " I shouted in Korean, "Okay, come on come on, I'm not afraid of you, you know" she gave me the eye sign and we all laughed, using our words against us huh? okay" I said, and we held our phone again, it was a connected game through WiFi, as we were going, we started shooting and I gunned her down, "Yeah!" we started again and she killed me again, "Ohh" "Yes" she shouted, we continued playing and she killed me a couple of times more than I did till the game was over, "Yeah!!!!!" she, RM, Jungkook and V screamed, "Finally Jin hyung has gotten a rival match" Jungkook clapped, I was impressed, "Jennifer what do you say to gaming with me everytime " she nodded, "Bring it on, it's a dare, the loser gets to run around till exhaustion and give the winner all their food" "Harsh, but sweet!" V said, "No way I'm losing to you again" "Come on let's play too " Jungkook, RM and Taehyung joined.


The following day when I woke up, yawning, everyone was already downstairs on their phone laughing, "Hmm this one everyone is awake and on their phone did I miss out on something?" "No not at all, come on we were waiting for you, breakfast is ready, and after that we are going out" Jennifer said and stood up, "Ahhh" she held her stomach, "Jenny!" all of us rushed to her, "what happened are you bleeding ?? are you hurt??" Namjoon was fretting, "Are you going into labor??" Taehyung was Panicking and Jennifer laughed, confusing us, "is that a good laugh or bad laugh?? I'm sensing bad" "No no, it's good, the baby just gave me some pretty hard kick in there" I breathed a sigh of relief, "What you need right now is food, you've hardly ate anything at all yesterday, come on" Jimin and JK dragged her to the dinning and very soon we were eating away, the moment I opened the ginger soup beside me Jennifer gasped, "No cover it " she stood up and rushed to the sink vomiting them out, "Oh, you don't like the smell of garlic soup??" Jungkook said, and Taehyung took it away, "But I want it" I argued and stood up, "The baby doesn't" Min Yoongi said, I went to Jennifer where RM was rubbing her back, I passed her some tissue, "I brought you Cheetos, turtle snack and honey twist snack" Jhope said, "Always the sweet one" "Thank you sweetheart " Jennifer came back to her seat and grabbed the snack, "I'm feeling disgusted so I'll go dress first" she stood up, "Should we dress in uniform?" Jhope asked, "Should we, I really liked the last one we did, it's so cute?" Taehyung asked, "Let's wear pink?" I asked, "What about blue?" JK said, "Let's wear white" Min Yoongi said, "Wow, it's nice too" I said, "Then let's wear white dress" Jimin said, "Will you dress us again?" Yoongi asked, "Do you want me to? you guys always dress perfectly before I have seen it on a lot of videos" "Yes but we want you to dress us, we really enjoy the attention and love you show, I really love our armies, they take care of us when given the chance just like you, if they had the chance too, that's why we love our fandom, so you'll do it?" Taehyung walked up to her with doe eyes, all cute and childish and she smiled, "Fine, you'll see it in your rooms when you're done" she went upstairs. I continued eating, making sure to eat little of everything, they were all looking at me wierdly, "I'm saving my remaining appetite for Jennifer's food" "Ah, you don't even know what she's cooking " RM said, " I trust your little sweetheart Joonie, do you have any idea?" "Not just idea, she wrote down a but whole list, who writes list before going to market?" min Yoongi said, "It's called planning and managing ahead of time " RM said. Jimin passed me a piece of paper, and I looked at it, "Coconut?? for what?" they shook their head, "Whatever it is looking at that paper it seems like some feast" I said, "Funny you should say that, wait till you see the second one" Jhope passed me a paper again and laughed, this one covered the entire paper in detailed handwriting, "Hm, her handwriting is clean and neat, and woah what a feast, for.." "The wedding tomorrow " Jimin said, "This looks like a blue house feast" we discussed some more before I went up to my room, once I entered I saw the cloth on the bed, "Nice, simple and elegant and not too drawing attention, but I doubt my world wide handsome face would be able to not shine" I took off my shirt and went into the bathroom, after bathing, drying my hair, I got dressed, "Woah just like the good old days" I took a pair of white sneakers and wore, then went downstairs where everyone was coming out one by one, "Jennifer can be real funny at times" Min Yoongi said smiling, "She brought us back to our early days" Jimin said, "Looking back we have really gone far" Jhope said, "Especially JK " V said "GXXX V shirt and GXXX chino shorts, she must have read my poem" RM said, "Not Just yours but everyone of you, and they are truly touching, 'Giyeok' " Jennifer came from the outside, wearing a simple short white dress with white sneakers, her hair was packed down behind her, looking cute, "I love the clothes it's good" V said, "It remind me of back in the days" JK said, "yep, when you had big eyes and were really shy, when you guys used to live in dorm rooms? that's what brought you guys to be a family today, besides you don't look like celebrities this time, even though the aura is still there, it's less noticable " "And me with my world wide handsome face?" "No, I didn't see anything " she teased"You look like a school girl, a pregnant one " Jimin said, "Well I am a school girl and a pregnant one too, you could just blame your leader, he taught me biology really well" she said and left, "You suit each other really well, Idioms and brain works, nice " Yoongi said and left to go outside too, "Nope, she won't ever stop with the teasing " we went outside, to the car we were gonna use which Jennifer had prepared, a minivan, "Family van!!" Jhope ran inside, followed by Jimin, V and suga, I entered the van and Jungkook followed too and closed the door, "RM is driving?" V said, "Yep" Jennifer entered the front seat and said, RM got in, "Okay, gentlemen fasten your seatbelts we are ready for take off, please switch off your phone too" Jennifer said and we all laughed, "Are we in an airplane??" Yoongi said, "Let's just imagine this is an airplane, i'ave never entered plane yet so let's just go with the flow" "Really, you haven't?" we were surprised, "Yes, I don't have that luxury of visiting many countries, so please fasten up, my innocent husband is ready for take off" we began to move, "I'm not innocent " they argued, "Yes he's not that innocent" I said, "Oh really, so just because you know the difference between a peck and kiss?" we laughed remembering that time, "Rap mon was really dirty minded" Jimin said, "Well not just that, thank you for remembering " "Wow, so that means you can easily do something like this" Jennifer placed her hand close to his little brother and he jerked, me, V, Jungkook and Jhope screamed and Jungkook and Yoongi had their mouths wide open, "Hey that was.." his face was flushed, "Sorry guys if you had to see that, I just needed to teach this man a lesson, he's more innocent than he thinks, than we all think, forget his geogerous everything" "You're still attacking us with dog food!" Jimin said, "Oops sorry, I'll stay one place".


The car stopped in front of a supermarket, "Finally my butt was itching me" Jungkook stood up and got down, and we all got down, I stretched my legs once I got down, I opened the door for Jennifer and held her hand and brought her down, she groaned, then smiled, "Oppa thank you" "Tch, it suddenly seems like you're a minor, young lady, you look really cute" she giggled and then looked at the supermarket, "Finally, since I don't know Korean, you guys will do the talking and paying, I'll just select what I want, this is the list" I snatched it away from her hand, "This is feast food" Jhope snatched it, and he and Jungkook looked, "No, but I won't tell you what it is, especially the coconut" RM snatched the list back, "Let's go" he said, Jennifer held my arm and Taehyung's arm, "Let's go" she said in Korean.

"Hahahaha"We laughed loud, when Jennifer used a carrot for advertisment, RM was pushing the trolley, and laughing, "No if you want to do a carrot advertisment, you need a bunny" she dragged Jungkook, "Next up is the coconuts" V said, "Finally, Yoongi come check this out" Jennifer held the coconut and was knocking on it hard, then shaking it, "Hey hey, don't do that you'll break your knuckles!" I shouted and started reprimanding her, instead she laughed. "Oppa Jin is rapping again" they all laughed and even I couldn't resisting smiling, RM held her hand, "Be careful" "For this kind of thing you need a man" Jimin and Jungkook stepped forward and started Inspecting the coconut, "I need 5 pieces with lots of water okay, Taehyung and Jin Oppa, you could check out the vegetable section, this is the list, Yoongi Oppa and Jhope Oppa, this wedding list is yours, remember only the best, and RM and I will take the bottom half of the wedding list" "But you're not even with it" "It's up here" she pointed at her head, "Ah, we forgot who we were dealing with, Rap mon hyung's second " Jungkook said, "Okay everyone divide, last person to reach the counter fails and have to give up snacks and food " Rap monster said, "I support, one two three" Jennifer said in Korean and we divided.

Kim Namjoon's POV

"Jennifer" I whispered, "Huh?" she looked at me, "Are you sure? holding my hand In public? people will stare" she looked sad before she released my hand, "Alright then" she walked to a shelf and brought a few things, "We'll need this especially, come on let's go we're almost done" I followed her pushing the trolley and the shopping was good, at some point she even held my hand again and was dragging me, It seemed her love language was touch, at some point we bumped into others and we were screaming rushing for the goods to hurry, the people in the shop saw us and was amused, but it took time knowing us, I grabbed the last material we needed and turned around to see Jennifer staring at little baby shoes, I kissed her cheek, and she looked at me shocked, then I knelt down and kissed her belly, "Hey, what if someone sees" she looked around worried, "I love you, you and this kid is the best thing that's happened to me" "I gave him a name already" "Tell me" "Namjoon junior" I laughed, "I love it, he'll just be like his father" "Come on, you're done right? let's go so we'll win" we hurried to the trolley pushing it, just before we reached we saw Jungkook and Jimin, "Run!" Jennifer dragged me and we raced to the county, "Run run run!!" she said in Korean, our trolleys jammed but we still reached first place, followed by Jimin and Jungkook, then Jin and Taehyung, then Suga and Jhope, "Aish, we could have won" Jin said, Jennifer laughed, "Yes yes, winner!" "That's just because this thing was hard to find, diapers" Suga said, I punched the air, happily, I never knew we could enjoy shopping so much, "can I follow you next time?" Taehyung made his baby face and held her hand, "Nah ah partner stealer, she's mine" "Sorry Tae Oppa, but I can teach you all the secret" "Start with me first" Jimin walked forward, "Ahh, I won, we make the best team!!" she hugged me, "Figures, your names resemble too, Namjoon Jennifer, N and J  from Namjoon"  "Yes yes, Namjenna" I couldn't resist laughing and even hobi and everyone laughed, "What? what kind of name is that?" "BTS?" the counter girl was surprised, "Shh, we're actually out on disguise, don't say anything okay" Jennifer said, she winked at the girl, placed her hand on the counter and removed a piece of dirt on the girl's hair, then put her hand on her lip and shook her head, I guess she understood what Jennifer was implying but I actually got jealous of the way she treated the fan girl even though she was my special army, "Looks have you have to be weary of girls too now, she look like she's falling for your wife" Jin whispered into  my ear grinning, we paid for the goods and got it loaded into the car, "Off we go to bang pd house" Jimin said and I drove off after helping Jennifer fasten her seat belt.

"Woah, his house is also huge" "He's like our father, what did you expect" "Something cozy and traditional, like Korean old men" that statement made me laugh, "Woah, nice thinking" Yoongi said, "She's saying that every men that is old in Korea will like traditional houses" Jhope laughed, we all got down, arguing amongst themselves, while we off loaded the groceries for bang pd, leaving the wedding ones In the car, Bang pd came out of the house, "Bang pd!" all of them rushed to him and were talking in Korean, Jennifer was smiling, even though she didn't fully understand what they were saying, I hit her with a bag, "Stop smiling, you look more weird and it's noticable that you don't understand" "Hey stob it" I held back my laugh, Jin's iconic line, I hit her with the bag again and she glared at me, making me to giggle then bang pd looked at us, "Ah Jennifer, one of the most loyal fans out there" "Annyeogaseyo" she greeted him, "Bang pd" I said, "See this unfilial boy, come and hug me" I hugged him, "Thank you for coming over, my wife and kids are excited to meet you even though they are in school at the moment" "Really? me too" Jennifer said, "Be careful, we don't want anything happening to the one in here, the father might not be happy" I nodded head, "He wouldn't definitely" I said and Jennifer rolled her eyes, "I brought ingredients to cook" "She brought Coconut to cook" Jhope said and him and Suga laughed, "Fuck you" Jennifer said, and I smiled, she looked so cute when cursing "Well, I trust she knows what she is doing, I told my wife not to cook anything because we all want to taste your food" "Hm, finally, someone that appreciate the taste of food" Jennifer placed her hand on her waist proudly, "We also appreciate the taste of food" Jin said, she followed bang pd Inside, "Wow, nice place you got" I held Jennifer's hand briefly before releasing it and she smacked my ass, Jhope and Jimin snickered and then maintained a straight face, which had me blushing, she winked at me.

While we were busy doing everything, and discussing, Jimin turned around, "Hey be careful" I said, "Where's Jennifer?" Taehyung asked, "Over there" we all looked, Jennifer was talking to a gold fish, moving her mouth, "Why do I get the feeling that I have seen this before?" Jungkook said, "Because you have, you've done it before Yoongi " bang pd said, "I know, she has a new mission of doing everything we ever did, Jennifer came to us, "Aunty thanks, good work everyone now all that's left is the coconuts" she grabbed the bag of coconut, "Uncle do you have hammer?" "Ah yes" "Hammer?? for what?" Jungkook asked, "You'll see don't worry " she grabbed a bowl and sieve, she collected the hammer and began to break it, making my heart to jump, "Hey! stop, that's dangerous, don't you know you're pregnant, what if something happens to you or the baby, what if you hurt your fingers, or your leg? this is a man jobs!" I said all of that in one breath at the same time collecting all of those from her hand, everyone just kept silent, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Taehyung said to Suga, "Yes, when did Namjoon become a rapper like Jin when he's mad" he said and everyone laughed, "I do this all the time it's perfectly normal" I shook my head, "Not for me, I'm doing this one just tell me what to do" "Hey, tell me the truth, are you guys a couple?" bang pd said and I coughed, "no" "Okay" "okay, I just need to break it, extract the water" I began to hit the coconut extracting the water, while everyone was busy watching until Jennifer grabbed the coconut and began to use knife to remove the fruit from it, "Guys come and eat" all of them came, and she gave them coconut to eat, "Wow, yum!" Taehyung said, "Give this to them" she gave Suga two coconut, and suga went to find them, "Sweet heart, this is yours" I looked at her, she put her own in her mouth, holding it between her teeth and holding mine in her hand to give me, I smirked and bent down biting the one off her mouth and giving her a kiss, which left her gasping, "I prefer the one in your mouth" "Hmm, nice try, you're learning fast" "Indeed he is" we turned around and saw the guys standing there, "yes na, like Jimin said, men should also know how to be romantic too" I shook my head smiling. "What are we going to do with this" I showed her the entire coconut, "we blend it and sieve it out"  All of us got to work, after doing everything, Jennifer began to cook, on a few while the aroma of the food engulfed the entire house, it was tasty, you could salivate, from time to time, I'd use a towel to clean her face since she was sweating and I'd help her too because I didn't want her stressing out and bleeding, Suga, Jin, and Jhope were also in the kitchen while the young ones were In the sitting room playing, "Are you bleeding?" Jin said and I turned to face Jennifer, "Are you okay?? what's wrong?" she sighed, "Tired, you guys can rest now, it's almost ready" I wiped away her sweat and kissed her forehead, "I love you" I told her before clearing the place up.

"Woah, finally!" Jungkook was eager to eat, "Wait, why's the rice this colour too, like milk and what's with this things?" Tae was curious, "It's a mixture of the coconut water and spices" Jennifer said, "It smells great" bang pd wife said, "Guys don't forget, you're not eating, you failed" I said, "Ahh, it's not fair, not now" Jimin started crying and we laughed, "Okay okay before you flood this entire house, for the sake of this handsome beauties who helped me out, I'll forget about it, but that will be one snack each from all of you" "Deal!" they were happy, I explained to bang pd and his wife what happened and they laughed, "You know no matter how you guys grow, you'll still be kids at heart" the food was awesome, and none of it remained except the one for the kids who had gone to school, we laughed and chatted and it was so easy for Jennifer to get along with everyone, she was quite so social, "Jennifer would you rather have a date with your boyfriend at a cinema, or at home, at a concert or an art museum" I told her what bang pd said and she smiled, "Art museum" I told him back, "Do you prefer sunrise or sunset" "Sunset" "White and black or black and pink" "Black and pink, it's pretty classy" "Woah, you and Rap mon love the same thing" "Really??" she looked at me and I just smiled, "I didn't realize, awesome" she waved her hand in the air like a kid.

Next chapter