
chapter eighteen

Jimin's POV

             The following morning, we all sat in the sitting room feeling exhausted and beat out while waiting for RM leader, "He won't be too harsh would he?" Jhope asked, "Of course he would, we tried to sleep with his wife" Taehyung said, "I can't believe I did that" Taehyung said again, "Are you saying that hyung? I'm the worst, I was basically naked already" I rubbed my face, "We're in the same boat" Jin Said, "At least Jungkook's got it bad, he was all over her" Jhope said and smiled, "It's not my fault, she's really irrisistible sometimes" he rubbed his neck, "You mean all times, I know that's what's going on in your mind" Suga said, we heared the sound of footsteps and we all looked, RM was coming down the stairs shirtless and his hair all messed up, "They did it" Jhope said and we all sniggered, "Don't think I didn't hear that" Namjoon came to us, "Hyung good morning" I said and he gave us all a look, "Taehyung you're supposed to be the one with the most control as a vampire I even expected Jhope to be the first to lose control, what were you all thinking, having sex with her all at once??" "Is that possible?" Suga asked and we all sniggered, "It's not funny" "Hyung we were all under aphrodisiac and to be honest she was irrisistible in that pink dress she was wearing " Jin said, "You're not serious, take your eyes off her she's pregnant " "I was just saying " Jin held back a laughter, "Jungkook?" "Hyung?" "I got no words for you" "How Did You get the antidote on time, how did you know to come here ??" "Why?? you didn't want me to be here?" "Don't be hard on them, it was drugs" Jennifer came downstairs, she looked exhausted, but beautiful, wearing an ash gown that showed her tummy size this time, "Jennie, your stomach, it's bigger" I asked, "Yeah, I don't know, Namjoon don't be hard I'm sure they didn't mean to" she sat beside me and Taehyung" I breathed In her scent, and held my hands together, "I raided their hideout and killed them All, they have diminished in number and i took the antidote before mine could have an effect, and then I got Jennifer's call, a tummy growled and we all looked at Jennifer, "I'm sorry I'm hungry I didn't really have anything yesterday" Jin's stood up, "Let's order" Jungkook said "Jennifer about yesterday, I'm sorry" Taehyung said "Don't bother okay, I get you, now I just have to handle Namjoon Hyung" she rolled her eyes.

Few weeks passed since the incident and so far no attacks yet, this time jennifer was nibbling on a snack while we were playing, "Hey Jungkook shii if I get you" I said in Korean and chased him just as I threw him a stick he dodged it laughing, "Jennifer watch out!" I shouted but her tummy sudden created a force field like that night and prevented it from getting close to her, "Again??" Jungkook said, "I did not just see that" we turned and saw Callista and Callistus along with Min hyun who was already walking, "Min hyun" I ran and carried him, "Guys!" Jennifer stood up and Namjoon rushed to her, "Be careful" he held her stomach, "I can still walk" she ran to Callista and hugged her, "we don't see you In a month and you're heavily pregnant?" "It's growing fast" Taehyung said, Suga came and carried Min hyun, "Hello big guy" "He can't talk yet" Callistus said, and sat down, "Man, Jennifer, I really thought pregnancy would take a toll on you but you look pretty well, I'm proud of you, so nephew or niece??" "she don't want to check"  Taehyung said, "Honestly I'm really curious " Jhope said, we sat down and discussed so many things Including the unusual powers the baby has that has been manifesting since Early stage"

"Are you guys going to come back soon, i heared it's quite dangerous for you right now " Callista asked, "I don't want to yet I'm enjoying Jin's house and I love it here, he's hospitable" namjoon stood up, "I can be hospitable too, you should see my house" "No I just want to stay here and read my books" Jennifer went upstairs, "Ahh, what should I do to this girl" "You could bang her " Suga teased, and we all laughed, "Give her food?" Jungkook suggested, "You know her best Callista what should we do" Jhope said, "Well she's pregnant right now so all her emotions are just jumbled up, show her love that's all, and although she's playing hard to get, she told me that she enjoys all your company and doesn't want it to end" later on I went up to Jennifer's room, "Can I come in?" I opened the door and saw her reading another book, her room was full of books and her Bluetooth was playing soft songs, "Being all couped up in here isn't nice" i sat down on her bed, "I got books to keep me company " manga, comics, romance novels were everywhere on the table, "So you enjoy all this books, cold blooded CEO,  blindfolded, mafia princess, wow wonderful" "I bet you find them cheesy but I don't " "No I don't " I held her hand and drew her up "come walk around it's good for the baby, and at least see the stars" "Sounds nice" she got down and we walked out, "Hold on I just need to get something from my room okay" she nodded and walked out while I went to my room to pick something.

Namjoon's POV

                I was walking around, just moving around when I saw Jennifer come out of the house all excited and looking up at the sky, she was wearing fitting jeans and her curves, man they were in the right proportion, jeez I didn't blame my brothers, her red top was loose fitting but showed her tummy enough, my child was in there,I smiled and walked up to her, "Hey sweetheart" she looked at me, and laughed, "You look like a professor with those glass, I like it" it warmed my heart, "Really?" "Yeah but I hope you aren't wearing it because you think you're ugly or something?" she raised a brow, "No it's actually for fashion" I saw Jimin come out of the house with Yoongi holding a sweater, "Here cover yourself" he wrapped the sweater around her and I nodded, "It's quite cold tonight" "Here I made you a glass of warm milk" Jhope brought a glass of warm for her, "Thank you mom" she said in Korean, "Jimin Oppa you're right, the stars are really beautiful tonight" "See it's better than being in your room reading those romance novels all days" " Geez thanks any louder and the whole of Seoul will hear " "Guys I wanna talk to her alone" they sighed, "Love In the air, guess it's dog food for tonight " Yoongi said and they laughed, Jennifer and I moved a bit farther, "So what did you wanna talk about " she looked up at me, "You talk with your toungue" I blurted out, "That's it? oh I know, I like it" she nodded her head, "Sorry that's not it, I know you're under a lot of stress and I haven't really been much help and so.." as I was talking she was looking at me seriously and nodding her head each time as if she was dancing to the beat of an unheared music , and I actually had to laugh, "What's so funny?" "The way you look serious" she punched my arm, "If you really wanna help me then just..." she stopped, "Just what?" I really wanted to know, "Just I don't know too, be there I guess that's all I want" "Can you say it again?" "Huh, say what?" she started waving her hand and moving her body, "What you told me, the night we-" "No" she shouted, "You grab on quite fast" "Thanks but no, only when I feel like" I laughed, "You're different " "And I like it" she looked out, and started humming a song, and I knew it, "You like the song?" "Of course, run BTS is like legendary" "I could teach you the steps" "Really?" she looked at me, "If you kiss me?" "Don't worry again" she sulked and pouted her lips, and I chuckled, "So which other song makes sense?" "silver spoon! your hips thrust are like to die for, back then I always lose my breath watching it, I can watch it like ten times even" she was obviously in a good mood and was relaxed, "I know a few things I can thrust inside you that you can enjoy " I said, and she gasped and looked at me, "You bad boy!! ahh, you'll corrupt our baby, I'm leaving!" she said our child, it made me so happy, I held her arm, "What is it you perv? I can't believe I love a man like you " I froze, "You said it, you love me" "Well I obviously do, you'd be blind to not see that" I hugged her In a bear hug, "You said our child for the first time " I said, "Well I didn't make him alone remember?" I nodded, "I love you" "Well this certainly isn't enough, I want more obviously " she said, so confident, "Are you always this confident around men?" "Well when I see what I want I always go for it, because I want it" I released her and held her chin, "Only for me, don't be like this to other men except me, you're mine and I want you all to my self, your character and all" she pouted and I kissed her, "Hmm now you're talking " she grabbed my collar and deepened the kiss, and I smiled while kissing her, when she released me she almost fell but I caught her, "Jennifer are you okay?" I asked, " yeah, you make me dizzy that's all" I smiled my dimples showing, "I love you, come on let's go in" I held her hand and we went back in, as she was singing a song, " if we live fast let us die young.." she started humming the Korean part, once she entered she started dancing around and Jhope joined her and they started doing rubbish, "Someone looks lively tonight" Jungkook said, "Jungkook, come and join me" she started dancing like him when he wore a police uniform in one of our episodes, and we all laughed, "Yeah set me free!!" she was singing and jumping, ",Hey guys let's do karaoke this night" Callistus said, "Yes" she ran to the fridge, "Tae Oppa come and help me and you too Jimin Oppa" she gave some bottle of alcohol to Tae and a few Sprite, and then snacks to Jimin, "Let's go" Jin said and they all left, I shook my head and Callista came up to me, "Any problem??" "No ,I think it's now that I'm really more happy than ever, having her in my life, but it makes me scared, when the book ends, how's it gonna be?" she patted my back, "You're just like Jennifer, she might not say it but she has already thought out exactly this same thing you are thinking, but don't worry, live in the present and cherish the memories of now, let's go" "Min hyun, is he asleep?" "Yeah" I smelt a sense of loneliness and sadness from her, "Don't worry, he's gonna return soon okay" "Thank you Joon Oppa" we walked to the karaoke room where Tae and Jimin were already singing, and Jennifer was clapping, "Hyung, come and sing next" Jungkook dragged me, "We got numbers, you're one" I sat down and then waited, when they were done, I went and looked at the selection menu, "Let me give you a song" Callistus said and selected a song, "Ahhh" all of us shouted, "This is nice, but we need a female singer" I said, "Well what do we have her for" Suga put a hand over Jennifer, "But that's rapping, can she do it??" Jimin asked, "Let's try it and find out" Jungkook said, "Okay okay let's do it" I said In Korean, the song was unholy by Sam Smith, as I sang everyone was listening, when it neared the rapping, jennifer put the mic to her mouth and inhaled before saying

"Hmm daddy daddy if you wanna drop the act give me Fendi give me love my balenciaga daddy.." she tapped it low and perfect, "Woah!!" Jhope shouted, this was great, "She could sing that??" Jimin asked, after the song I sat down, it was fun, we ate and drank and sang and played and really had fun, when Jungkook stood up and said, "I want Jennifer to sing this sing with me" he selected a song, "Duncan Lawrence- Arcade" I said, "I love it" she stood up, and then everywhere went silent, and they began to sing, and it was good,

and when it reaches the high note she really did it well, "Woah, wow" I shouted, and Suga shook his head, "Your woman is really a surprise baggage" he said. Jennifer sat down beside me when she was done, "How was the singing??" she was fishing for compliments and I smiled and kissed her, "Excellent" "Wow, Jennifer would you like to be among my albums, you're great" Jhope said and we all laughed, "Thanks but I'm good okay" "you could very well beat Jungkook Soon" Taehyung joked.

"So guess what?" she told me when Callista and Suga went up to sing, "What sweetheart?" "I got a new nickname for you" "Really?? you actually thought of a nickname for me?" "Hey I always had a nickname for you, you just messed up back then so I couldn't give it to you" "I'm sorry" she smiled, "I thought of one for you too" I said, "Liar, I know you, but I don't mind, anything goes for me okay" I smiled again, "You're funny, what's the nickname?" "Forget it" "No I want to know" I held her hand and looked at her with doe eyes, "Aww, come closer if you wanna know, and don't move away until I say it" I nodded when she drew my shoulder slowly and closer to her mouth, and her lips touched my ear, and began playing with it, "Oh my god!!" I screamed in my head, she nibbled on my ear and blew a soft breeze inside, sending electric signals to my brain as i lost my sense of thinking and my lower body began to react, when i heared her whisper, "Did you like that? daddy?" I gasped lowly, that name, "Daddy" I whispered and she looked at me and winked. when I went to bed that night, it was with a smile on my exhausted face.

A phone call was what woke me up the next day, the sun had come out already, "Hello" I listened and listened, "Alright I understand, we'll be there" I cut the call and sighed, then got out of bed, doing a few push ups before entering the bathroom, after brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I changed wearing a pair of jeans and a long purple shirt and went downstairs, I saw Suga and Jungkook and Jin, "Hyung, good morning" "Good morning everyone" "Did you also get the call?" Suga asked me, "Fan interview? Sure" "I just did too" Jimin said and fell on the couch, I turned to go the fridge and took out a bottle of water, placing it on the counter and was drinking when Jennifer came downstairs, she was wearing a denim red dress with a pair of black knee boots and she let her hair to fall holding it at the edges, "good morning everyone" she greeted, "good morning Jennifer" they greeted her, As she sat down on the couch, she looked at me as our eyes met contact, "Are you going somewhere today??" Jimin asked her, "Yes your fan interview" "How did you know about it?" Jin asked, "The internet of course, I'm following Big hit entertainment platform"   "You're really going to be there?" Suga asked, "Why wouldn't I?? I'm supporting you all, my family" Taehyung, Jhope and Jungkook came downstairs, "Got the news?" Jhope said, " Jennifer is following us to support us" Jimin said, "Really??" they asked at once, I finished the water I was drinking and closed it, "Yep, I want to" I smiled, as I opened the freezer again, I heared her say, " pass me a bottle of water Daddy" I froze and so did the others, "Sure" I said and brought out a bottle of water, "What?? Daddy??" Jin said, "What? it's not bad" I said, "More dog food, I suddenly feel like I'm so lonely right now, I need comfort" Taehyung screamed, "We're in the same boat" Suga said and Jennifer laughed, "I'm sorry guys but that's just what I want to call him" she looked at me and bit her bottom lip, "He's my daddy in everything" she winked, "Ahhh" Jimin shouted, "Join me in your squad let's cry together " he told Taehyung and Suga, "Jennifer has killed us, ahhh" they held themselves and were crying and I started laughing, "But don't worry, you have armies, I'm sure they can comfort you" "That's true even" Jin said, "let's go quickly before we get fed with more dog food" Jhope said and ran up the stairs with a packet of chips, and one by one they also left, "Jennifer, you- you are really strong to handle someone like him" Jungkook told her, "What do you mean someone like me?!" I walked towards them, "Hyung I didn't mean it like that, I meant someone as great as you" Jungkook said and ran away, and Jennifer laughed, "Here you go baby" I passed her the bottle, "Thanks, you should go change too, so you don't be late " "I will after you kiss me, I want you" she smiled and  then kissed me, I drew her closer, her scent entering my nostrils and I put my hand into her dress, up to her panties and she removed my hand, I pouted, "Bad boy, what the fuck do you think you're doing" she said, "Uh... nothing" "We can't do this here okay, stop it" "Should we go upstairs?" "No, I'm afraid i won't be able to walk after that and you'll miss your fan interview for sure" I laughed, "So you aren't doubting my prowess at all on bed" "Yes, I might faint, now go" she made me stand up and then smacked my ass, "Bad girl " "But of course, that's why we fit each other very well" she blew me an air kiss and I smiled and ran upstairs.

Taehyung's POV

                     After washing up, I dressed up wearing a red suit and my shoes and a few jewelries, and went downstairs, "Wow, now you look CEO worthy, no, Mafia worthy" Jennifer rounded me and I laughed, "Look at you with your compliment, where's your friends?" I looked round, " Callista just took Min hyun and her brother out, they said they were spending time with your people is that true?" I nodded, she sat down on the couch, "I wish I could go too" I sat down and stared at her, as she fiddled with her phone, "Jennifer" "Huh? what's up" "I uh.. never got the chance to apologize for that night, that we became intimate and stuff, it was wrong" she waved her hand, "Oppa don't worry about it okay, trust me, it wasn't your fault, you were not the only one, we're family so who would I be if I didn't forgive you" she looked at me with forgiving eyes, when Jhope came down, "Ahh.. sunshine!! I want a dance, you look awesome" he bowed and took her hand and started twirling round, "Me too, me too I want a dance" I took Jennifer's hand and we were making noise and turning round until she fell on my body and laughed as I enclosed her in a back hug, one by one all of us came down, "Ahhh... air air I need air I'm dying, you guys are looking so handsome, am I in heaven??" she started drooling, "I still don't feel safe letting you come" Jimin said to her, "Don't worry I'm going to be among your fans sitting down, I'll even come to talk to you guys during the fan talk, trust me it's all safe" she guaranteed, "Today is gonna be packed, there's celebrity gathering party after the fan interview" Jungkook said, "Hey can I come please!!" she started begging us, "I believe they can make an exception" I said, "Come on let's go" Suga said. "Am I riding with you guys today" "Down the Mountains yeah, but once we reach the city, we'll have to switch because reporters will be following us and so we don't want you to be seen, I can't put you in that danger you know and the baby" Namjoon Hyung touched her hair that she had stylishly brought to the front like a huge bun by the side and something in me jolted, I felt like removing his hand from her, "Taehyung calm down" I whispered, and caught Jennifer staring at me, our eyes met for a few seconds before she looked away, "I get the feeling Hyung" Jimin patted me on the shoulder,  "What do you mean" we turned around and left to the car, "I also love her, I get that look, like something keeps on drawing you, but let's face it, she's in love with leader Hyung, even others have given up, see Jin hyung, and I figured rather than ruin the friendship I have with her and make her uncomfortable with me, I'd bury my feelings, you should too, she's carrying your nephew" "I get that okay, you don't have to be worried" "But Hyung, you were the one who butted heads with her the most, I was expecting Suga Hyung to be the one who didn't give up but he accepted it, why did you fall for her" "I don't know, could be the effects of the drugs I guess?" Jimin laughed, "That was over a month ago Hyung" I sighed, "I don't know then, could it be when I kissed her or something, I just started feeling this way" "Hmm, her kiss has that effect a lot, but you should drop it, she doesn't have that kind of feeling for you okay, I think she's more comfortable with you as you are, because trust me, she hasn't looked up to anyone of us the way she looks up to you".

Next chapter