
chapter fifteen

He was wearing a hoodie sweater and facemask looking like he was thinking and lost, "Is there something wrong with him, could it be something I did yesterday because I can't remember" I rubbed her hair, "Jennifer you didn't do anything at all to him okay" "Then why is he like this" I didn't want to tell her but remembering how angry she was when we hid something from her I told her, "He's worried about your safety" "Why would he be worried about it, I'm perfectly safe here and I can take care of myself" "Its just, with Stephen Lee running around loose we don't know when something might happen" "Him being the villain of the story?" she nodded, "When I created this book I didn't create villains, so what's with the change" she said thinking, "Well the book changed of course, if you suddenly had a blood that's attractive and you didn't programmed it like that then surely things are bound to change too" we turned around and saw Jhope and Jin coming downstairs yawning, "you guys are up early " Jennifer said, "Try sleeping with a newborn baby in the house, you wouldn't be able to sleep" Jin said and came to us, "What about you guys, is it the baby??" he looked outside and opened his mouth and a known grin appearing on his eyes, "I think I know, it's certainly better than a crying baby " Jennifer hit his shoulder, "Jhope Oppa " she hugged him, "Oof early morning breath" she smiled and said again, "Let me guess cooking??" "It's Jin hyung turn today and Taehyung Hyung" "Weeh" she rejoiced, "don't be too happy, I'll make it very bitter " I teased and she punched my stomach, "Try it and see " she threatened, "Do you want to go talk to him?" Jin whispered in her ear, "No, don't let me disturb him" she brought out her phone and gave a shot at him, "You took his picture??" Jhope said and she nodded non chalantly, I moved closer to see her AI gallery and it had all of us there, everything, "You take our picture too??" I said, "Hey what are you looking at" she moved away, it was even now I noticed what she was actually wearing, she was wearing a bunny jumpsuit, with long ears and it was white in colour, she looked cute and homely, starting to cook, I was focused as Jin was doing other things too, Soon enough food was ready and served and everyone was coming downstairs, we soon sat at the table eating, Namjoon came last and sat down, "Hmm this makes sense!" Jennifer nodded and looked like a cute stuffed toy behind the table,"Hey what's with the outfit today you look like a stuffed animal " Jimin said and laughed, "Leave her, she's trying out all Korea outfit at least" Callistus said, I rubbed her head and she glared at me with the pouty lip that had stuffed dumpling inside, looking like an adorable little bun, I took a wipe and cleaned her mouth, "Be careful and lick your lips" she grinned and licked her lips seductively, and I gulped and pushed her forehead away, "It's Jin Oppa you should be cleaning his mouth, he always cleans some Random place instead" we laughed remembering that episode and time, "Hey it's not like it's my fault, it's part of my charm" he grinned, RM grabbed his face and cleaned his mouth, "Yes Yes" she nodded and laughed.

After breakfast I went out to walk around when I saw a werewolf scanning the area, I moved closer and he morphed back into a human, and bowed, "What did you find out?" I asked, the werewolf was a guy named Kim Sam, "Nothing as of now, there has been no news yet, it's seems they are lying low for the time being, after the attack their number has reduced greatly " "Keep an eye out especially around Jennifer " he bowed and left just before Jennifer ran to me, "Oppa what are you doing here?" she held my arm, "Enjoying the view" "Definetly, it's a work of art, I could just paint it" Rubbing her hair I asked her, "Do you wanna play Truth or dare?? just the both of us?" she nodded enthusiastically, "Sure, I like it, let's go inside " we went in and sat down at the table, looking at everyone busy doing their own things, I turned and looked at Jennifer who was already looking at me with doe eyes and a sweet smile, my breath hitched but I regained my composure again, "Truth or dare??" I whispered "Dare infact I want it all dare" she responded, "I dare you to scare Jin hyung Right now, he must be really scared " "It's very easy, Jin Oppa is very easily scared" she got down from the chair and tip toed to where Jin hyung was, that was when I saw the fluffy tail behind her too, "Indeed a bunny " I whispered and smiled, I saw her enter under the table where Jin was sitting and slowly poked his legs, sitting down and making a very scary face, when Jin noticed something was off he looked down and screamed falling off the chair, "Argh!!" everyone turned around to look and laughed, Jennifer came out from under the table smiling with her butt in the air, I laughed, "Hey, scary bunny if I get you" Jin pointed at her and held his heart again, Suga was smiling, "baby girl what are you doing?" "Just.. finding trouble" she skipped back to her seat giggling, RM smiled and went back to what he was doing and Callistus, lee dong wook, lee Joon Gi and Callista continued the board game they were playing, "Oppa how was it, I did well right" I nodded, "But this one will be harder" "What's that?" she sat up, "I want you to scare them that they scream " I pointed at Callista and Callistus, lee Joon Gi and Lee dong wook, "It's actually easy, As they are so engrossed in the game they won't know what hit them" she escaped again and went towards their side, hiding at the back of Callista's seat, I saw at some point RM was watching her, he looked at me and winked and I smiled, they still didn't notice, Jennifer looked at me and gave me an okay sign, then counted with her thumb, one, two, three "Argh!!!" she stood up and shouted at them in the table, "Arghhhh!!" the impact made them scream too and me and RM burst out laughing, even Jhope, Suga and Jimin was scared too, "Hey!!" lee Joon Gi shouted and Jennifer started running around laughing while Callista started chasing her around, their board game scattered Callistus joined in the chase and very soon they started beating her up while we all laughed till we cracked, "She seems lively today" Jhope said, Jennifer later came back all happy and tired from the beating, "If you come near me again I'll lock you up" lee dong wook said and they started the game again, Jennifer looked at me with starry eyes, "Is there more??" she grinned, A wicked idea suddenly came to mind, "I want to make Namjoon Hyung shocked, not scared, shocked" she thought for a while then smiled and hopped over to where Namjoon Hyung was sitting, I watched to see what would happen, she sat down and just looked at him, propelling her head with her hand, "What are you doing here sweetheart, did you come to scare me too??" she shook her head, "I came to make you shocked" he shook his head, "Oh" I saw her bite her lip as her hand gently rested on his little brother and moved and Namjoon jerked, opened his mouth and slammed the table breaking it into two, even me almost fainted from what my eyes saw, Jennifer laughed stood up and danced, "I win I win I win" Namjoon face was flushed and I was even more shocked than him because I didn't expect that to happen, everyone looked up, "Okay, I think I really wanna know what's going on" Jungkook closed his book and looked up, Suga was already eager and others too, ",D..don't worry nothing to concern yourself about, we're just playing around " "Jennifer!" Namjoon shouted, I saw his stuff already hard, "Playing around to make Namjoon so shocked?? little kitten tell me what you did" Jin hyung asked but I and Namjoon shouted at once, "No!" everyone looked at the way we shouted and started suspecting, Jennifer came back to the chair and crashed, "What next again?" "Make Jungkook cry" she raced again, this time everyone was looking and waiting to see what she would do, she sat and face Jungkook and started talking about something, then I saw Jungkook eyes watery as he began to sniff, "No no no you must tell me what you did " I said standing up, "Oh man, this girl is crazy" Jhope said, "Little Kitten, tell us what you told him" Suga asked, "Nothing I just told him to imagine that there was no snacks, no banana milk or bread In this world again" "aarhh!" I laughed, "Jennie you're cruel" Jungkook said, "Okay don't cry anymore it can never happen okay, anybody that tries to do that I'll kill them for you okay" she patted his back as she hugged him.

"I got another one, make Jimin laugh out loud, like real hard" she went to Jimin and bounced on the chair, this game was even interesting than I thought, she whispered something into his ear which he replied and she said another thing and he burst out laughing hard holding his stomach and almost cracking, "Hey what did you tell him" Hwang inyeop asked, "Jimin shi tell us what she told you " Jin asked, "She said, she said, what do I normally do when I'm sad and I told her I feel down for the rest of the day" he laughed again, "Is that it??" Callista asked, "No she told me anytime I'm sad again, I should imagine my father twerk- twerking " he laughed again, and this time all of us shouted "What" and started laughing too, "Hey little kitten, you really have a sense of humour" Jhope said, "Jennifer make Taehyung smile" Suga said, "Ah it's easy" she stood up and looked up at me, then she winked the way I normally winked on stage by opening her mouth and closing one eye before smiling and I smiled from the way she mimicked it perfectly, "So you can mimic the smile huh?" Jhope said laughing, "She got it right of course" Callistus said, "Not just that I can imitate Jungkook " she said and cleared her throat, then said, "Raaaaappp monster" "Hahahaha, no no, she got it perfectly" Jungkook clapped, "Hey, you watched that episode??" Jin asked, "Sure, I loved the look and laugh of all of you" she said, RM laughed, "You're good" but his voice sounded more like vengeance.

"Make Suga uhm... blush, this is gonna be hard!" Jin said and laughed, "Ptcheww, easy, Yoongi marry me!" she made a show of marriage proposal and Suga blushed instantly before even laughing, same with all of us" This girl was good .

Jhope's POV

I stood up and got a bottle of water from the fridge as jennifer carried Min hyun as she made funny faces at him, he was growing real fast, "Give him to me" I asked, "No way, I want to spend sometime with him" she stuck her toungue at me, "Should we go out on a drive around the city??" Hwang inyeop said, the house phone rang and I tensed again, it cut and rang and rang again, "Isn't anyone gonna get that?? might be work?" no one said Anything? "Oh is BTS still recieving unknown random calls??" "Yep" I stared at Jungkook, he was the one most traumatized by phone calls, carrying the child jennifer picked the call and waited not saying anything, "Hey bitch" we all looked up immediately, that was some attitude, "Yeah, the next time you bother them again, it will be me and you, get a life jackass or better still let me give you one, try calling again, I'll slice you to pieces get that?" she hung up, and the calls end, "I think they got the message didn't they?" she looked proud of herself and I actually burst out laughing, all of us too, Indeed no one had an attitude like Jennifer when she was being protective, "I'd hate to get on your bad side" lee dong wook said, "Too bad I'm gonna miss you" "Miss me?? Are you going somewhere??" "We are? Hwang inyeop has some movie to shoot along with me and Lee Joon Gi and angel boy (referring to Ahn hyoseop) has some promotional business abroad" lee dong wook said, "I'm guessing you already discussed this with Callista?" lee Joon Gi nodded, "I think it was more than talking " Callistus said, "Shut up"Callista said, "And I'm the last to know as usual,I'll miss you all, group hug!" she said and I jumped up, "Not you sunshine, only them" she said and everyone laughed, "Technically everyone knows, it's all over the internet " "She would have known if she wasn't just buried writing those books she's writing" "You write??" Namjoon asked, I was even surprised, " of course, who made this one here? its art, imagine a world without the beauty of art" she kissed Min hyun's cheek, "Can I read please??" I begged, "Yeah me too, I'm eager to know what you wrote" Jungkook said and Jin nodded, "No, it's not for children" "What??" all of us shouted, who was the child here, "That's what she always says don't take it to heart, but it's really not for kids, I have seen it before" Callistus said, she rolled her eyes, "Are we still going on a drive??" I nodded, "We'll use the opportunity and leave with them" Taehyung said, "Let me get Min hyun and myself ready " she raced upstairs and I smiled, "Sometimes I wonder who's the mother of Min hyun" Suga laughed and said, "Don't blame her, she loves kids" Callista said.

Soon enough we were ready, I dressed casually, wearing just black trousers with an oversized red hoodie, Jennifer cane down with Min hyun all dressed to the neck wearing exactly what Jennifer was wearing but that wasn't the surprising thing but the fact that we were wearing the same thing, "What the hell" Callistus laughed, everyone stared in surprise, Jennifer was wearing a pair of black mini skirt and a red sweater with a pair of black leather knee boots and she dressed Min hyun in a red sweater and back shoes and black trousers, someone whistled, "Hey I didn't really know, I just decided on this outfit cus I liked it" I actually liked it deep down, everyone looked at RM and began laughing at his expression, "It's actually great" he said, "Come on let's go" Ahn hyoseop said, Jennifer passed me, "Hobi, come on" I nodded and she held my hand, we got into the van and agree seeing others to the company, we drove off, "Do you want us to get down at least" Jimin asked Jennifer who removed her face from the window, "I'm actually okay just looking around but it's up to you guys, you're the famous ones" "I know a place where we won't be disturbed " Suga said and whispered to Jin, and then he told RM something and he turned the car around until we around at a grassland with a large body of water, Jennifer got down immediately, I saw Suga got the camera out, "Wonderful, you came prepared" I said, "Of course, expect surprises from her" he got down swiftly, "Wow this is awesome, as expected, you know the best place, Min hyun look" she carries the baby moving round, I moved to Jin, " Jin hyun, what are you looking at" " those fishes, I'm hungry " I laughed, "As expected of foodie, ask Jungkook, he must have surely brought food, even though it's carrots " we looked at Jungkook who was secretly nibbling on a carrot and we laughed again, "Hey hey don't go there " RM said to Callistus, "As expected of world greatest leader" Callistus said, "Of course, he's like our daddy" I held RM and looked up at him starry eyed and he hit my forehead, "Who are you looking at like that?" " my daddy of course" "Oh you brought camera, quick take a picture of us" Callista ran to Jennifer as they posed for the camera, Jennifer stood like Jimin and we all laughed, "Hey Hey not funny" Jimin said "But it is" she laughed, "Suga Oppa come this side" we watched what she was doing, "my eye is twitching, expect something funny" Jin said as he came beside me, she pointed at the river, "Naigara Po Po!" she shouted and we all laughed this time, even Suga laughed with the camera, "Well done!" Taehyung said and started chasing her around as she ran, "But Oppa that was what you said" Even Min hyun was laughing, I held my tummy in laughter, Jennifer ran to my side and held me laughing, "Guys I'm hungry let's go somewhere else" "I know a restaurant we won't be disturbed" RM said and we all boarded the bus again, Jennifer held Callista's hand, "I know you miss him but he will be back okay" she nodded, and wanted to carry Min hyun, "No let me hold him for a little while longer, I love how we look together" she held my hand and kissed my cheek, "You look exceptionally handsome today" she whispered, and I blushed, "I could say the same about you" my eyes scanned her outfit again and smiled, "Why thank you, come on" she held my arm and we entered the bus, after driving to a rundown restaurant that was run by locals it made sense, we ordered dishes and no sooner we began to consume them, jennifer had to pass Min hyun to Callista for her to feed while she ate less, "Aren't you eating?" I whispered, "I Don't really have an appetite, watching you guys eat is enough for me" she dropped some food to my bowl, I smiled at her thoughtfulness and she did the same to Jimin, "Grow more taller" she said, and he smiled at her, she ate a few more and dropped her spoon, "I'm full" "You barely touched your food" Taehyung said, " are you full from my face??" Jin joked, "Of course, world wide handsome makes me full , but I'm really full let's walk it off" "I agree with that, come on I know just the place" I gave her my hand and she stood up locking her fingers with mine "This is awesome, Korea is always wonderful at night, in movies the male lead and female lead would always buy snacks from vendors like this and there will be one up beat music playing in the background in slow-mo" "You always see everything as movies" Taehyung said, "You're one to talk, didn't you star in hwarang??" "What's slow-mo?" Jimin asked, "I think its slow motion right?" Namjoon said, "You got that right baby" "You wanna have the snack vendors??" Suga asked pointing at one, "Nah, let's go" on our way back to the car as Suga, Jungkook and Jennifer was arguing about something, some group of people came and began to fight us, they seemed human so we knew it was largely anti fans, "Girls go into the vehicle" Suga was protecting Callista when someone came with a gun and tried shooting him, "Yoongi Oppa no!" Jennifer ran to the front and hugged him and it hit her shoulder, the shock written on my face as the intruders drove off and we all rushed to Jennifer, tears formed in Suga's eyes, "Hey what did you think you were doing blocking that bullet for me" "If I didn't you would have died and I'm not letting that happen, you all came out cus of me , god this stings " "Call 911" Jin said, "No we'll get there better if we drive" RM quickly rushed to the car, "Jennifer are you okay??" Callista asked, "of course she isn't, she's shot, like in movies" Callistus said, "She losing a lot of blood, turn her over" I said, her cloth was stained with blood, "We have one problem though guys, if we go to the hospital this will go to the headline news " Jimin said, "Let's go home, I have an idea" Taehyung said, Jungkook carried jennifer immediately and we drove home straight. "Baby don't sleep, keep her awake you hear?" RM Shouted and I patted her face, "I'm thirsty" she whispered, "Hold on we'll be home soon" "Home?? that's better it's too big a risk for you guys" we quickly arrived home as Jungkook carried her, sitting down she rested on me as they all looked at the gunshot at her back.

Taehyung's POV

We were quite experienced in this things from the army, so propelling Jennifer upward as she rested on Jhope, I brought the first aid box, "give us space", Suga held her hand and RM held the other, "Jimin pass me the antiseptic, Jhope keep her awake" "Hey Hey my love don't sleep okay" RM said, I tore Jennifer's clothes open revealing the wound, "Luckily it's not that deep, this may hurt Jennifer " I pushed my hand into the wound deep as she groaned, "Ahh, it hurts" she squeezed both Suga and Namjoon's hand, until I brought out the bullet, "Bandages!" Jimin passed them to me and I cleaned the blood, "When I find out who did this I'll kill them" Jin said, Jimin passed me the alcohol bottle and I poured it on her wound, and she cried, tears staining Jhope's clothes, he patted her, "Is it finished yet?" she asked, "No" I said, "She's gonna be okay right" Jungkook asked and I sighed, but didn't say anything, I stitched the wound up, "Next time you see a bullet you run away" RM reprimanded her, "And leave you guys to die, any army would have done what I did international and likewise" "You-, but still have you forgotten we are supernatural??" I said this time, "Oops I forgot, just natural instincts" I sighed, this girl, "Next time don't try it again" RM said, "Yes daddy" she made a salute sign and groaned, "Don't move your arm you're still hurt" Jhope said, I looked at Jennifer in the eyes immediately, "Right now you're going to fall into a deep sleep" she closed her eyes and slept immediately, "Hey why did you do that, you never ever use compulsion" Jimin asked, "She lost a lot of blood, and needs rest that's why" "It's still surprising how she jumped in front of that gun for me, no one has ever laid down their life like that for me" Suga Said, Jungkook gently lifted Jennifer, "I'm taking her to bed, she needs to rest today has been one hell of a day" he walked upstairs and left, I sighed and stood up to go wash the blood off when RM stopped me, "Thank you, I know how hard you fought in front of her blood" "It's okay Namjoon Hyung, I would never hurt her no matter what" he smiled and nodded then I went away, to shower, after washing I quickly crashed on my bed and slept off out of exhaustion, I didn't know how long I slept off but I felt something under my blanket, switching on the bedside lamp when I saw Jennifer on my bed, I nearly fell off when she snuggled closer to me, "How did you get in here?" "Oppa,I don't want to sleep alone your room was the first thing I thought of, let me stay with you, I have nightmares" she already slept off before I could say anything, I held my head with one hand at stared at her sleeping, I smiled, "Bold girl, aren't you scared I'll try something" I thought, I switched off the bedside lamp and went to sleep, Jennifer cozied up to me and I fell asleep, the sun rays plus the gasps I heared was what woke me up, Jimin and Jin was in the room, "Shh, you'll wake her up" I said and rolled out of bed, "Did you carry her in here??" Jimin whispered, "No she crawled in in the middle of the night" I said and pushed them out as I closed the door, Jin just stared, "Why didn't she come into my room instead" he muttered, " good question ask her that when she wakes up" I said and went downstairs, "Good morning everyone" Jhope said , "We should go check on Jennifer" RM said, and wanted to go, "She's in Taehyung's room" Jimin smiled and said and everyone stopped, "What is she doing in your room?".

Next chapter