
chapter Ten

Dragging my blood stained body and torn clothes towards Callista I found out she was still breathing, bodies splattered round, I found out in this story i was really strong, just before passing out I smiled, I didn't know how long I had lain there but I felt my body being moved before I opened my eyes, RM and JK was holding me up as they looked around with shock, "Guys she's awake!" Suga took off his jacket as they passed it to me, I tried to raise up, but was held down," don't move you have lost a lot of blood" Jin said, "Tell me what happened" JK used the jacket to cover my almost naked body, "Some people attacked and I killed them all" "D.. did they touch you?" "Almost" Jungkook carried me up immediately to the room, "Taehyung I need you" "Check on Callista" I whispered, "Don't worry baby, lee Joon Gi  has her already they are okay" I was placed on soft and comfy bed and I groaned because of the slash on my back, they all followed me inside with V taking the lead, "you'll be okay alright, the people who did this won't get away with it" Jin swore, "What were you thinking beating them like that, you could have died" Jhope said gently, "And have them defile me? no thank you" RM stood up immediately and V came behind me, holding me up to his chest, others came in, "Jennifer are you okay? how is she doing " lee dong wook asked, "Is she stable" Hwang inyeop said, "thanks for the care guys" "Alright let's go less crowding please" RM chased them all away, JK kissed my cheek before saying, "You'll be okay alright " he them left closing the door behind him, remaining me and V, "So I guess it's just you and me now" I said, "What you did was brave but also stupid, but nevertheless brave" he smiled and then bit his wrist and pressed it to my mouth, "Drink it will help you relax and heal" the blood was awful and sweet at the same time and I forced myself to have some, when he was done he laid me down on the bed, and touched my head, "You'll be fine" then his eyes went to my neck, and darkened, "What's this, hickey?? you want attention huh?" he said and stood up straight his aura darkening as he left the room, a few seconds later Jhope and Suga came in together, "How do you feel?" Jhope asked, "Taehyung wasn't mean to you was he? don't cover for him" Suga asked as Jhope sat beside me and he stood up, "no he wasn't, he gave me his blood and told me I'll be fine" I was feeling woozy indeed but more better but very weak, ",Don't worry when you're okay, I'll cook you the best dish ever" Jhope said as he wiped My sweat with a handkerchief, then he stopped at my neck again, "What's this on your neck?? who did this?" even Suga's face was concorted in a mask of anger and disapproval, "Th.. That werewolf when he tried to force himself on me, he said I smelt sweet" I said innocently, "This had better be a prank Jennifer" Suga said quietly but I was still able to hear it, "Is anything the matter guys" Jhope now smiled, " nothing okay, go to sleep I'll take care of This " with that he kissed my forehead and left quickly with Suga, I barely closed my eye when the door banged open again and Jin came in full of anger, he say beside my bed, looking at the kiss and bite mark on my neck, "Guys come on it's just a hickey" I said slowly, "Jennifer who touched you" he said slowly, "That werewolf but he's dead now" " I'll surely pay him back for touching what's mine" he said then kissed my hand and left, "What's with the boys now, who knows maybe JK, Jimin or Namjoon will be next" as i was thinking, I felt a shadow in the room, saying "Those had better not be hickeys" Jimin, still I didn't say anything, "If only armies knew how protective their biases are, they'd be thrilled " I thought, JK came in next as Jimin was standing above my bed, I already had a sleepy eye, "Who dares to mark what's mine" JK rubbed a hand over my head And kissed my forehead but I was too drowsy to think about anything, "Do you think we should stop them?" "No I'm joining them, no one lays a hand on what's mine" they left after this, I didn't hear anyone after this and then I slept off, and had a nightmare where I was actually bitten by a werewolf and killed BTS, "No!" I shouted and grabbed onto the nearest thing, "It's okay, it's alright , you're okay, it's a nightmare" I opened my eyes slowly, "Namjoon is that you?" he nodded, "You're here about the hickey too aren't you?" "That and you" I heared you moaning, so I came to check if you were actually having it in your dream" I raised up and thew him a pillow, "Bad boy" then on impulse I gagged and vomitted red blood, "As expected your body is refusing it" I felt awful, "refusing what?" I said and wiped my mouth clean, "Vampire blood, after doing it's work it can't stay in your system again so it removes it" he passed me a bottle of water which I drank, and went back to lie down, then I noticed him all bloodied and messed up, "You guys went to exact revenge didn't you!!" he nodded simply, "Argh, I didn't ask you to" "But we did anyways, because we care" he sat down in the floor looking at me, I turned to look at him, "As much as I'm mad, thank you" "You're welcome" "You're not possibly thinking of staying there all night long are you? That's creepy cone to my bed" "You want me on your bed?" "don't think anything it's just for you to rest so you don't get a stiff neck or back or something" he smiled and came to my bed so I shifted for him, "Good night Oppa" I closed my eyes, "Good night"

Jungkook's POV

             I was lying down on my bed pressing my phone when my door opened, That sweet scent filled my nostrils, "Oppa, I'm bored" "Really?" I stood up and went to her trapping her against the door, she looked up defiantly at me, "come to collect on your end of the deal?" she teased me, "I never knew you could be so naughty, what else do you want tell me, I'll give you anything just untill our days pass" I touched her hair, she wrapped her hand around my neck, "I want you right now, your end of the deal" I lifted her up, while she wrapped her legs in a bind around my waist as I carried her off to my bed, she moved to my ear and began to kiss it and lick it while I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation it was giving me, I bent my head lower and kissed her neck, "Don't tell me you want to give me a hickey?" "Can't I?" I looked at her and she kissed me, touching the hairs in her hands she felt good, until she grunted, "Uh.. Oppa Jungkook, your uh.. it's poking me on my stomach"  I looked down and grinned, "Want it in you??" this time it was her face that turned red, and she coughed, " I didn't know you knew how to blush" I stood up from her, "I'm not blushing " she straightened her dress and sat up, then she kissed my ears again and then my neck, "You on the other hand, not so much, go do your stuff" I stood up smiling and moved to the bathroom when I turned back and said, "Any of my brothers who finally gets you in the end will be very Lucky to have you"  with that I went in to fix my jean, when I heared my door opened and Jin came in, "Hey, jennifer What are you doing here?" "I'm bored" "You should have come to my room then" "Not a chance" I said as I came out of the bathroom, after splashing water over my face and hair, jennifer came up to me with a towel and I grabbed her by the waist and said, "Help me sweetheart" " uh.. Jin Oppa if you guys aren't too busy I know a Nigerian game we can play " "another Nigerian game??" Jin and I said, " yeah Go get everyone "Jin left immediately obviously excited, I drew jennifer closer but she didn't blush or shy away like the way Korean girls do, which made me like her even more, she was bold, "How exciting is this game gonna be" she looked me in the eye, "Depends on you, but it's really interesting" "Hmm, well I know it can't be as exciting as you" I kissed her lips and raked my hand in her hair.

We left to the sitting room where everyone was eagerly waiting, "Okay what's the game this time" Namjoon asked, "Is it going to be as exciting as name name name??" Hwang inyeop asked, "Even better" she said and took out a long piece of cloth, "First of all let's choose numbers them I'll explain how the game works" "I'll be one" "Me two" "Me three" "Okay, Namjoon 1, Jin 2, Taehyung 3, lee Joon Gi 4, lee dong wook 5, suga 6, jhope 7, Callista 8, JK 9, Hwang inyeop 10, Jimin 11, Ahn hyoseop 12, and I'll be last, okay, remember your numbers, the game is like this, it's called "Puppy" and the person will be blindfolded while others will hide for the person to find them" "Ohh, puppy!" Jhope said and clapped, "I love this game, I bet none of you will be able to ever find me" Jin boasted, "Ah, see you, your feet is the loudest hyung, I'll surely hear you"Jimin said, we started pointing out errors and laughing, when I nudged Jennifer, she looked at me and I winked, she smiled looked away then looked back again and blew me a kiss in secret, "I'd prefer If it was physical though" I whispered to her and she rolled her eyes, "In your dreams". she stood up, "Now everyone, if there's anything you want to do now, do it or when it starts you'll never go anywhere without being caught" I went to the fridge to drink water, while they went their own ways, when the game started jennifer told us that we can make some noises but we must not get caught or we'll fail, Whoever gets caught regardless of number, will be the next to be blindfolded" Namjoon was suddenly wishing he wasn't the first one but anyways he was the first.

short POV between Namjoon and Jennifer:

When everyone immediately scampered around, hiding till no one was seen, Jennifer turned around and met my eyes, coming closer she said, " bend a little you're too tall for me" I smirked, "You know, I know many things I could do with you and a blindfold" "Stop messing around Oppa "she put the blindfold over my eyes and began tying it, "No more Namjoon Oppa huh?? have I graduated?" "Stay Still " after she finished tying it, just before she left it I dragged her by the waist and kissed her deeply as she struggled against me hitting my chest, but i didn't let her go until she stopped moving and i pried her mouth open tasting her sweetness and our toungues collided making me go crazy, I released her just before I ran out of control and she stepped on my foot before running away, hearing those feets brought a smile to my face.

Jungkook's POV continuation

           Jennifer came to hide where i was and I smiled, I started staring at her with my hand under my face "Stop staring at me like that" I grinned, "Can't help it" "Aren't you shy??" "Well being in the army changed that " "Yeah I saw that, you guys made a glorious comeback too, the whole earth was shaking " "Shh" I put my hand to her lip that was when we heared screaming that Jin was caught, the game was so fun and it was lively with screaming and running around, Jennifer was the one that caught most of us because she was experienced and she told us not to use our powers it's cheating "

that evening, we were preparing for the dinner date, all of us dressed up in suits waiting for jennifer, the moment she came down dressed like boy from head to toe all of us shook our heads, "You're not going in that, we all picked one outfit for you in advance, come and try them all out and see if it fits" I said, "Yeah go play dress up for our eyes" lee Joon Gi said and Hwang inyeop, Ahn hyoseop and Lee dong wook supported him, I gave her a cloth to go and check out and she sluggishly took the cloth and shoe and went upstairs, a few minutes later she came down wearing the cloth i gave her to try out, "wow! beautiful but not too good for a dinner date, this should be summer clothes" Hwang inyeop said and all of us agreed with it, Suga then gave her his cloth and shoes and she went up and tried them, coming down a few minutes later, "Uh.. nice but it's too seductive, you need to cover up more" he said, "Really, I like it though " she said, "No it's too revealing, we don't want men looking at you, see your laps, it's too curvy" I said firmly, she sulked and took the cloth from Jhope and ran upstairs, few minutes later, she came down with a frown on her face, "How is this?" she turned around. "This is nice" jhope said, "no look her chest is showing" Taehyung used his hand to demonstrate how big her breast were and her figure beneath the mini skirt, "we vote against it" lee Joon gi and Ahn hyoseop laughed, "I'm enjoying it though" Hwang inyeop said. Taking Taehyung's and Jin's own she went up and came down a few minutes later wearing Taehyung's own and we voted against it "You look like a high schooler" Ahn hyoseop said, "yep exactly" Callista said, it was no difference from Jhope's own, she even looked like a sexy doll, she wore Jin's own and we cancelled it before she even came down, guess the dress? A crop sweater and white mini skirt, "no difference from jhope's own, she even looked like a sexy doll, she wore Jin's own and we cancelled it before she even came down, guess the dress?

A white crop sweater with white mini skirt, "nope not all all", even though Jin said he liked it. It was Jimin's turn and although it was classy and elegant it was too showy and thinly material and the weather tonight was chilly, even though it stopped snowing, finally Namjoon passed his over, "I trust leader Hyung very well" "That doesn't mean I'm not keeping all those clothes with me, I love all them all" she ran upstairs to change, few minutes later she still hasn't come down, a full 10 minutes passed before we heared the clacking of heels on the floor, we all looked and saw jennifer beautifully dressed up, as she combed her hair down and divided it into side parting with only a simple lip gloss and nothing else

now guess the outfit Namjoon picked for her, it was a white body hug gown stopping at her tighs but had an overall white coat that ended at her knees and a pair of white ankle knee heel boots. "yep good enough to combat the cold but classy and elegant, it accentuated all her curve in the right proportion, and stopped at her thighs revealing thick thighs like chocolate and the jacket she was was really Classy with a bag, "Wow, Hyung made the right choice" we complimented, "Indeed he did, this has been quite appetizing" lee dong wook said and stood up.

Callista came out just as we were entering the car, and hugged Jennifer.

Jimin's POV

        I sat down beside jennifer in the car, loving the smell of her perfume, "What should we chose classical restaurant or book a VIP room??" Namjoon asked, "It's jennifer that should answer that " Taehyung said, "No, let's go for VIP " "I knew it, you sure love the taste of power and money" Taehyung was rather cruel with that word, "Excuse me?? what do you mean just now, I'm trying to be considerate of all of you and your images in the public! you think i don't know what I'm doing?! if you don't mind eating with thousands of people staring at you and making the headline news tomorrow be my guest!" "Tae, it's not funny really, apologize " Namjoon said, "It's okay, I don't want his apology, I just lost my appetite " I held her hand, and she looked at me, "It's okay " I mouthed, and she smiled, Taehyung was rather sarcastic though I understood that he was just in a bad mood since yesterday, "Don't mind him Jennie, he's in a bad mood, that's why he's cranky" "Cranky? it's not like he's on his period?" I laughed, "Hey who are you calling a woman?" Taehyung shouted,  "you obviously!! stop being in a bad mood if you don't want me to call you a woman, see it's even on my phone, see all your pictures as a girl!" she waved the phone in his face, as he struggled to get it, she laughed, "Hey delete it! delete it!" "make me! hahahaha " she laughed, very soon the car stopped us and we all put on our mask except jennifer, we made sure to style our hair a lot more different than what you would expect, it was all long this time, with our body guards few feets behind us we made our way to the restaurant, it was a classy and expensive restaurant, once we entered everyone's eyes shifted to us, though we were unrecognizable, their attention was still on us and Jennifer too, being in our middle, with she and Taehyung bickering like a child and the only one wearing white in the mist of seven suit men, it drew some attractions, "Jennie will you be comfortable staying here alone, we just need to make some inquiries and stuff like that " "Yeah yeah sure go, I'll just sit here " I guided her to a seat as she sat down, "Don't go anywhere okay, the bodyguard are within range so you're safe okay" we all left.

A few minutes later when I went downstairs to call her upstairs I saw Taehyung's hand hugging her lower back and talking to a boy who had his phone drawn out, "Miss can I ask for your number? I really like you" Taehyung was glaring at him as Jennifer said nothing, "I said this girl is mine" Taehyung said those same words again, " but i saw you too arguing just now, you certainly can't be together, beautiful miss please give me your number" Taehyung was seconds away snapping when I came forward and held Jennifer's hand, "No, come on let's go " she nodded and followed me as Taehyung followed behind us, once we entered the elevator, jennifer kissed my cheek, "You're the best ever!" then she turned to Taehyung and also kissed his cheek too, "Hey, who gave you permission to do that?!" "Myself, you're the best, I loved your aura, he was like give me your number and you were like she's mine, ahhh, I love you Taehyung Oppa and you too Jimin Oppa" she held both of our arms and Taehyung tried to wrestle free but one thing about jennifer was she had a really strong grip" I rubbed her hair intimately, and Taehyung sighed, "At least stop attracting attention anyhow, it's the one thing you're good at" "How is it my fault that they can't resist this body, so you do care, and here i thought you were a girl" "I said stop-" "Alright alright I know I know" the elevator opened and we arrived at our floor.

everyone was waiting and we began to eat, even making a toast but we absolutely forbidded Jennifer from drinking wine or anything alcohol,  "hey it's not fair, next let's have a drinking competition tomorrow night, I can't wait to beat all of you" "Sure sure then it's a bet" Jin said, "Don't bully my one week girlfriend Hyung" JK beat Jin in the leg and they all laughed.

short interval of Jennifer's POV

               As they were talking bills I was playing with my phone when two guys came up to me, they started Talking to me and gesturing with their phone, "Oh my phone number?" I asked and they nodded "Ahh, biyanea, but I have a boyfriend" they didn't understand, "Namjachingu" ahh, they shook their head and gave me their phone again when someone snatched it away, I turned and saw Namjoon, "Hey love" he looked at me tenderly and then looked at them his aura changing completely.



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