
chapter five

Jhope's POV



                    Namjoon came out of the pool breathing hard and smoking hot, " Namjoon are you okay" I asked as I got out of the pool dripping with water, " huh. I'm okay, just haywire right now, I need some action " "should we all go underground after our concert??" he raised up and as if thinking then hesitating he said, "Sure" " hey guys we're going underground for some action soon okay".

I woke up the next day all energized and strong, then I stretched my body and removed my shirt and morphed slowly into a werewolf stretching my body, bones claws and exercising alpharic power, then I changed back to human all naked, and stood in front of the mirror, my eyes glowing red, a sign of alpha.

I went to shower and get changed then as I came out of the room I saw Jennifer all dressed and ready but looking over hanged, I laughed out loud, and she glared at me, "if you continue laughing I'll kill you" I touched my heart in a mock show fashion of heartbreak, "Kill your bias?? that's really cruel" "What's Cruel is to continue laughing at me " "But it's funny, wasted on just a shot of soju" "JHOPE!!!" Jennifer scream was nerve racking, "Come here!!" she started chasing me around as I ran round laughing, everyone outside started laughing at us, "You badass, if I get you ehh you're in hot soup!!" we chased each other for a few minutes when she fell down, "Jennie!" Jin and RM Shouted, "Ouch ouch ouch " she said looking at her palm, "See that's why you should never run, you-" I stopped and sniffed in the air, my wolf side coming to the surface, even v and Lee Joon Gi bared their fangs, all of us had a sudden urge for blood, "That's such a sweet smell" Taehyung said, "That smell is Jennifer's blood" Jungkook said as he reached Jennifer, "My blood?? what is wrong with my blood" I moved closer to her and swallowed back my killer instinct, "Your blood is sweet" I said plainly, Jin rolled his eyes at me, "Playful girl" Jin said and I giggled and Jennifer shot me a glare, "Just you wait, I'll still get you" " your blood is sweet yes, it's gives off this sweet scent that's hard, unresisting and strong" Callista came closer, " that sounds like a problem I'd like to avoid " she said and I rubbed her hair and scattered it around, "How's your head" she nodded , "I'll live" i pinched her cheek and all of a sudden received a fierce and deadly glare from someone and I saw lee Joon Gi staring at me like I was an enemy, "oh man, somebody's got to be careful or I'll end up getting my head cut off" I thought and Callista saw his glare and she held my arm, "Just this once, I don't know why he can't leave me alone, didn't he used to hate me?" she muttered, " don't worry you can use me anytime" "Aren't you a cute one" she said and smiled, Namjoon helped Jennifer up and covered the scratch with a gaze, "This will hold it for a while" "Wow I always see it in Korean movies didn't know I'd actually get to wear someday ". "You really live your life here like kdramas ?? Interesting " Ahn hyoseop smiled.

"Guys should we all go out later??" Callista asked, "Uh.. no, remember our concert tomorrow and for the rest of the week till weekend??" "Ahh" she sounded disappointed, " then can me and Jennifer go out when we return home?" "Well.. sure you can, we got no problem with that" Jungkook said, "Then tell us all the clubs that accept black people " "We don't know, we gotta go or we'll be late remember " they each got their bikes out again, " Hwang inyeop I'm riding with you" he nodded, "Jungkook, it's me and you today, please go really fast okay, Taehyung you'll be next"


Callista's POV (short)

After school that day I went to suga and sat down, he was on his phone "Suga?" "Yes baby what is it?" he looked up from his phone, "I need some money" I whispered, "how much?" he also whispered which took me aback, "You're not going to ask me what I'm using it for??" " nope, anything for you and Jennifer, you're my army after all, and friends,now tell me" I smiled and said, " I just need enough to bribe somebody " he giggled, "Let me guess you want to bribe the bouncer of a club so they can let you guys In?" I nodded, "Okay, wait here" he gave me his phone and stood up, and I held it waiting for him, few seconds later he cane back, This is a check, and also this card" I took the both and stared at the card which had series of Koreans written in it but I understood the letter BTS on it, but not what it's meant for "what's it for??" "Just show it to them when you get there okay, he looked at me directly In the eyes as if to say I must,  and he looked really handsome that I continued staring


"Okay okay, thank you so much, if only army knew that this is how you really are, they'd fawn some more" "And don't drink no matter what " I hugged him and stood up and left.

That evening after they left, all of them, Jennifer and I got ready, in other not to show any colour except for our face, I covered every later of my body, wearing a black short dress with long arms with black  hosts and heel I packed my hair in a ponytail, also wearing a face mask, I went to Jennifer's room, she was dressing in her walk Im closet, " when you're done meet me in the sitting room okay" "yeah" she said and I went out, few minutes later, she came out and you won't believe what stuck up Jennifer wore, really dressed to impress, she was wearing a Crimson gown with white designs too and it had an a line shape, stopping just short of her thighs, and was really free with little layers,and wearing white feathery leather boots and  her hair, she just let it to fall, wearing eyeliner for the first time and lipgloss, with bracelet and a star shaped necklace, "are you dressing to kill, with your killer shape don't you think the whole of Korea will be on fire?? see your boobs are big, your ass is so.." "I could say the same about you, who are you hiding from?" " trying not to get noticed" "Didn't Suga gave you a card, why hiding then" "Yeah that's true, give me a sec let me change" I went back and wore a pink mini skirt and a black off shoulder top, losing my hair down, I wore a pink beret and a pair of black ankle boots, "Now you're talking" Jennifer said, "I'm kinda nervous, a Korean club, aren't they racial??" "Yeah me too I'm nervous, but Suga gave us backup and well its once In a life time something, so let's go, at least one day Africans will know that they too can be accepted even In Korea" "come-on, we'll ride their bike" "They left their bikes at home?" " yeah, when RM took me home yesterday, I was watching how he drive it, i might be able to try a few moves" " then I can't wait, this all too movish, I'm excited " we went out and Jennifer got on the bike and I fit my head into the helmet and sat ready, then Jennifer actually started the engine and drive off, we went round till we saw an exclusive club with lots of fun, then Jennifer parked the bike, everyone turned  to stare at us and whisper, I got down first and removed the helmet, then Jennifer removed her and got down in a Tom boyish way, as we made our way people were talking and gasping more at jennifer, when I stared at her even I was moved, honestly she looked tempting, when we reached the door way, the bouncers stopped us, "Sorry blacks aren't allowed" he said it in kore but I just went with the flow like in movies, I took out the check and gave it to him, I saw the amount once when suga gave it to me but I didn't know how big of it it was since I had no idea how to calculate won, his eyes opened and when I took it as our cue to enter he stopped again, he thanked us for the money but still didn't allow us, I was getting fustrated, people were laughing at us already, then I took out the card which suga gave me but he wasn't looking.

Jennifer's POV

   I hadn't said anything out of courtesy but now I  was getting really angry, So I grabbed the card from Jennifer and grabbed the 6 foot bouncer by the trouser much to everyone's shock, "Take This Right now or you'll regret it" I said to him, he began to curse until he took a lot at the card and stopped, as if realizing something, he opened his eyes wide and made a call and then his attitude took a 180 degree turn, "This way" he led us in,

much to everyone's shock, it was dark with coloured light blowing around everywhere so people didn't really know what our skin colour was and it was a good thing, very Soon we began to blend in with the music, people started whispered about us and although Callista seemed worried, "There's no need to get worried, they can't do us anything, let's dance, bit first I'm really thirsty" "Let's go get something to drink that has no alcohol" we went to the bar and people started coming close to start conversation but we didn't talk, we saw a glass of water and took it and drank, though it tasted funny but since it was white it won't be wine"

After the first round of dance, my head started spinning again but i was still energized, so the moment I heared another song I stood up with Callista, "Money, they are playing money by Lisa" I didn't know what I was saying or doing again bit my mind raced back to when I used to take a shower In the bathroom and I'll be dancing, So I climbed up the stage and started dancing against a pole, as I shook twist and turn In a provocative way, people took out their phones to start videoing but I didn't know what I was doing, that water must have been alcohol, I twisted and turned then I started twerking, and moving till the song ended and everyone started clapping, "Are blacks like this??" " I heard they are Africans" "For African to have so great a body, they must be great and beautiful" "They must be like honey, see her skin, like black pearls " nausea swarm up to my throat and I rushed to the bathroom and threw up, on my way out, a group of guys ambushed me and started talking and touching me provocatively, " look if you don't want me getting angry step out of the way" "Her friend is fiesty, but I like it " someone dropped Callista on the floor as she had passed out, then they grabbed my ass and I grabbed the person's hand and twisted it and broke it, a gurgling scream followed, And they all ganged up on me, I was losing out as the alcohol was becoming more intoxicating and my throat was feeling burned, when someone was punched from behind, and then I turned and saw all my bias and the guys, I recognized them because I knew them even in my sleep, they were on mask and they all beat up the guys before they all left, Kim Namjoon and Jimin came up to me, Lee Joon Gi immediately carried a drunken Callista, I saw their eyes taking in my outfit, it was really seductive wasn't it, "Are you okay?? are you hurt??" Jimin asked me and I hugged him and began to cry, " those bastard I should have killed them" Namjoon cursed, "Namjoon don't I'm not injured" I cried, for the first time I wanted to be pampered, "they dare touch what's ours, they are lucky we are in a good mood" Taehyung said, "Come on, Hwang inyeop bring the bike home, we'll take them home" that was all my brain was able to process from what they were saying, I felt dizzy and thirsty, but Namjoon caught me immediately, "It's Okay I'm here, guys let's leave" Namjoon carried me up in his arms, I snuggled into his neck, inhaling his scent, " you're strong, I didn't believe I could ever be carried" I whispered, " you have a habit for saying things you can't say when you're drunk, you didn't even remember what happened the first time you got drunk" " huh" I mumbled, "RM.. why did you do it" he stopped, "If you liked me, why didn't he just come clean" "Here I'll take her" jin said and I was transferred to his hands, "Mr handsome " I mumbled, ʘ‿ʘ" you still got mouth to flirt even when you are drunk, I must congratulate you"  " Mr worldwide handsome, my Jinny, you are my baby boy " if only I knew what I were saying right now, I'd wish for the ground to open up and swallow me, " I'd take it as an invite to have you, if you continue this" " thirsty, I'm really thirsty" i said, I didn't know when we arrived home but something wet was pressed to my mouth and I drank it down immediately, after that I immediately fell asleep, but I felt I was being lifted and placed in something warm and comfy, and a wet object was pressed to my forehead, I grasped something and smiled turning around and dozing off.

I yawned stretching and turning to the side when I felt something hard and solid in my hands and a stick poking at my abdomen, I rubbed my hand around the hard object when I felt something off, I opened my eyes immediately and saw Jin staring at me with shock and his face was red but he was smiling, "argh..." I screamed and stood straight, "screaming early this morning, you have a lot of strength" "What are you doing her pervert" " pervert?? hey for your information, I tried to leave last night and you were the one who held me down and snuggled close, how could I go" I opened my eyes "Are you saying that you would have stayed even if I didn't hold you?? pervert there is no way I held you, you tried to take advantage of me, own up" I used the pillow to hit him and he dodged them all, "Hey if you knew what you said last night, you wouldn't even have that energy to play around" " i Don't care all i know is you were here and that thing was poking me" "Because it's needs comfort, and beside this is biologically normal" "Ahh" I shuddered and hit him again until he nearly fell from the bed and I tried to hold him back but fell down with him and the worst happened, I fell on top of him and our lips met in a spur of the moment, I stayed in that position with shock and so did he, until I regained myself and got up from him immediately, his face was flushed and so did mine, "What. just happened" I asked, wait isn't this supposed to happen only in movies, like business proposal?? I thought, "You kissed me, my first kiss you took it!" he shouted and I covered his mouth, "You want everyone to know?? I didn't do it purposely it was a mistake, we both fell" "then return it back then, kiss me again" he smiled, " pervert! you just want another kiss I hate you" "I love you too" then a memory cane back to me, when I called Jin sweet names, "you remember now?" he asked, i shook my head immediately, "Remember what, I'm thirsty, bye" I stood up and tried to leave immediately when he held me back and kissed me this time, voluntarily of his own, pushing me against the ground, he raised my hand above my head and his lips devoured mine and it took me a moment to come back to my senses, his kisses were sweet like honey flavored, and a memory from somewhere came back, I was pushed against the wall and kissed in this very same room, it was.. Namjoon??, I wriggled under him but he pinned me with one of his hand and the other hand snaked down my legs, I opened my eyes wide and wondered if I should bite his lip but the upcoming concert tonight didn't let me do it, so I used the only alternative, I pricked myself and my blood flowed out, that was what made him stop, "Damn Jennifer" he stood up and faced the other side, "no no no this wasn't supposed to happen, it wasn't supposed to be this way!" the moment I stood up the door opened and everyone rushed in, Namjoon came up to me, "You injured again" looking at him that memory flashed and I didn't know what to make of it, your blood is really strong, considering we can smell it from anywhere in the house, they looked around, "What happened?" Jhope asked me, but nausea swam up to my throat, "hangover" I clasped my hand over my mouth and rushed to the general bathroom and thew up, Jin rushed in and started patting my back and Namjoon gave me a tissue, "I'll prepare a hangover soup for you" he said and left, " tell Jungkook to help you" Jin said after him, "I'm sorry" he said before I could say anything, well things just got a lot better, I wonder what their armies will do if they were the ones being kissed like this, " Still doesn't count for kissing me like that and doing whatever the hell you did, who knew it could have been worse if I didn't prick myself"  " I don't regret it, infact if I could do it again I would, Because I want to charm you and know why you're so stuck up" I scoffed, " don't play with feelings Jinny, I won't fall for you" " how would you know if you don't try " " No!" I shunned him out , "Enough, you, your brothers, it isn't meant to be, you guys , I want you guys to be together forever, with no problems and girls like me, will only come between you all, that's not the life I envisioned for you all" he stared at me and even I was flustered

"Why are you looking at me like that??" I asked, " because you're alluring" "Jinny I like RM" I told him hoping he'll go away but instead he smiled, "Don't care, I'll just have you till he comes for now you're mine" he said and rubbed my back one last time, I breathed hard and said, "Pervert I hate you!"

he turned around, "One more thing before I go" he said then smiled, then he made me a love shape with his hand, " perv, that's your new nickname" he left.

a short pov between Callista and Lee Joon Gi

Callista woke up with a splitting headache, I was staring at her when she looked at me, she turned around, "fuck off" she whispered and I laughed, "I save your sorry ass and that's how you say thank you??" "what?" " that's right, some guys almost molested you and Jennifer but we saved you" she got down from the bed, "Oh you mean you guys saved me" " Yes" I wondered where she was going with this, she went into her bathroom and washed her face, "So if you guys saved us why are you trying to claim credit for yourself" " I-" she got me, this girl is hard to get, "But I carried you home, isn't that enough credit??" " you should have given me to someone else then, it's not like it's that big deal" my mouth twitched and my eyes glowed red for a second before turning back to normal then I stood up and walked slowly towards her

Next chapter