
chapter Three

"Of course, as your number one special fan, I'm privileged already to be sitting this close to you " I was happy, a dedicated fan for jhope, it was like a dream come through, no one used to like jhope because they all thought he was ugly, they even told him to leave the group once.

After learning for a while, it was lunch break and we decided not to go to the cafeteria because of Jennifer and Callista so they opted to go buy something for us instead, which we agreed and gave them a check, and told them to spend everything on it, soon after they left, I turned to Joon Gi, "Ease down on the treatment you're giving Callista okay, it isn't fair, they are good people" " I second that, don't treat my precious fan so bad " jhope said, " Jimin, tell me you support me huh " Joon Gi turned to him, "Actually they aren't so bad as we imagined" he said and I nodded, "True, they aren't even so tiring unlike our own girls, it warming and less uncomfortable, they aren't even smitten by our face" Taehyung said, "Or even scared or intimidated by our animal side" Suga seconded, " I'm still evaluating" Jungkook said. Jin just nodded. "So what should we do after classes, are we going back to the mountain or should we stay in the city for a while?" Jungkook asked, "Oh we're staying in the city for a while, till the week runs out, we got some business we need to attend other than daily shoots coming up, if you know what I mean" everyone had the same understanding, " some business have been getting out of hand lately, it's time to put some people in their place " Joon Gi said, "Should we tell the girls Incase, maybe they won't mind?" Hwang inyeop asked, "No, I'm not sure we should drag them into this mess, this other side is too Bloody and messy, I don't want that" Ahn hyoseop declared, "Says the angel, but I do agree with this one this time " lee dong wook said too.

Short interlude between Jennifer and Callista

As we went downstairs and arrived at the school main hallway for normal students we walked through, some of the students stopped to look at us, some were avoiding us like some disease and some were bold enough to wave, I waved at them back and smiled even though I knew they were curious, "Face it they are just scared of us, but anyways thanks to your prolific writing, I can experience a Korean school in reality, it looks too good to be true" Callista held my hand and said, " But something doesn't seem right too, I originally wanted to write the story in a BB naija way remember or at least in a one house kind of thing and we're only us would be with them, but now there's school and something more but I don't know where yet" "I know what is, you haven't written the story yet remember, you only created the characters that's all" "So that means the story has a mind of its own now, it's going in the direction that we don't know, anything we act right now, will be recorded?" Callista nodded, then a few students walked up to us, they were all guys, "Who are you guys" I saw they were all curious so I stretched my hand out, "Hello my name is Jennifer" they stared at my hand, " I raised my eyebrow " What don't tell me you're racist, aren't we all human being despite our skin color?? take it I don't bite" they finally shook my hand, "Ah, so warm and touchy" " you understand English?" Callista asked, "Just little" he blushed when other students said something in Korean which I understood a few, " we're looking for the way to the cafeteria" I got he didn't understood this one, "Cafeteria? uh.. pam" I said in Korean which means food, "Ahh, you hungry? follow me" I smiled and followed them to a snack bar, then I greeted the owner in Korean who looked shocked as if he had seen a ghost, then I pointed at a few snacks and waved the check, he seemed to understand and package it for us, when I felt someone poking our skin, it was a female student and she said something in Korean I didn't quite get, "She said, so soft" the guy that took me to the cafeteria said, "Ah.. kansamita" I said in Korean language, Callista giggled, "what's your name" she asked the boy in Korean, "Lee Yoon" I took the bag and left, "Thank you"

Continuation of Kim Namjoon's POV

We were all talking and laughing when we heared footsteps coming, the door opened and they came inside all smiles, "I take it that your trip was successful?" Jungkook asked, Callista nodded, "You Koreans are cute 。◕‿◕。" "Hey guys look what I bought" she upturned the entire snacks on the table, " I figured you guys are Superstars and I know you care about your weight, especially you Jimin, so I bought snacks that are low in fat and has less sugar, no ramen so your face won't be too soggy too◉‿◉" I smiled, she really was considerate, I'm really touched thank you but how did you know?"Jimin asked, she just smiled, then she took one and extended it to me, and then another one to Jungkook, I took it and she said to JK, " Jungkook, I know how much you're a foodie, you love bread so just this once okay " Jungkook nodded vigourously, "Thank you Jennie!" he snatched it, "Taehyung this one's for you" Taehyung took it, "You're the best Jennie" " and this is for you angels" she gave Ahn hyoseop and he winked and collected it, she gave everyone a piece, " seonsaengnim, this is yours, specially for teaching me" I overheard them talking, "Thank you" "If you guys can't finish them just leave it for me, I'll finish them all"

Jennifer's POV

School was Finally over and we entered the van to go home, "Taehyung are we stopping at the home in the city?" he nodded, "Yes " he nodded, the moment we reached home, Hwang inyeop told us that they would be going somewhere first and would be back late at night, I nodded and told them to be careful that not to worry we would take care of ourselves, they waved us goodbye and left and I overheard Callista's conversation with lee Joon Gi, " be careful troublemaker don't get into more trouble " " huh◉‿◉, don't you hate me?" Callista folded her arms in mockery and said sarcastically, "I don't hate you, you're just a danger zone, Jennie watch your best friend okay, she's accident prone" "Thanks for caring for her Joon Gi " I bowed my head in respect and smiled , he shook his head in amusement and left, Callista came close to me, "If not for your story I never would be able to live in such a big hose like this, this is awesome!" "Hey don't do anything rash, they might be CCTV around so be careful, they do that a lot in Korean movies " "using Korean movies to predict your life here, this is awesome, I'm going to wash up and change now, and this time I ain't wearing his clothes, see you later" she left, I giggled and left too, I took the time to walk around the house on sight seeing, my favourite places were the kitchen and the pool, and the karaoke room, I began to check out their room, from the posters of them in the wall I was able to know which room was theirs and it was beautiful too, the last room I entered was Namjoon's room, I entered inside this time and opened even his dressers, I gasped at the room full of clothes and shoes and accessories, " as expected of an idol" I picked out an old blue worn out shirt that had no arms and a pair of black jeans, then I went to the room that I entered the morning I came here and washed off, then I out on the cloth and tied my hair into a high ponytail the mouth ended at my waist the very least, when I came out I saw Callista in the sitting room, she was relaxing wearing the clothes she cane back In, "Didn't you say you weren't going to wear his clothes anymore?" I asked smiling, and clearly amused, "Yeah but I figured I like to make him angry more so I'm wearing it back, what about you, don't tell me that's Namjoon's cloth " "how do you know?"I was surprised " because it smells like him" I sniffed it in and it was true, " figures, he won't do you anything " "I want to prepare dinner for them, what do you think I should do?" "uh.. let's check out the fridge first" we both stood up and went to the fridge, and looked, "Uh.. let's do pasta?" I shook my head, "no.. we should whip uh.. fried chicken stew and rice?" "Although they aren't Nigerians and call it soup instead we can also cook it, they are all the same dish after all" Callista said, "Okay, you'll do the rice I'll do the chicken stew or soup anyone " we began to cook, she did the rice, after placing it on fire, I decided to cut cabbages, "You're cutting cabbages?" "hmm my mum has added cabbage in the stew one time it's so sweet and I want to try it out" she nodded and I continued, once it was ready, I opened the cupboard and saw plates just like Korean style, " exactly, differently" Callista laughed, "Korean way of eating is really wonderful oo, I like it small" "Maybe because of the way they shared it they don't get fat" I said and brought out 11 plates and side dishes, "bring those big coolers Cali and let's go it's almost late they'll be back any moment " after serving the food and arranging the plates we both went to the sitting room and relaxed, I hate cooking but I enjoyed that, "Thinking of the people who will eat it I'm excited" I said gleefully, "Isn't it too boring, come let's watch a channel" Callista picked and pressed the button and the screen lit up to one of BTS concert, "Wow!!" i screamed, "Now I'm able to finally watch a BTS concert!" we were both engrossed in the channel we didn't hear when all of them came back, "Wow, they're watching our concerts!" Jin said and hurried to sit down beside me, they all rushed and sat down beside us, relaxing on different couches, I didn't know what it was but it felt like there was a murderous aura that suddenly dissipated immediately, then my eyes moved to the bags they brought in, "Hey, what is the bags for?" I asked suga, "Oh, did you guys go shopping?" "yes, we bought you guys clothes" jhope said, "Really?? ! oh my god I'm sure you all must be exhausted, I cooked for all of you so come and eat"(☉。☉)!"You cooked?" Jungkook shouted and rushed to the dinning room, all of them scampered to it too, "Ah chicken!" Jungkook rejoiced, "You know how to cook??" Lee dong wook asked with surprise, " Dong wook -a In Nigeria a girl's gotta fend for herself, especially Igbo girls but I guess so too, cus we are all Nigerians, we must know how to cook or that's not home training at all " lee Joon Gi shook his head, " I really like that, I can eat new foods, here let's eat" Callista stopped him only as everyone settled down to eat, "You're a vampire, doesn't that mean you don't eat food ??" he shook his head, " mean girl, you just don't want me to enjoy myself, unlike any type of vampires we can eat any food we want, without it tasting bitter okay " Callista was right, I thought, the only thing that stayed true was the way I created the characters specially, I shuddered for what was in stock for me, I opened the food and began to dish food for everyone, Taehyung, lee dong wook, Ahn hyoseop, "Thank you sweet heart" he winked, I served Jin, Hwang inyeop, suga, lee Joon Gi, then I put for Jungkook and added an extra chicken for him, " shh" I whispered and winked and he nodded, "Thank you, you're the best" he said in Korean but I understood it" then I dished for jhope and put for him double the amount of rice, "You need to eat more okay so you'll look handsome,he pouted his mouth, "So I'm not handsome, I bent down and whispered to him, "Of course you look handsome I'm drooling already, if you even eat more I'm sure you'll look even more mesmerizing and your fans would die even more and want you even more, I winked at him, he blushed hard, "you tease, you're a bold girl indeed" I took RMs' plate and dished for him rice and the breast part of chicken, and an extra piece of the lap, " I love your Ripped muscles and arms, eat more so me and your armies will continued to be in love" I put the food down for him, then took my seat beside Jungkook, "Hey, so tell me, how's your relationship with taetae" I looked at Taehyung when I said this, " Hey, I know what you army are saying but I won't say anything about it, all I'll say is that the bromance is good and I love it but my sexuality is no one's business" I giggled, "And I know if anyone tries to mess with him or anyone of us they'll hear it from me" "Aww the last boy, you have really grown a lot, hey Jungkook it's great but make sure to continue being childishly okay" he looked at me, "Is that supposed to be a compliment ^_^" "Of course, don't you know it makes it really easy to stay around you, I can practically stay with you and won't be bothered, you're pure of course and you're so childish and soulful so of course " he smiled, and continued eating, "How was the place you guys went to " everywhere became silent before Jin spoke up, " it was good, uh.. what were you doing when we left, did you step out?" " No, I went through your house, sight seeing, it was really pretty, Especially the pool, and karaoke room".

After eating, they took excuse that they had fan meetings and was to answer fan messages and such, so they all entered their rooms, I was left to go to my room, I just stuffed the clothing into my wardrobe for tomorrow to check out, then I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling for a while before I raised up, then I heared a knock on my door, Ahn hyoseop and Hwang inyeop came inside, " I hope we aren't disturbing, we're just bored" "No not at all, come I got interesting games we can place if you're bored" they came in, "I hope it isn't rock paper scissors" Hwang inyeop sounded very bored, "No, that's lame, there's a Nigerian game called name name name" I went to my table and tore out three sheets of paper and took three pens from a pen case, "So how do you okay the game?" Ahn hyoseop asked and I explained everything to them in details, they seemed excited, "Okay, we have never played the game but I'm excited, "Okay first write A to Z on the margin lines, they did just that, " alright, next draw three lines downwards giving spaces too enough to write words, they also did , " now finally write at the heading of those lines, name, place, animal and food" alright, "Like I said, each of us will call any alphabet of our choice, and we get to quickly write an animal, a food, a place, and a name with that alphabet, if the person that called the alphabet finishes first he'll shout stop and we all have to drop our pens immediately but if we finished first we'll wait for him till he's tired of guessing and says stop" "Okay, we're ready " Hwang inyeop said, "I'm first, you're second " I pointed to Hwang inyeop, "And you're last " I pointed at Ahn hyoseop."Alright let's go, I call the letter A!" we began to scribble fastly, " stop!" I jubilated, "Aish!!" they shouted, "Jennie just one more one word please" Hwang inyeop asked, "No thats cheating" I shook my head and took their papers and graded it, we continued and continued and it was fun and we were laughing merrily, I failed a couple and sometimes scribbled rubbish, after a while, Taehyung and Jungkook entered inside, "What are you guys playing" "It's a very interesting game, I never played it before but it makes a whole lot sense and it's crazy " Hwang inyeop said, " we wanna join too" the door pushed open more and Jimin and Namjoon entered, "Jimin, Namjoon!" i waved, "We heared laughter what are you guys doing" we explained to them and soon enough they joined us, then sugar, Jin, jhope, and others and even Callista came in,

"okay since you guys want to Join us we'll have to move to the sitting room, but we also have to go bed on time okay. it's school night" " yes mom" they all whined, I got down and skipped to the sitting room with my paper wovering around in the air, then I sat down in the dinning table as everyone surrounded it, Ahn hyoseop explained to them the drill of the game and they got it immediately, then we began to play, and it was madly fun with screaming and sighs of surrender, most times cry of anguish, I never thought that I would ever get to play this game with Korean people talk less of BTS, by 11 we were done and I was already sleepy, I got up and said, "Everyone go to bed now, I'm really tired and sleepy, so I'll be leaving first, I'm about to faint" I tripped on both leg but Jin caught me before Suga and RM could, Callista stood up and went to her room after waving to us, "I'll take you to your room before you break anything" he teased and I laughed, "Very funny, that line should be for RM I guess as God of destruction, besides when I'm not a kid, good night everyone" they waved, " good night Jennifer" they responded one by one, Jin took me all the way to my room. and stretched my bedsheet the. I saw him off to the door, "Sleep tight Jennifer" "Good night Jinny, sweet dreams" I stood on tip toe and kissed him on the cheek and gently closed the door, then I yawned and went to my bed and fell on it, sleeping off immediately.

Kim Seokjin's POV



The moment her lips touched my cheek it was unlike anything I thought a black girl's lip would feel like, it was soft like fine texture and wet, my heart stopped for a bit, and she looked so Innocent when she told me good night and closed the door. I stood there dazed, "This girl is really bold, no other girl has ever even dreamed of doing this" I thought, though I must admit it was nice, I heared her falling on her bed and sleeping off, I turned around and saw Suga there drinking soda, " You look dazed" he asked, I went up to him as he sipped the drink, " Jennifer kissed me" he spit it out and started coughing, "On the lips??!" "Shh, she's asleep, no, on the cheek" he held his heart as if he was relieved, "Don't scare me like that, but then again, she's something else, hey, now you're blushing, why are you blushing?" "Huh? you must be joking, I don't blush, I'm going for a swim, I need to clear my head" I swifted pass him, "You mean the hotness in your body" I turned and glared at him, "Hey Suga, Good night " I entered my room, and took off my shirt, and went to shower again to clear the tension in my head, then I went to the pool side, looking into the deep blue water, I circled my hand around it and it glittered, I jumped Into the pool and my eye colour changed to blue, and my tail was Proceline blue and white like glitters, going down, I stayed in the pool all night and slept off..


With a towel on my head I was heading back to my room after taking a shower In the pool the next day, the time was barely 6 in the morning when the sweet smell of food wafted Into my nostrils, I never smelt anything like it before, it was like chicken but slightly more better and more crispy, I moved to the kitchen immediately and saw Jennifer cooking, surprise and also embarrassment of what happened last night came back to me again, "You're cooking by this time?" I asked, " Seokjin, good morning!" she smiled and waved her saucy hand, looking so jovial as if she didn't do anything last night, " She's doing breakfast for everyone, I woke up to drink water and I saw her here already so I decided to learn too" Jungkook said, she rubbed his hair with her wrist, "That's my kookie" she complimented him, and I felt slightly jealous"Let me guess, swimming?" she asked and I nodded slightly, "I get that you're a mythical creature but you don't have to do it all time, you'll fall sick and that won't be good" "So you're saying you'll be worried?" I asked, "Of course, why wouldn't I be" I smiled, satisfied with that answer but quickly regaining myself, "Seokjin what's wrong with you, don't tell me you care so much for an approval of a black girl?" I shook my head, "I'll be going back, still sleepy" I said and left without waiting for anyone to stop me.

Short interlude between Jennifer and Jungkook:

^_^ " I'm guessing something happened to him, why is he all red" Jungkook said as he took a bite of a chicken lap "Hmm this is really tasty, you know for teaching me this I'll teach you how to prepare Korean dishes" jennifer smiled.

guys please can you vote on this story, this is my first book and of course many more to come

Jennifer_Moses_Chicreators' thoughts
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