
An ancient shaman

"I thought we weren't talking," Sullivan remarked, handing over the candy he had bought for Dahlia. On her insistence, he had even picked one up for Nylie, who trailed quietly behind them.

"I changed my mind," Dahlia replied with a casual shrug. "Why let a child's tantrum sway me? You're just a kid trapped in an adult's body."

Sullivan arched an eyebrow. "Oh, and you're any different?"

"Me? I never act like a child. You're the one constantly throwing fits," she shot back, her tone sharp but playful.

As they walked, Sullivan noticed a group of men hauling heavy sacks nearby. Without hesitation, he pulled Dahlia toward him, wrapping his arm protectively around her waist. His grip was firm but not forceful. "Watch yourself," he warned, his voice serious. "If you get hurt here, finding a doctor won't be easy."

Dahlia glanced up at him, feeling the tension in his hold. "You can let me go now," she muttered, though her voice was softer than before.

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