
In the Naraheim Woods

Seun-mi Ho had just accepted the quest to protect the herds. As soon as he confirmed his choice, the Interface displayed a new icon on the side of his vision: a small glowing arrow pointing in a specific direction.

"I guess that's my personal GPS," Seun-mi muttered, watching the arrow. "Interface, where is this taking me?"

"This arrow indicates the most direct route to the Naraheim forest, where you will find the wolves needed to complete your current quest," the Interface replied in a calm, robotic voice.

He nodded. "Alright, I suppose I just have to follow the arrow then."

He set off, leaving the winding village streets behind as he headed outside, where the dense forest surrounded the village like a natural barrier. The trees were tall, their branches forming a thick canopy that allowed only faint rays of light to filter through. The forest seemed both alive and mysterious, with the sounds of unseen creatures and the constant rustling of leaves.

As he walked, the Interface spoke again.

"The Naraheim wolves are untamable creatures. They are fast, vicious, and hunt in packs. Their primary ability is Intimidation, which temporarily weakens their targets by instilling a sense of fear."

"Great. Wolves that scare you before they even bite," Seun-mi quipped. "I guess I'll have to be careful."

"Intimidation only affects those with weak minds," the Interface clarified. "Your mental resistance is currently unknown, but it is advised to stay on guard."

"Yeah, thanks for the heads-up." Seun-mi adjusted the dagger at his belt and continued following the arrow.

Along the way, he noticed several strange plants growing beside the path. They were brightly colored — some a vivid red, others a deep purple. Curious, he approached one and reached out to pick it. As soon as his fingers touched the stem, a notification appeared in his vision.

[Data Plant: Collected]

Description: A basic plant made of data. Can be used in alchemy or sold for a small amount of gold.

"Data plants?" Seun-mi shook his head. "Of course. Everything here is made of data."

He continued walking, gathering a few more plants along the way. Some were identified as ingredients for potions, while others could be sold for a bit of money. He even found a few gold coins lying on the ground, their golden shine contrasting with the darkness of the forest.

[Gold Coins: +10]

"Not bad. If I keep this up, I might be able to afford better gear soon." He slipped the coins into his inventory, feeling slightly more confident.

The forest grew denser as he went deeper. The trees were packed tightly together, and the sounds of nature seemed to amplify. In the distance, he thought he heard howls — likely the wolves he was supposed to hunt.

"Almost there," he muttered, glancing at the arrow still pointing straight ahead.

As he ventured further into the forest, he suddenly spotted a figure sitting on a tree stump, a little off the path. It was an old man, dressed in tattered robes and wearing a pointed hat. He seemed absorbed in sharpening a stick with a small knife, completely indifferent to Seun-mi's presence.

"An NPC?" Seun-mi cautiously approached, curious if the man might offer some useful information.

"Hey," he called out, raising his hand. "Do you know where I can find wolves in this forest?"

The old man looked up, his wrinkled face lighting up with a cryptic smile. "Ah, another adventurer seeking the wolves, eh?" he said in a deep, but friendly voice. "They're not far. Those nasty beasts always linger near the clearing, south of here."

Seun-mi nodded. "The clearing, south? That's where I'll find the wolves?"

"Oh yes," the old man nodded enthusiastically. "But be careful, boy. These wolves are craftier than they seem. They hunt in packs and give no quarter to those who let their guard down."

Seun-mi scratched his head. "Yeah, I've already heard about their Intimidation ability. I suppose I'll need to be cautious."

The old man laughed heartily. "Intimidation? Ha! Yes, they'll have you shaking in your boots before they even bite! But remember, fear is just an illusion. As long as you stay focused, you can defeat them."

Seun-mi smirked slightly. "Thanks for the advice. I guess I'd better prepare for that."

"If you're truly planning to face them," the old man added, "I suggest stopping by the hunters' cabin just before the clearing. They sometimes leave traps there to catch those creatures. It could come in handy."

"Traps?" Seun-mi straightened up, suddenly more interested. "Where's this cabin?"

The old man pointed to a barely visible path leading deeper into the forest. "Follow that trail, and you'll find it. But hurry, before the wolves catch your scent."

Seun-mi nodded in gratitude. "Thanks for the info."

The old man nodded back and resumed sharpening his stick as if nothing had happened. Seun-mi turned toward the path the man had indicated and set off without hesitation.

"Interface, do you think that old NPC was telling the truth about the traps?"

"NPC-provided information is generally reliable in this kind of context," the Interface responded. "There is a possibility that traps are indeed located at the hunters' cabin. This could give you an advantage against the wolves."

"An advantage, huh?" Seun-mi smiled. "I'll take whatever I can get at this point."

The trail was narrow and winding, lined with bushes and ferns. Seun-mi moved cautiously, trying not to make too much noise. He could feel the tension rising as he neared the clearing. The howls of the wolves grew louder, like an invisible threat lurking just beyond the trees.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally spotted the cabin. It was a small, wooden structure, half in ruins, with crumbling walls and a partially collapsed roof. The place seemed abandoned for years, but there were signs of recent activity — bits of rope, rusty tools, and a few metal traps scattered around.

"This must be it," Seun-mi murmured as he carefully approached the cabin.

He stepped inside, discovering a dimly lit room filled with scattered objects. He quickly searched the place and found several functional wolf traps. They were heavy, made of metal, and looked sturdy enough to hold a creature as powerful as a wolf.

[Wolf Trap: Collected]

Description: A metal trap designed to capture wolves or similarly sized creatures. Can be placed strategically to immobilize a target.

"This will come in handy," Seun-mi said, picking up two traps. "With a little luck, I can set them before the wolves spot me."

He left the cabin, the traps securely fastened to his pack, and continued following the Interface arrow, which now pointed directly toward the clearing. The wolves' howls were close. He could almost feel their presence, lurking in the shadows of the trees.

"Alright, this is where things get serious," he muttered, tightening his grip on the dagger.

He stopped at the edge of the clearing, hiding behind a large tree. Now, he could see the wolves — three large beasts, with dark gray fur and eyes that gleamed with a menacing light. They were gathered around a carcass, probably something they had just hunted.

"It's now or never," Seun-mi told himself.

Carefully, he set the traps a few meters away, hoping the wolves would soon wander in their direction. He gripped his dagger, his heart pounding as he braced for what was to come.

The wolves were more imposing than he had imagined. Their muscles rippled beneath their thick fur, and their fangs glistened under the dim light filtering through the trees. These weren't the simple creatures he had fought in video games. No, these wolves felt real, powerful, and dangerous.

Seun-mi took a deep breath. He had set his traps in strategic places, hoping the wolves would step into them when they came closer. But he knew that wouldn't be enough. He would have to fight, use his Divine Summon wisely, and most importantly, not panic.

"Interface, how many wolves are in this clearing exactly?"

"There are currently three visible wolves. However, other pack members may be nearby. Stay alert."

"Great, just what I wanted to hear," Seun-mi muttered sarcastically.

He crouched behind a tree, watching the wolves, who still seemed focused on their carcass. He knew their Intimidation ability would be a problem, but he hoped his mind could hold out long enough for him to have a chance at defeating them.

"Alright," he murmured, gripping his dagger. "Here we go."

End of chapter 4.

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