
Emperor's Metall III

(Neoth POV)

I enter my home dimension again. This was a successful heist, I'd say. No one will know. I don't like Hercules at all, to be honest. And his father as well. I gave Hercules a present. That punch has damaged his soul, so he won't regenerate from that so soon. This will anger him, especially his father. I'll come for them at a later date, right now, I have to make sure, this flaming bird doesn't catch me. Although I am interested, I don't want to meet the Phoenix Force just yet. Because I will not be the host of anyone. If it wants to give me its powers, then I won't complain, but I will not let it live within me. 

I thought about visiting Asgard to get some Uru, but there is another metal, called Orichalcum from the Death Mage Universe, which is a better idea. Adamantine is magically conductive already and Orichalcum will be the cream of the crop against mages of many kinds. 


Orichalcum is a magical metal of the gods, which is even harder than Adamantite and possesses greater anti-magic properties than Mythril. It boasts the greatest physical and magical defence of any material in the world. With it, I will create my E-Metal. 

Once again, I focus on the place I want to go. The world of Death Mage, more specifically Talosheim. I walk through the door and find myself in this new world. I look at the giant golem in front of me. 


It is a Dragon Golem in Talosheim that was fully made of Orichalcum by a goddess. Orichalcum is a wondrous material for a blacksmith, and yet it was impossible to manipulate normally. It can't be melted even by magma. No file can shave its surface off and even if it bent after being struck, it would soon return to its original shape. There is only one way for me to work with the metal and that's by using my psychic might. 

I take the Dragon Golem with me and then disappear from this world. I don't want to meet anyone right now. Now, I have all the materials I need to start creating the E-metal or rather improving it. After that, the Custodes and I will have a rendezvous on an island in West Blue. It will be the first island under my control. After that, I will spread far and wide. There are many wonderful things in the world of One Piece. 

Only one more stop before I can get to work.


I arrive on a street in Japan. I make sure to contain 99.8% of my strength. The powerhouses of this world are very perceptive to powerful souls and those who emit soul energy, which is called Reiatsu in this world. I am in the world of Bleach. This will be an interesting world for me. I am looking forward to fighting the Quincy King and seeing who's more powerful. With my precognition, I could use the powers of his Almighty very well and his skill of 'Soul Distribution' could also be useful. Although I also have a power-granting ability, I think the way he uses his powers is more suitable for a king. 

I approach a small shop where I feel two powerful souls residing. I memorize their strength as the strength of a Captain. I walk in and am greeted by a man wearing glasses and with a glorious moustache. 

"Greetings, how may I help you?", he asks me.

"Greetings. I am looking for an Asauchi and if that's not available, the method on how to create one.", I tell him not hiding anything. 

"We don't have something like that here. You will have to find another shop.", he tells me. I can tell he is suspicious of me. Because right now, he can't feel anything special from me. 

"Is that so? I think you do have something like that here. How about we ask your boss then?", I tell him and look to the right, where I feel Urahara hiding. He jumps out and waves his fan in front of his face. 


"Ohoho, and here I thought I hid well.", he says. 

"So, can you give me what I'm looking for? Or not?"

"I'm afraid giving you an Asauchi will be hard. What would you need it for anyway?", he asks, trying to get more information out of me. 

"I'm sorry, but there are things that are better for you to not know. I can guarantee that it will be beneficial for you in the future if you give it to me.", I tell him. This is the last I will say to convince him, after this, I will simply take what I need and then leave. 

He seems to ponder my words. I can hear his thoughts loud and clear. He is truly a scary individual, by normal standards. But this is far from a normal situation. He won't find someone more dangerous than me around here. 

"I'm sorry but-", he tries to deny it and so I do something that he didn't expect. I use my power and fill his mind with nightmarish images and visions of torment, seeking to send him fleeing in terror. The temperature drops considerably and Urahara starts to sweat suddenly and takes a few steps back. I made sure not to overdo it, so he is not running away right now. His breathing grows heavy and his heart rate speeds up. 


"I- ... I'll give it to ... y-you.", he stutters. 

"Good.", I say and watch him leave to retrieve the Asauchi. He comes back a moment later with the blade and some notes he has on the Asauchi. It seems I was successful with my actions. I nod my head and then turn around to leave. 

"I'll be back.", I say and then walk through the door into my home dimension. Now I am ready to start with my greatest creation to date. 



(3rd Person POV)

Neoth is inside the forge of his home dimension right now. First, he needs to create Proto-Adamantium and Promethium, both Volatile and Depleted. After that, he also needs to understand the Asauchi and turn the armour and weapons into soul-bound weapons or simply produce more Asauchis. He could also turn the weapons the Adeptus already have into soul-bound weapons. Or maybe both ... both are good. 

Now, why did Neoth choose these metals to create his own superior version of them? He wanted to take specific aspects of the metals or alloys and combine them into one that has most of their advantages, while not having their disadvantages. 


The most important one of them was Nth metal. The reason for this was that Nth metal had the most versatile abilities and one of them was very special and useful for the Imperium, Symbiosis. 

The metal bonds to and vastly augments the physical dexterity of the host wearer, even restoring lost physical attributes which recede over time. Not that that will be a problem for the Adeptus Custodes, but for other units, it will.

Metamorphosis: Pure Nth Metal bonded to a host can shape and form into weapons or armour with adaptive features at their command. It will even move to protect the wearer from oncoming assaults against their person. This is especially useful since it will allow each Custodes to have its own style of armour and still have the same abilities.

Not only that. Its restorative powers are such that Nth Metal allows its user to regrow missing body parts. This will benefit the Adeptus greatly and this can reach some insane levels. The metal can also restore the host after total biophysical desiccation, restoring life to a dead body, or even physically reintegrating its user at a bio-molecular level. This is insane. And it's not even all there is to the Nth metal. 

Nth metal also can grant the ability to modulate gravimetric fields and adjacent effects for various purposes. Such as allowing the wearer to carry objects 20-70 times heavier than what they normally could. Now imagine an Adeptus Custodes with this, carrying 70 mountains on their shoulders like it's nothing. Its anti-gravity properties also enable them to fly unaided, removing the weakness of not being able to fly. 

Nth metal users can physically interact with as well as disrupt the presence of ghostly entities, and magic creatures, and even break enchantments. This magic resistance or negation to some degree, will be augmented and enhanced by the Orichalcum. Giving my Adeptus units as many resistances as possible is important.

Finally, Nth metal has the power to absorb and store vast quantities of energy for later redistribution. Which in turn will be greatly enhanced by Volatile Promethium. 


Proto-Adamantium and Depleted Promethium are mainly used for their 'indestructibility'. 

Proto-Adamantium is the official name for the metal that makes up Captain America's Shield. It has never been recreated and is the most indestructible item in all of existence, in Marvel, while Depleted Promethium is also very powerful. 

Adamantine was known as the Metal of the Gods and was an extremely durable metallic ore commonly used by the Olympian god Hephaestus. Apart from that, Neoth chose it because it was magically conductive. 

The reason, he wanted both a magically conductive metal and Orichalcum, which was magic resistant, was that he wanted to inscribe runes into the Adamantine while having the armour and weapons be immune to any other magic user in the future. He didn't want someone to find weaknesses or create weaknesses in the armour using some magical means. That would be the worst possible scenario. 


So he got to work. He needed to first understand all of the metals and alloys. Using his new and massively improved intelligence and mental capacities, Neoth got this down very fast. He understood the special properties of the metals and also what to do, in order to combine them. 

He recreated Proto-Adamantium and Depleted- and Volatile Promethium. After that, he focused on the Asauchi. Asauchi are the ultimate Zanpakuto, for they have the potential to become anything. There are over 6,000 members of the Gotei 13, all of whom are loaned one of these nameless Zanpakuto upon first entering the Shin'o Academy, and this same blade is officially given to them upon joining a division.

All Shinigami must spend every waking moment with their own Asauchi, and as they progress in their training, they slowly and methodically imprint the essence of their soul into their Asauchi. This is how they guide and mould their own unique Zanpakuto. 

Using the now unlocked Essence of the Emperor Ascendant, Neoth was able to quickly understand the essence of the Asauchi and its connection to the soul. He understood the way the Asauchi was created and what it was made out of. All he needed, were souls. And he could get those rather easily. 


After understanding everything, there was only one thing left to do. And that was to create more of all the components. Nth metal was the 'ingredient' of E-metal, which he needed the most. So he had to find a way to recreate it, the same with Orichalcum. These two were a 'problem' since he couldn't just use the Philosopher's Stones to replicate the metal. They were magic-resistant or could even negate magic. 

The others, Proto-Adamantium, Vibranium and Adamantine, took a lot of energy but weren't a problem to create using the Philosopher's Stone. For Nth metal and Orichalcum, Neoth had another way. 

He tapped deep into his powers and used all his concentration for this. He focused on every atomic and subatomic detail of Nth metal and Orichalcum. The way the atoms worked together or how they acted. Their behaviour and all sorts of things. And then, he began to use his seemingly boundless psychic abilities to create both these metals from scratch. 


After he was finished and had calculated the correct and optimal ratio, Neoth went ahead and created the Emperor's Metal. He used his psyker abilities to create fire, that could ignite and burn the soul to ash. These flames not only managed to melt all of the 'ingredients' but also purified them. 


After many months of working, Neoth had finally succeeded. The E-metal was complete. The finishing touches were done, by adding the same properties to the metal as the Asauchi. And then ... he presented it to the Adeptus Custodes. 

Next chapter