
Character Descriptions.

Tyrel Description.

Tyrel has black hair, grey eyes, and is 5 feet tall.

Saphira Description.

Saphira was twice as tall as Tyrel. Her skin was pearly white and her frame was voluptuous and buxom. Silver hair cascaded down her back. Her fox ears twitched and her seven tails wagged. She wore a black kimono with white symbols covering it. She smiled as her glowing crimson eyes stared into his.

Saphira's Fox Form Description

A beautiful three-story-tall silver fox. It had a white stripe coming down its back and onto its head. Seven tails wagged behind it, each as long as its massive body. Its glowing crimson pupils stared at him. Four serrated and long sword-like claws were on each foot.

Bellatrix Description

A very tall girl with long crimson hair and grey eyes.

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