
The Vampire Monarchy

Ezra sat there, trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was now a prince.

His mind raced with the implications. He paused. He didn't even know what it meant to be a vampire prince! Was he expected to battle the council or something? God I hope not. If five vampires were chosen to lead vampire society, they had to be strongest.

If there was anything he had learned from being a vampire, it was that strength was the only absolute.

Prince Ezra. It sounded like something out of those robot puppet shows. "What does it mean?" Olivia turned to look at him. "I'm now a prince. What does being a prince mean?"

"Nothing." Olivia turned to the road. "Like I said before, nobility is not an officially recognized social class in vampire society. However, a lot of people want it to be."

"So, it's just a pretty title?"

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