
Start of a New Plan

Tharon's head separated from his body and fell to the ground, then rolled slightly. As his body slowly collapsed, it made a resounding sound that echoed throughout the area.

Kael suddenly felt an extremely intense heat enveloping his entire body. It was so sudden and intense that he even felt as if he might lose his balance for a moment. But he held himself together.

He took deep breaths, closed his eyes, and waited. As his focus shifted to the chains around his heart, he tried to process what he had gained.

And... he was surprised.

No, not simply surprised.

He was literally shocked.


It was nothing compared to simple goblins, wolves, or creatures. Even humans were the same.

'Did I gain a week... almost a week, just by killing one person?'

It seemed a little longer than a week, he couldn't be sure. But... whatever it was, it was a mind-blowing amount.

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