

Alex had no idea if this would work, no idea if it was even possible for her to still be alive.

It felt impossible, illogical even — after all, they were in the vacuum of space, where no breath should be able to sustain either of them.

But he couldn't give up.

"Come on…"

He muttered against her lips, but neither of them could hear it.

His eyes never left her face, scanning for any flicker of movement, any sign that she might be coming back to him.

For what felt like an eternity to Alex, nothing happened.

Mira remained still, her body still just as serene yet unnervingly lifeless.

The panic in Alex's chest tightened like a vice.

He couldn't let it end like this.

Not after everything they had been through.

He couldn't let her give her own life for his…



It was faint, barely noticeable, but Alex saw it.

Her lips moved, ever so slightly.

He was sure he saw it right!

Next chapter