
Chapter 54: Party Crashing!

Kalika and Rhonda stood before a completely collapsed corridor and their only quick exit from the dungeon. Rhonda stood shocked as Kalika looked at the plugged-up corridor unfazed.

Kalika sighed. "So, what now?" she said.

"W-we go to the castle! T-there're other ways out, up there! "

"The castle…? Oh yeah… It's been so long I almost forgot…" Kalika looked down the other end of the hall. Not long after, Rhonda ran ahead urging Kalika to follow. With reluctance, she followed behind with Rhonda leading the way.

Arriving onto the first floor of the dungeon, Kalika and Rhonda continued through the stone halls.

"There's no guards around this floor either. Perhaps they're all in the castle above…"

Kalika watched Rhonda from behind seeing her become much paler than before. "Hey Rhonda. Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah. Don't worry about me." she said, waving Kalika off.

Hearing Rhonda, Kalika couldn't help but feel that she was hiding something. 

Kalika slowed down. Stopping at the very stairs she was first led down all those years ago. Climbing up the stairs she started to feel an almost nostalgic feeling. That all came to a halt upon seeing the first demon guard.

He was dead drunk, swigging around a wooden pint of ale, joking around with other demon guards close by. Their playful banter soon turned into a quick drunken brawl allowing Kalika and Rhonda to sneak by undetected.

roaming down hall after hall, Kalika could tell that a lot of renovations had been done while she was locked away. She remembered that these very walls were once a pristine white, now replaced by the color of black. 

Walking further down she found that new tapestry in the colors of red and purple hung on the wall along with some beautifully made decor of vases and plates and various different cupboards to match. There were even well-designed red carpets decorating the very floor, that were once nothing but stone. 

As much as she wanted to. Kalika couldn't take a leisurely stroll down these halls. She had to follow behind Rhonda and escape from this castle she once called home.

Continuing onward, they turned into the hall, finally coming across more guards. Corner after corner, hall after hall, it seemed like these guards were posted everywhere, all almost half drunk

With some, they could tell that the guards were obviously helping themselves to whatever booze they could find, but their sheer presence made it difficult for Rhonda and Kalika to escape undetected.

"<H…. Hey, you!>" a girl's voice abruptly slurred.

Kalika's and Rhonda's hearts sank. But then Kalika quickly became confused.

"<What are you doing here! Hmm!>"

They both turned, finding a blue demon girl with white hair holding a pint of ale in her hand, obviously drunk. she looked tired, but despite this she seemed very happy

"<The Partiesshhh over there!>" The demon girl, Mae drunkenly pointed down a hall she just came down.

"U-uhhhh…" Kalika, bewildered by this strange circumstance, stared at the girl before them. She recognized her as a demon, but she also looked like a little girl. and even she didn't drink Ale at her age. 

Rhonda quickly got in front of Kalika speaking in their native language.

"<y-yes, we'll go immediately!>" Rhonda quickly grabbed Rhonda to escort her through that very hall.

"<Hey!! Wait a minute… Do I know you two from shhom-where??>"

"<N-no- >" Rhonda blurted.

Mae quickly circled in front of them, standing in their way. "<Oh yeah! I remember now.>

Mae Pointed to Rhonda indignantly "<You're that succubush waassh banished!>" She exclaimed. "<Good luck living with the human'shh>" Unexpectedly Mae pattedRhonda on her back all while chuckling. 

Kalika understands that despite this girl's looks, that she was not some frail girl. She could sense that Mae was staring at her from behind.

She felt a small hand touch her arm followed by Mae peeking up at Kalika. Mae pressed the wooden pint against her chin as if pondering something.

"<Hey! Aren't you that immortal human??>"

A cold sweat ran down Rhonda's. She was about to jump into action, But Mae suddenly patted Kalika hard on the back, laughing hardily.

"<You must be looking for the good stuff, aren't you!>"

Mae forced her pint of ale into Kalika's hands.

Kalika could only look at the pint awkwardly.

"<Drink! Drink!>"

Despite her limited knowledge, Kalika could understand that the girl wanted her to drink the beverage. Reluctantly, and against what Rhonda advised, she gave a sip from the drink, consuming it. 

She found the drink much more bitter than she expected and felt it burning the walls of her throat as she forcefully chugged the drink down her throat. She smiled at Mae, feigning her like, to the drink given.

Mae, satisfied, took the drink back from Kalika, smacking the pint to her lips and gulped away. She exhaled happily from her drink. "<Enjoy the party>" she slurred, before taking her leave.

The two left quickly, freed to leave.

"<Hey, wait!>" Mae shouted. She pointed again down the hall she came. "<The partishhh that way remember?>"

"<T-thank you!>" Rhonda blurted, taking Kalika along with her, leaving Kalika even more confused. 

Just as the drunken Mae turned around, she quickly glanced back at the two, a little more confused herself. "<Wait… Wash'ant that a human supposh to be with Rakon…? Oh well…>" She just shrugged it off, choosing to chug down her pint of ale.

She exhaled again, finishing her drink. "<I haven't had stuff this good for over eighteen years! a new era ish upon us!>"

Back with Kalika and Rhonda, they found themselves inside of a large great hall where rows of long tables laid with so many varieties of foods, that it'd make a barbarian blush. There were meats, breads, and fruits as far as the eye could see and all for the taking. 

And right beside the tables, barrels and barrels of ale were lined up. They were all ready to bust open for its contents as the demons within this hall, partied without a care in the world.

wandering further in, they found that the room was a conflict of aromas with the smell and ale here, and delicious smell of tender meat there. On a closer inspection of the tables Kalika found that the meat she smelled was coming from a large boar that was completely cooked with cooked grapes spilling from its belly.

A barrel of ale exploded, hitting the floor spilling all its contents on the floor, Hardy laughter was heard from the demons who caused the incident followed by more laughter from those just seeing the scene.

Rhonda, trying to escort Kalika away, almost slipped on one of the many bones the demons devoured from, some of the bones even had meat still on them.

Kalika was tempted. She really wanted to dig into the different meats and fruits she saw before her. reaching out she tried grabbing a piece of chicken leg, only to be pulled away from Rhonda.

Rhonda quickly brought Kalika back to her senses.

"K-Kalika. we have to go. We can't stay here." she whispered.

Understanding, Kalika nodded, continuing to let Rhonda lead the way through the distracted demons.

Kalika suddenly felt a strong presence within the horde of demons they were shimmying past. It felt as though they were being watched.

She ignored this feeling, opting to silently follow Rhonda's lead. They almost made it through with just another push past a group of demons.

Just as they made it to the other side of the room a huge blue demon with a large gray beard, made his presence known. This demon was Magnus. "<You're that immortal human girl. What are you doing here…?>"

He turned his gaze to Rhonda, narrowing his eyes. "<And you! You shouldn't be with her!>"

Rhonda pulled Kalika away. They pushed through the partying demons looking for another exit. They found themselves quickly gaining the attention of the demons as they continued their search. Eventually the entire room became aware of them, and they both became cornered within a pool of demons.

"It looks like we have no choice." Kalika held out her hand. "Zorbian."

Unexpectedly, her blood blade dagger did not appear before her, shocking her to her very core. She calls it again. Then again. All with the same results.

Kalika froze in shock. "W-what's going on??"

Magnus approaches the two women again, pushing aside the other demons that couldn't understand the situation. "<Capture them!>"

Kalika freaked out seeing demons charging in. This is intercepted by Rhonda who dispatched the first two with her extending dagger.

She took a gulp of her saliva, then another and another. 

Demons came charging in alongside Magnus. They were quickly met with Rhonda's gaze, placing most of the demons around them in a trance, aside from Magnus. He punched at the ground, nearly hitting Rhonda.

Not taking chances with the demon she pulls Kalika with her, running past all the intoxicated demons. Magnus followed behind, chasing them and setting off the alarm as he did. 

It doesn't take long for the whole castle to become alerted. Demon's once drunk, sobered up quickly knowing the severity of the situation. They raced onward to their location without hesitation while others moved to block any exits they might try.

"T-there's another exit this way!" Rhonda said.

keeping at her pace Kalika throws her question. "Are you sure that's a good Idea? What about the other guards."

"A-all the guards are celebrating around the east side of the castle. if we escape through the front, we might make it past the old capital."

Kalika, running alongside Rhonda, watched her face become beet red and sweaty as she continued to gulp down at her own saliva.

Running through the hall a guard approached from the right but was swiftly disposed of by Rhonda. Another two in front are just as quickly dispatched with a single swipe of Rhonda's blade. 

Not long after, the two entered the main entrance of the castle, where several large pillars stood tall. The escape seemed certain until a huge ax was thrown, nearly hitting both Kalika and Rhonda.

The ax landed in front of the main entrance, and like some strange magic, a web of blood covered the area like a wall!

Kalika is quickly captured and pinned to the ground by Magnus, in his large hand. Rhonda retaliates but her Lightning-fast attack was thwarted as Mangus blocked the attack.

"<Our master gave you a chance!!!>"

Rhonda is punched into a wall by Magnus!

She fell to the ground on her feet, stumbling forth. She quickly reorients herself, charging in with little disregard for her own safety.

She swung her extended dagger at the demon, but this is met with a hammer to the face.

"R… Rhonda!" Kalika yelled.

Kalika turned to find the hammer wielding demon to be the same drunken girl they met earlier. Mae posed herself looking at the maid pitifully with her large hammer resting on her shoulder. "<You just had to sober me up didn't you…>"

Her demeanor had completely shifted from the happy drunk to a cold-hearted little girl.

Kalika gritted her teeth. "Zorbian! Zorbian Zorbian!" Kalika kept trying to manifest her blood blade, but to no avail. it felt as though it was hidden away somehow.

Rhonda fell to the ground on her stomach. It became hard to tell if Rhonda was shaking from the pain or from the effects of her own succubus powers.

Not long after, Rhonda got to her feet, with much more blood running down her face. She gulped down again, and again. And this time opened her one eye much more widely.

She charged in again. This time with much more fierce determination. "<Let her Go!!>"

Mae met her head and as their weapons clashed. Mae flipped the hammer's head to its side and deflected Rhonda's attack, pushing her away.

Mae holding out her finger manifested multiple blood bubbles straight from her finger, bringing forth five separate bubbles. With a single gesture all the blood bubbles shot its way to Rhonda.

Rhonda evaded the best she could but was struck by two of Maes blood bubbles that stung her like acid. Mae followed up with her own attack on Rhonda closing in above her with a hammer posed to strike!

By some sheer miracle Rhonda brought her gaze upon Mae, putting her in a trance.

Rhonda ducked just in time, avoiding the attack and turned her attention back to Magnus and Kalika. Magnus, understanding the situation, started to use his own blood magic.

Placing his hands on the floor, webs of blood shot out, starting to travel through the floor and pillars of the room with a single target in mind. Rhonda jumped and dodged the bloodied webs shooting at her, carefully avoiding each precise strike sent her way. 

Rhonda curved around the pillars of, witnessing some of them shatter as the blood web shot through them. Eventually after dodging them for so long, she found a risky opening.

Taking the risk, she jumped straight past a web being shot at her and to Magnus himself. In a single move she jumped and stabbed the arm holding down Kalika!

Magnus winced from the pain and flinched just enough for Kalika to escape his confines.

"Run!!" Rhonda shouted.

Without hesitation They both ran to the other side of the main entrance, and into the halls of the castle again. Magnus once again pursued the two women, this time sliding his hands against the wall and shooting out more webs of blood from the wall.

They turned hall after hall, avoiding every web that attempted to latch onto them, all the while Rhonda kept gulping down her own saliva.

Looking at Rhonda, Kalika could tell that she was holding onto her own sanity by a thread. Just running alongside her she could feel an immense heat coming from her as she panted. 

Having experienced Rhonda's succubus powers firsthand, Kalika couldn't imagine unbearable urges her maid was going through. It felt as though she was pulling off a miracle.

"T-t-t-this way!" Rhonda yelled.

They came across an intersection. And facing them were Daji, Florin and Valam. Seeing those three demon women, Kalika's heart sank.

Daji immediately sent a spear through Kalika's chest. Florin dropped her own blood on the floor that sent out a strange pulsing wave that immediately stunned both Rhonda and Kalika in place. Valam, not to fall behind, used her blood rope, tying it to Kalika's neck from afar.

Luckily for Kalika, Rhonda quickly broke free from Florins power and sliced away Valam's rope. Rhonda quickly took Kalika under her wing and turned right in the hall.

 Gaining distance from the three women, Rhonda tore away the blood spear from Kalika's chest. She quickly licked her hand and smeared it on Kalika's wound, healing both her chest and back as they fast approached a withering pink garden.

Not long after, Kalika regained consciousness, finding pain coming from inside her chest.

"O-ow…. Rhonda?"

Rhonda pulled Kalika ahead, telling her to run once more. They soon entered the garden. The chill in the air became evident and she recognized this garden well from when Bjorn recaptured her.

"W-wait this is-"

Rhonda interrupted. "Y-you have to jump Kalika! It's the only way; you have to jump over the wall!" 

Kalika was momentarily stunned by what Rhonda just said.

Kalika looked over the short stone wall, slowly, she felt her every will to escape, leave her. It was as though her every will to leave was replaced with immense hesitation. It felt just like those other times.

She looked at the night sky, becoming hypnotized by the radiance of the two moons. Looking back down a fear crept into Kalika's heart. A fear she didn't understand. "S-s-s-s-somethings not right. W-why can't I…"

Kalika turned back to Rhonda, much more concerned. "Rhonda-" 

Suddenly Kalika found herself being kissed by Rhonda. the sounds of moaning snaking just under her breath,

Rhonda's eye widened in shock, regaining her sanity. She quickly pulled herself away from Kalika, distancing herself. She quickly wiped her mouth from her beet red face. 

"I-I'm so sorry!" She stuttered. "I-I can't… resist the feeling… any longer. M-my mind is going blank. P-please, you have to go now!"

"I…I Can't…" Kalika has never seen Rhonda in such a vulnerable state as she did now. Seconds later Kalika felt a dizziness strike. A familiar heat rose within her body.

Not long after the demons chasing them surrounded both Kalika and Rhonda. 

"Please, forgive me for what I'm about to do." Rhonda muttered. Desperate, Rhonda forced herself to push Kalika from the stone wall.

"Please forget about me! And run as far away as possible! Please!!"

Kalika watched from below as a blood spear shot into Rhonda's chest. An immense guilt filled her heart at that moment. And just as she thought she would hit the ground…

She was caught from the sky, into the arms of someone very fit with toned muscles. Opening her eyes, Kalika looked on in horror as she found herself in the grasp of Rakon.


Despite his slightly changed appearance with his broken right horn, she could tell it was him, as they flew in the sky with his demonic wings abroad. Rakon ignored Kalika with a sour look, instead focusing on getting them back onto the stone wall of the garden.

Landing back on the wall, they watched as Rhonda with the spear still in chest, continued to fight in vain. Gaz arrived, stopping the pointless fighting and pinned Rhonda to the ground. Daji and her posse scowled at the maid, leaving her be.

"<There's no point in fighting this woman,>" Gaz said. "<She's already set to die before the morning. If her losing blood doesn't kill her, poison will surely finish off.>"

Mae arrived on the scene but was halted by Magnus, they both continued to watch the scene in silence.

Gaz grasped at Rhonda's face examining it much more closely. He snickered. "<Stupid woman It looks like she can die at any moment. Using your powers on hasten demise.>" He threw her face from his hands. "<And to think... You actually tried escape with the immortal woman.>"

Rakon glaring at the maid, growled. "<This maid… This lousy maid…!>"

Kalika, looking back at Rakon, saw his eyes become black, with his green pupils glowing ever so brightly.

With his right arm Rakon conjured forth a rock, enlarging with each passing second into a boulder that encompassed most of the garden. Gaz quickly moved out of the way knowing there was no reasoning with Rakon at this point.

"Rakon! Please! Don't do it!" Kalika tugged at his clothes hard. "Don't do it!"

Rhonda, seeing Kalika and recognizing the situation, tries to keep herself composed as she looks on in sorrow. And for one last time, she looked at her master, saying her final words. 

"Kalika… I'm so sorry."


The crushing of bones and flesh were the only things that Kalika could hear in the deafening silence. She couldn't bear witness to see the results of Rhonda's demise.

"No! This can't be happening! T-this can't be." In an instance all those feelings she once thought were real, vanished in an instant, replaced by an empty void.

All her senses started to feel overwhelmed, heart racing, heat rising. She recognized this feeling well. The effects from Rhonda's concupiscent kiss, started to overtake her very mind.

"No. Not now!" breathing became much heavier with hazed vision. She held tight to Rakon's robe, trying to calm herself in vain.

"T-this isn't real. This isn't real… It can't be real."

She could hear the calling of her name, everything started to become increasingly hazy. She gripped Rakon's clothes much tighter as her body felt an overwhelming desire that was mind numbing to a point of losing air. Everything became dark as she was filled with new breath and an unbearable lust.

Nooooooo!!!! ToT

CASAN278creators' thoughts
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