
Chapter 49: ANGEL 003

A cold sweat ran down Lucius's face as he glared at the Angel, Terrocht before them.

"Lillian… Don't let your guard down for a second." He said, grimmly.

Lillian glancing back at Lucius never saw him so serious. She immediately went on guard, putting all her focus onto Terrocht. She brought her hand forward, conjuring multiple balls of fire around her. "I know-…"

But like magic, it disappeared from their sights!

Suddenly Lucius blocked Terrocht attack on his General, Protecting Jala. Lillian was left in utter shock seeing this. "H-he's faster than that last angel I fought!"

Lucius deflected the attack and instantly burned it with his immense power using his free hand.

Terrocht stuck his hands through the fire gripping and ripping Lucius' arm off!

"Thank you for the meal." it said.

"GO!" Lucius ordered.

Jala dashed from the courtyard.

Lucius backed away from Terrocht, watching it absorb his arm into itself. Not too long after, Lucius instantly regrew his entire arm.

"Mmmm… You must be the King of Demons… Such excellent and potent magic. This is enough to sustain me for a whole ten years!"

Terrocht held out its hands and in an instant grew it larger and larger. With a smile he slams his huge fist at Lucius, cratering the ground. Luckily for Lucius, he evaded but was met with a ball of fire hurdling his direction.


He readied his free hand to stop the attack but is saved by a water barrier conjured by Lillian.

She turned to Terrocht, hurling her own fireballs at him. However he took them all straight on without flinching.

"Ah yes you… Your magic is familiar. You wouldn't happen to be the holder of the holy light would you? Or perhaps an offspring."

"Nonetheless your magic will serve to make me stronger!" Terrocht shrank his hands and quickly enlarged it, in an attempt to grab Lillian.

She dodged and counter attacked by pelting him with an even faster flurry of fire balls.

Lucius followed behind Lillian, slicing at Terrocht abnormally large fingers before turning to slice and severing its hand.

Within a mere second the hand completely regenerates itself.

Lillian grimaced, seeing this. "Grr."

After a moment of pondering, she changed her fire magic to earth.

"What's this?" Terrocht asked

Lillian reformed the balls of earth around her into the shape of rods and spikes

"This is new…" it said.

Without hesitation Lillian unleashed a flurry of earth spikes and rods at Terrocht. Rod after rod and spike after spike penetrated Terrocht from its legs to its body, even its head. It began to use its hands to block the incoming attack.

Eventually the flurry stopped. Peeking from its hand it found Lucius moving in, cutting its head from its body!

Lucius slid far distance away from Terrocht, watching for any signs of life. Sure enough Terrocht regrew its own head like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Ah~. Nothing like a warmup to start off my first few moments in God's paradise."

Hearing Terrocht, Lillian became more serious. "Warm up?"

Before she could realize it Terrocht stood over her ready to attack. Everything slowed down to a snail's pace and she caught a glimpse of its sinister and knowing smile.

She blocks and is sent flying through the courtyard wall. Her arms became numb from the impact of his blow, then her head struck several of the small homes behind her.

She tried reorienting herself as she flew back only to find Terrocht before her once again! He grew his hands ready to slam her to the ground.


Lucius once again cut his hand with a single slash. But this left him exposed in the air.

Terrocht, using this small window, shot and struck Lucius with an earth rod no different from Lillians. sending him into another section of the city entirely.

Lillian scraped her back on the ground but quickly got to her feet. a few seconds and her arms and back were healed. She quickly pressed her hadn on her chest, endowing herself with additional energy and strength using her own powers.

Her eyes darted around, waiting for Terrocht to attack any second.

"Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?"

Lillian suddenly hears the sounds of buildings being demolished. "There you are!"

She grew her wings, quickly taking off to the source of the noise, she found both Lucius and Terrocht engaging in an intense battle. Each blow they made led to the decimation of houses and other buildings, leaving the city in an even more ruined condition.

Lucius conjured three huge balls of fire, sending it in Terrocht's direction. It easily deflects this attack and sends one of its own to Lucius who cuts through this magic!

The Demon King wasted no time closing the distance, cutting through Terrocht. He turns blocking an attack with his sword, quickly dodging through Terrocht's counter attacks.

Lucius cuts through Terrocht's arm, only for it to completely grow back in seconds.

Unexpectedly, Lucius was suddenly grabbed by Terrocht's enlarged hands and was forced to bear the pain of being crushed.

Luckily for Lucius, Lillian intercepts them with her wing magic slicing through Terrocht's arm.

Lucius quickly distanced himself from Terrocht with Lillian joining by his side.

Lillian scoffs. "What happened with your undead army Lucius?"

"And bring fodder for this Angel, that won't help us, Lillian."

"Then how do we beat him?"

Lucius scowls. "All we can do is keep attacking until we exhaust it... Angels are unkillable creatures that only die from exhausting their magic."

Terrocht closed in for an attack, Stretching and slamming its arms down. They both evade this attack.

"Lillian! Whatever you do, don't let it consume any flesh! It'll only make him stronger!!"

Lillian glances back at Terrocht, remembering what it and the other angel Enocht did before. Terrocht hearing Lucius smiled creepily.

Lillian landed back on the ground and launched pillars of earth rod from its arm up to its body. But it broke through as if pain was just a concept. Stretching back to Lillian

She backs off further, endowing herself with what little power she could muster.

"So, you are the holder of the holy light…"Terrocht points a finger at Lillian. "How rude of me I should've introduced myself."

Lucius quickly approached from behind, ready to cut at Terrocht once more.

Terrocht dodge, pointing and blasting a beam of energy from its finger at Lucius!

Lucius is shot in the chest!

He ignored the pain slicing Terrocht's head off again.

Lucius grabbed the head, burning it to ash. He quickly distanced himself as the head completely regenerated back.

"My Name is Terrocht, God Cassells faithful commanding Angel. But sometimes he prefers to call me 'ANGEL 003'." Terrocht gives a quick bow, before clashing with Lucius again. "Tsk tsk tsk. Don't worry I'll have you returned back to the cycle with those other Heroes of Prophecy. After all, if you don't return, God will be quite upset."

Lillian slices through him with her wind slices.

"That's another month lost…" Terrocht noted.

Terrocht deflected another of Lucius' attacks "It's alright to be scared of death, holy light holder. All creatures fear death, but in dying, it brings them to the holy land to live in tranquility. Eeh hee hee hee hee heeh."


"Oh?"Terrocht found itself in the air. It found Lillian now punching its gut.

Lucius followed up slicing through Terrocht.

"The demon races fable blood magic, Huh?"

One side of Terrocht completely regenerates leaving Lucius to burn the other half.

They all land back on the ground.

"Looks like it works," Lillian says.

She readies her bloodied hand, this time splattering her blood to the ground.

Terrocht suddenly found himself in a dizzying confusion of attacks. One second, He's blocking an attack the Next he finds himself attacking Lucius. This then changed once again to him clashing with Lillian.

Lucius thrusted his blade into Terrocht's back. he attempted to cut through him but failed.

"Ah, Magic that strips away pieces of memory with each drop accounting for about ten minutes."

Lillian flinched hearing the Terrochts' analysis.

"This is an easy remedy."


Once again, he is in the air with Lillin readying a huge explosive fireball from above. She shot it at Terrocht, but he simply deflected the attack towards the fortified city wall.


Terrocht blocked Lucius sword.


Now he found himself Conjuring a ball of fire shooting it at Lillian.


Now he's deflecting their attacks. He caught and grabbed Lillian by the arm. She yelps and Lucius sliced Terrocht's arm in an instant.

"Too late." Terrocht said.

Lillian splatter blood on the ground once again. Their battle ensued with Lillian strengthening herself like last time.

She huffs. "I'm at my Limit, Lucius!"

"Hold out for a little longer. Jala and Azar will be back any moment!"

They evade a beam of Light from Terrocht. Their battle continued to level the entire city itself with an intense back and forth between two forces.

"This is it!" Lillian thought to herself.

Lillian watched as Lucius made use of the small window but…

Turning around Terrocht pointed his entire palm to Lucius, confusing him.


A beam of light shot through Terrocht's hands, blasting a large hole into Lucius's chest.


But just like before, Lucius ignored the pain and moved forward to slash Terrocht in half and burned both slides to a crisp.

Lucius stumbled to his knees coughing up blood. Terrocht instantly regenerated his body once again. He got up, now looking down at Lucius. It reaches its hands out to grab the Demon King, but this was avoided with Lillian snatching away Lucius, bringing him as far from Terrocht as possible.

Lucius regenerated himself back with the help of Lillian's holy magic to heal his wound. "We're lucky we haven't come across any remains so far. Looks like they came through on their end…" Lucius struggled his way up.

"Stop." Lillian interjected.

"We can't Lillian. As long as that Angel lives, He'll kill every living thing in sight. And I will not let it kill my people. Not like last time! We've come too far to let it all end here!"

Lucius tore off the remaining bits of his armor that remained, letting it fall to the ground hard.

They both looked back at Terrocht seeing that it was seemingly examining itself.

"They shaved my lifespan into a single year…"

Terrocht looked back at them plainly as if bored with them. He then hovered himself in the air flying further and further up. "I shall cleanse this earth of you demons and put an end to this charade."

"W-what is he doing now??" Lillian questioned.

Lucius' eyes widened in surprise. "He's going to destroy this entire city…"

"Quick Lillian! We need to-!"



Loud explosion roared. Fire scorching through flesh of both Lillian and Lucius.

The perpetrators, none other than Jala and Azar who were now holding the freshly shot pipes in their hands.

Both Lillian and Lucius fell to their knees, no to long after being frozen in place.

"J…Jala?? A-azar!!???" Lillian became confused, quickly realizing the circumstances.

"So, you were working under Rakon after all, Azar." Lucius hissed. "I should've killed you both a long time ago! But you, Jala…"

Lucius clenched his teeth in rage. "I never would've thought you would betray us too."

"Rakon already told us your plans of negotiating with these human nations." Jala said, plainly. "After all they've done to us, they deserve nothing but death."

"How disappointing." Lucius could only glare at Jala before being completely encased in ice. Lillian also began to be encased in ice.

"J-Jala, Azar you're making a huge mistake!"

"No. Our only mistake was accepting you as our queen. A demon with human origins is no Demon at all." "Jala stated.

"Well said Jala," Azar said.

Without warning, Jala is suddenly stabbed in the back and through the chest by Azar, shocking even Lillian. "A…Azar?" Jala wheezed.

She pulled her stone conjured sword from Jala's body, leaving him to fall to his knees. He felt his fatal wound and looked at the blood on his hands.


"The new King will have no need for a demon like you either. You know him, hates disloyal followers, especially those he knows will turn their backs on him. He knew sooner or later that you'd learn that he convinced that brother of yours to turn on you." Azar circled around to meet Jala face to face.

Azar flashes a snarky smile at Jala. "He knows how sensitive you are when it comes to your… past. So, he figured it was best to stem the bleeding now before you could fester any further."

Furious, Jala attempts to use his ice magic on her only for her to use earth magic to crush his arms!

Jala screamed in pain.

She crushed his other arm with her earth magic, locking him to the ground as Lillian slowly finished becoming encased in Ice. She looked back up seeing a huge ball energy the size of the entire city.

"Heh, nice knowing you, Jala."

Sprouting wings, Azar flew off before Terrocht devastating attack could be launched.


Terrocht, watching from above, could only smile in amusement. He continued to gather the energy in his hands, all the while Azar flew further from City and past the fleeing demon army without warning.

"Isn't that Azar?" A soldier pointed out."


With the motion of Terrocht's arm, he sent the enormous ball of energy hurtling towards the ground.

The ball of energy slowly hit the ground, enveloping even half the fleeing demon army in light, killing everyone in range.

Luckily for Azar she manages to get out in time to watch the spectacle, satisfied with the results.

Not too far from the battlefield Rakon watched the events unfold. He smiled contently seeing as a newly made crater is revealed. With Terrocht nowhere in sight.

"Where have you gone…" Rakon wondered.

Rakon turned away, leaving the hill side he was watching from. "No matter, that Angel shouldn't have much time to live. It achieved its purpose. Now… This country belongs to me."

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