
Chapter 32: Contempt

Kalika's thrown onto a pile of her father's ashes. She looked at the broken urn in front of her.

"<We probably have a couple of minutes. so, what shall we do to her?>" Florin asked.

Daji picked up a pile of ash off the ground, she clumped it into her hand sending a blaze of fire into it. "<I have an idea. Let see what happens when we use this on her.>"

Daji grabbed Kalika by the face, giving a wicked smile as she forced Kalika to open her mouth. She posed herself ready to stuff the fiery clump of ash of her adopted father's remains into her mouth. And just as Daji was about to stuff it into Kalika, a bloodied hand shot from Kalika's neck, grabbing Daji's arm!

Alarmed, Daji pulled back, immediately putting out the fire.

A familiar voice echoes in the room. "<There will be a time and place where you can have your fun with her. But that has not come!>"

"R…Rakon!??? What's… goin-…" Kalika started to lose consciousness. No. She was dying again. Kalika awoke to find herself being dragged from the chamber, leaving a trail of ash behind. "H-how could they… T-those bastards. Let go of me…"

"Let go of me!!" Kalika tried resisting, but quickly found herself with a kick to the gut. She got slammed effortlessly into the wall of the corridor. Daji looked at Kalika angrily as her posse simply gave scornful looks at Kalika. She tightened her grasp on Kalika's neck, starting to talk down to Kalika in her native tongue.

Despite the language barrier, Kalika could tell from the words she could recognize and the venom in her words that she hated Kalika. It wasn't not long before Kalika was thrown onto the floor.

 Valam suddenly grabbed Kalika by the hair, painfully dragging her across the floor and tossing her to the other end of the hall.

She slammed into the wall hard, coughing out blood as she did. She was left on the floor, wrestling with the pain as their laughter echoed in the hall. They slowly approached Kalika, who struggled to get up. 

Just as she lifted herself, she found herself unable to breathe. It felt as though the air was sucked out of her lungs. She was completely defenseless against these demonic women.

It wasn't long before Kalika was grabbed by the side of the arm and dragged the rest of the way to the prison. And as they did, the three women cracked crude jokes, completely directed at Kalika. Even with the language barrier, she could still tell as such with the few words she understood.

"I… I Hate demons!!"

Kalika instinctively found herself glaring at the ladies indignantly. One of them took notice just as they entered the prison. 

Daji, grabbed Kalika by the cheeks with her one hand, holding it tight in her grasp. She glared back at Kalika, practically annoyed.

 "<This stupid girl has some guts.>" she said. She then gave a sinister smile. "<Florin, let's give the boys a head start with her. What do you think?>"

Florin smiled too, swirling some water magic in the palm of her hand. She formed a flat disc that accelerated faster and faster, eventually inching close to its target until the entire corridor was filled with a blood curdling scream.


A skinned leg from raw chicken is sliced through and opened up. The bones are removed as well as any other pieces of the bone and thrown into a seasoned pot of boiling water.

"Is the new batch ready yet?"

"Yeah, yeah. Give us a minute here!"

The prisoner chief turned his attention to Donovan who was cutting some vegetables. "Are the carrots and onions ready yet?"

"Almost." Donovan finished chopping up the vegetables. He then brushed them into a bowl with his knife and slid it over to the next cook in line for them to dump the bowl into the pot. Some of the other prisoners around, started to scoff at Donovan.

"Alright you're on serving duty," The chief said.

"Sure." Donovan said, plainly

"An here." The chief gave a large rag looking handkerchief.

"What's this?"

"You wrap it around your head."

"I'm not wearing that so forget about it."

The rag was abruptly thrown in Donovan's face. He quickly tore the rag from his face annoyed. "Hey, you wanna fight with me old man!"

"Oh shut up." Another cook said.

"Just get working, will ya." said another. "Damn it, Why'd the demons want him on cooking duty now?" a hint of irritation seeped through his words.

Another cook manning the pot also chimed, irritated by Donovan. "Seriously, for a new guy you're too damn hot blooded."

"Not when it comes to the immortal maiden though. The man literally pissed himself just seeing her!"

Laughter erupted from among the men manning the cooking utensils. leaving Donovan none too please.

"He did!??" another asked.

"Yeah! Just yesterday too! You should've seen it!"

Cackling and laughter could still be heard among the few cooks, some of whom Donovan had beaten the day before.

Donovan turned around quickly, absolutely boiling. "You Dahlian bastards! I'll-"

Donovan was slapped hard on the back of the head.

"Hey who-!" Donovan stopped, seeing that Tilus was in front of him.

"Quit the bickering and serve already, new kid." Tilus ordered.

"Tch." Donovan glanced back at the men still chuckling. "Fine."

Placing the pot her took the ladle, scooping up the meat porridge and pouring it into the wooden bowl.

"It seems like you've gained back some of your nerve, I guess… you really are afraid of women. Aren't you?"

"I-I'm not scared of women!" Donovan gave the bowl, steering his eyes away from Tilus. "I just don't have a good history is all."

"Hmph." Tilus grabbed his bowl. "By the way… do you remember what I told you last night"

Donovan darted his eyes back to Tilus. "Of course I do. But it's not like I'll try to become her friend or something. In all honesty I'd rather avoid her as much as I can... Like I said… I don't have a great history with women."

"Still… Whatever happens. Good or bad. you should avoid getting involved otherwise she might try escaping again. And she's already in a bad enough situation as it is." Tilus with his bowl in hand leaves. "For her sake, just avoid her-"

The doors of the mess hall are slammed open. Shortly after Kalika is being dragged into the mess hall and thrown into the room full of other prisoners. She lets out a painful scream. Glances and looks of confusion became evident with everyone, Even Tilus was shocked to see her dropped in, in such a manner.

By the looks of it, Kalika has had her legs and arms cut and sliced through. She struggles to move and is pinned to the ground shortly after, by Daji.

She spoke out in the demon language which was shortly after translated by a guard. "Easy kill for anyone who wants it."

Kalika clenched her teeth upon hearing this. Looking up she found that many of the prisoners were arming themselves. Leaving their food and their bowls.

"<Enjoy the pigs!>" Daji kicked Kalika over to the men, shortly after, leaving with the other women.

It wasn't long before Kalika was killed by the other revenge hungry prisoners around her. They slashed and stabbed at any part of her that they could. She struggled to fight back. To escape. But it was all for naught as she screamed in pain.

Donovan witnessing this, found the scene absolutely appalling. As if by instinct, he left his post, only to be grabbed by Tilus. "Argh! What are you doing old man!"

"Stopping you from doing something stupid."

"What the hell are you talking about? They're killing her!!"

"They are. And they had, three times already… In case you haven't realized it yet, Look."

Donovan was forced to watch on as the group killed Kalika, they seemed to be waiting a few moments before another stabbed Kalika. Through a gap within the wall of men, Donovan saw Kalika's fatal wounds heal, leaving him in complete disbelief.

"W-what the hell???"

"No matter how many times she's killed, she can never die. so you shouldn't have worry about her."

"What do you mean…? They're ganging up on her… how the hell is that fair!?" Donovan tried to break through Tilus's grip but found him to be overpowering.

"Let go of me damn it!!"

"Listen kid. Even if you do help her, what good do you think that will do for you if you wind up dead."

"Like I give a damn-"

The doors opened once again. This time Maverick had shown back up with his sword in hand.

"M-Maverick!?" one of the prisoners noticed.

"What the hell is he doing here? doesn't he just sit in his cell???" another prisoner questioned.

Maverick approached the group of prisoners huddling over Kalika, he gave a menacing glare only a predator would give. "Step away from her."

They all obliged, scurrying away, all the while some loyal prisoner came from behind Maverick to assist him. It's not long before Kalika awoke and got stabbed in the stomach. She screamed out in pain once more, all the while Donovan struggled to free himself from Tilus's grasp.

"They say you lost your memory of the last ten years… must be very convenient. Huh?" Maverick started twisting the sword, making Kalika writhe in pain. "But I'm far from forgetting all the shitty things you've done like everyone else here. I'm the kind of guy that believes in a life for another life. So I'll be taking your life for each one you stole from me."

Maverick takes the sword out, plunging it into Kalika's chest. "This is for John."

Slices the neck. "This is for Harold."

He positions the sword over Kalika's head, terrifying her. Maverick presses down and Kalika grabs it with both hands. "This is for Leo." With all his strength, he drives the sword into her skull.

He noticed that she was still gripping the sword strongly as he tried pulling it out. 

"Hold her down." Maverick ordered.

Many of the prisoners that followed him obliged, holding her down. She awoke to find that she was being held down.

"L-let go of me. Let go of me!!!" Kalika Dart her eyes around the room seeing Tilus holding the new guy from the day before.

"T-tilus! Help me! Please!" her head was immediately cut from her head.

"Shut it will you," Maverick coldly said.

"Damn it! She's calling you! Are you just going to ignore her!?"

Tilus continued to look on. Watching.

"Please!!" Kalika yelled again. Once again she is killed. "Please!" she pleads again.

"Stop!! This is just plain wrong!" Donovan finally yells.

Maverick slowly turned his attention to Donovan, glaring at him coldly. "Donovan, Right? I heard of you.. The last I saw; your people crusaded my homeland in the name of your God." Maverick once again kills Kalika.

"If invading with the righteous cause for your God wasn't wrong…." He kills her yet again.

"Then this is no different." and again, she's killed. "This is simply retribution for the people she's killed. My people!"

Kalika woke to see the sword once again pointed at her face. "There's another four thousand two hundred thirty-seven people I'll need to avenge."

"I turn my back for a minute and the rules continue to be broken" A voice sounded out. "Apparently I didn't make myself clear the first time."

Suddenly the heads of all the men holding Kalika down, exploded. Drenching both Kalika and Maverick in their blood and leaving them in utter shock. The other prisoners watching, including Donovan and Tilus, were just as shocked by the swift punishment dealt.

A bloody clone of Rakon appeared. "If any of you try to do anything aside from killing her, then you should expect a swift punishment. This will be your final warning."

The bloody Rakon clone turned his attention to a disoriented Kalika on the floor kneeling down, rubbing her cheek with two of his fingers. "It looks like my appearance has everyone quite shaken. Perhaps you'd like to use this opportunity to escape?" He whispered quietly.

a moments later Rakon's clone was penetrated through with Maverick's sword. Its target, Kalika. But by some miracle the Mavericks' strike missed Kalika's head, barely grazing her.

"Oh. he's very ballsy. Isn't he…"

"You're no guard, and everything else goes right?" Maverick stated.

"That is correct," Rakon replied. The clone took his hands off of Kalika. "I wonder what you'll do next." The clone gave a smile before becoming a puddle of blood.

Maverick using this chance pulls his sword back readying for a swing. Suddenly he was punched in the face by Donovan. Surprising both Kalika and Maverick. 

Maverick stared at the man that stood before him. His breathing started to intensify as he continued to look at Donovan. "You bastard. I'll kill you!" Mavericks' aura became more intense.

"T-this idiot! What's he thinking!???"

"Ha. So this is the famous oppressive aura, you northern barbarians use." Donovan mocked.

Maverick swung his sword at Donovan, only for Tilus to catch it. Maverick glared up at Tilus, aura intensifying. "You wanna fight too?" his rage intensified with each word spoken.

Tilus quickly looked at Kalika with stern eyes. Shifting his eyes to gesture something to her. 

"No." Tilus finally responded, turning back to Maverick. "It just so happened that you're ruining my meal. And now everyone here is on edge with all this racket you've been making."

Kalika quickly got up retreating from the mess hall. Seeing this Maverick tried to follow, however his sword was still in Tilus's grasp, unable to move it.

"Is this the line you want to draw, Tilus." Maverick started to pull with all his strength to no avail as Tilus's grip tightened. "Are you really willing to die for that woman!?"

Donovan, standing between the two men, watched as they were practically waging war using their muscles alone. The two struggled until cracks became visible on the sword. Maverick scowled at Tilus, who simply let the sword go.

"Fine. The line has been drawn. You better have your swords ready, the next we meet."

With those last few words, Maverick left. The remainder of the men that were with him followed suit, leaving behind the dead bodies of their companions.

Tilus sighs. "She brings nothing but trouble… Oh well." Tilus glanced at Donovan to see he was now shaking. Upon checking him, Donovan became as brittle as a leaf, falling apart.

The spectacle of pure muscle power seemed to have been too overwhelming for him.

"Dumb kid."


After some time passed of escaping, Kalika found herself hiding in that corner of the dungeon prison corridor. She listened as running from other prisoners was heard. She was cut and bruised from the other encounters with prisoners she's been getting throughout the day.

"<Nighttime. Day is over.>" A guard yelled. He continues to yell this, walking down the corridors.

A wave of relief washed over Kalika. "It's finally over."

"I found her!! She's over here!!"

Kalika Jolted, opening her eyes to an oncoming attack. She tried to block it with her hands, when suddenly the man's head exploded. Once again Kalika found herself covered in blood.

"Congratulations on making it through your first day." Rakon appeared before Kalika with a cocky grin.

"Y-you asshole!" Kalika looked over at herself. Seeing her arms soaked in the man's blood.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that Maid of yours will get something ready for you. She's done a good job cleaning the mess she's made too."

Rakon notices that Kalika is starting to breathe more heavily.

"I-I'm too tired to… deal... With you."

"Don't tell me... you're just... going to-" 

Rakon looked back to find Kalika sleeping. "Hmm…"

Kalika later wakes up in her bed. She looked around to find herself cleaner with Rhonda by the side of her bed. She peeked at the cell door, finding it wide open.

"How did I…" Moving her arm, she discovered a loaf of bread. She glanced at Rhonda before cracking a smile and eating the loaf in front of her. 

"Thank you, Rhonda."

 Kalika watched as Rhonda's dreamful worry turned into blissful content.

"Tomorrow the same thing will probably happen... I have to be one step ahead… It probably wouldn't hurt to explore the dungeon a little more..." The thought of her adopted father's burial chamber arose in her mind, with a deep disappointment settling in. "I'll clean that tomorrow too..." 

Kalika takes those last few bites of the only meal she's had for the day. Upon finishing, she got a whiff and cringed. 

"What's that weird smell?" 

She watched on, as Rhonda smiled with blissful ignorance.

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