
Home Sweet League

Shatter POV:

Walking down the streets, I decide that I'm gonna take a lot of time to get back to the hideout. Might as well scare them, right? What should've taken me about an hour, took me around two and a half. By now it's about 7:30 am, an hour and a half past my deadline. There's no way at least one of them isn't freaking out at this point, I laugh to myself. I get to the door of the underground bar, and kick it open.

"I'm still kickin fuckers!!" I yelled out, shocking everyone.

"SHATTER!!! WE THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T MAKE THE TIME LIMIT!!!" Toga screamed while tackling me to the ground.

"Ugh! Get off me!!"

"Good to see you're still alive, kid. Place wouldn't be the same without you here." Dabi said quietly.

"Just cause you're not fully with us doesn't mean we don't love you! We hate you, go away!!!" Twice yelled out happily.

I may not be with them, but we help each other out when needed. I get a place to stay and consistent food, and they get help with getting information. It's a win-win. After talking for a bit more, I excuse myself to go to bed. I've been up all night after all. It's nothing fancy, just a bed, dresser, bathroom, and a desk. Since I'm barely here to do anything other than eat or sleep, there's no reason to make it fancy. That shit costs money after all.

I think I'll annoy Eraser again tonight. But first, sleep! I think to myself before plopping facedown on the bed, not even changing from my clothes. After sleeping through the day, I wake up when Kurogiri gets me for food before my night. Getting into my outfit, I chug a few more coffees and head out.

There's not even a reason for me to be out tonight, so I'll probably just pass out on a roof. I still have the wound, which Dabi oh so helpfully stapled together after I went home last night. Better than nothing I guess, I shrug to myself. It's held together quite well when he's done it in the past. I probably shouldn't have him take care of this stuff, but hey, it works. After a bit of thinking to myself, I find a roof that feels comfy enough to sit on.

Suddenly, I'm shaken from my daydreams by a familiar voice. "What are you doing out tonight? You're hurt, you should be resting."

"Awwww, you care about me!! That's sooo sweet! I'll be sure to tell the League when I get back. They LOVE the gossip about us. Dabi was kind enough to make me match him."

"YOU'RE WITH THE LEAGUE?!?! YOU STAPLED YOURSELF BACK TOGETHER?!? Why aren't you doing anything 'bad' tonight?" he questioned me.

"Not with per say. We just help each other out kinda? I needed a place to live, and they needed help with some shit. What else am I gonna do? Not get myself fixed? As you said, I'm hurt, that's why I'm just chillin here. Plus, I needed a break... getting myself into that stuff from last night was scary... I got caught with something, and went into debt... they called to let me know what I had to do... I went up against the yakuza!!! That's a scary position to be in." I vented to him, getting quieter at the end.

"Look kid, I would be scared too. That's something that you need backup with. What did you get stuck with in the first place?" Eraser asked while sitting next to me.

"I got caught while getting something. I'm not going into detail, so don't get your hopes up. The way that group works is either an eye for an eye, or an eye for a debt. I didn't wanna lose a leg and eye, so I chose the last one... " I started off, keeping my guard up in case he tried anything. "Last night, they called for that debt... I couldn't say no even if I wanted to. Got sent on an errand they needed to do. Stole a shitload of information from that Overhaul guy. Killed a bunch of his men too. I really fucked up. They find out it was me, and I'm losing my life... Eraser, I'm scared..."

"Wow... you really got yourself into some deep shit. If you'd just turn yourself in, like I said to, we could protect you. I think that it's nice you trust me enough to say all that to me."

"I'm not turning myself in, old man. Don't get used to it, it's just venting. I gotta get goin home. They're still scared of the yakuza comin after me, so I need to lay low for a while." I say while standing up.

"It's nice to know you're not out on the streets like I thought. Even with the people you're with, you're healthy and safe." he says following my lead.

When I start moving, he follows. "Nice try dude, but I'm not going home right this second." I say while smirking under my mask.

"Worth a shot." he chuckles before running towards a scream we heard.

Now it's time to go home. The walk back was uneventful at best. I kept checking to make sure I wasn't being followed, and to my relief, I wasn't. Shigaraki would kill me without a second thought if I led a hero to his doorstep. I think with a shiver.

Walking in the door, I say hi and go straight to the shower.

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