
A freaking rolls-royce

He's fair skin, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, where u could get lost if u stared long enough.

His face had that far away look in it, which can not be described in words. and his hair, His short blonde hair was as black as the most pure of velvety nights.

he looked nothing like in the picture, everything about the guy in front of me now screams nothing but 'perfecto'.

"Hello, I'm Daniel....." he greeted. And his mesmerizing Soothing voice, sounded like music to my ears. that I could totally listen to all day, What the hell is wrong with me.

"its nice to finally meet you, ur friend told me alot about you" he said then he came forward and took my hand in his, raising it to his lips, he placed a small light kiss at the back of my hand. oh how I wished that was on the lips, Oh GOD help me.

I have never been so lost that I couldn't even speak, i'm 100% sure he thinks I'm stupid. weird, I know he thinks I'm a freak right now. But can u blame me standing in front of the most handsome stranger I've ever met, its obviously overwhelming.

"Sorry to interrupt u two, but I'm hungry" Bella being the wet-blanket she is decided to wrap me up. Arrrg so annoying.

"Ummm let's go" daniel said and led me out of the door, Bella was closely following behind us. we reached the area where he parked his car and....HOLY SHIT!... It was a black Rolls-royce.

How come no one ever mentioned to me how fucking rich he was, the black rolls-royce car was parked at the other side of the road where it stood out even more among other cars.

"HOLY CRAP, YOU DRIVE A FREAKING ROLLS-ROYCE" a loud and ear piercing Scream could be heard from the noisy bitch beside me. Looks like she's worse off than me

Before she would completely disgrace me in front of my prince charming, I had to do something. I moved a little bit closer to her side and pinched her arm as hard as I could "owww" she sighed and shrugged, wincing at the pain caused by the motion.

I turned to face Daniel "hey sorry about my friend, looks like she didn't sleep well last night" I said shyly. Jeez, that was awkward.

He just shrugged his shoulders as if to say he really doesnt give a damn then walked to the other side of the car and opened the car door. and said "its okay babe, Come on in let's go".Awwwwwwwwn he called me 'babe' that's so cute.

I think I might be loosing my mind, who was the one feeding herself shits on how he could be a 'hot face guy' without brains awhile ago, and now his my prince charming. Arrrrrrg such a bitch

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