
spell list

Spell List

Avada Kedavra: Kills whoever the wand points to

Aberratio Ictus: Makes the opponent's spells miss their target.

Abaffiato: An acoustic insulating sphere surrounds the place where the spell is performed, making it mute to the ears of other water pengdagita

Bee-eater: Similar to the avis spell, this spell causes a swarm of bees to be conjured from the tip of the wand. They attack humans easily, so whoever uses this spell must be very careful. The wizard who conjures the bees does not have complete control over them, unless he uses the Oppugno spell. However, don't take too long to use it, or the bees will instinctively attack whoever is closest to them.

Accio: Attracts the desired object

Aero Volantis: Makes the person hit fly into the sky

Animus Magnus: Makes a compass create life

Ascendio: Pulls the wizard or something up

Alart Animals: Produces a sound at a low frequency impossible to be heard by a human being, but tormenting for a magical creature or animal.

Alarte Ascenderare: Makes the target take off upwards like a rocket.

Alarm: The wizard's wand emits a sound similar to a siren. Can be reversed if pronounced again.

Aguamenti: Conjures water from the tip of the wand.

Aqua reverus: Forms a huge calamity of water and can be controlled by the user.

Aqua destrotus: Allows the user to control underground water.

Aqua Extractum: Allows the user to control the water of an object and can trap the opponent in a sphere of water

Aqua Erupt: Creates a large jet of water capable of putting out a fire or facing fire creatures. Aqua Necroterium: Allows the user to conjure a water entity that can be controlled by the user.

Aqua Flagellum: Conjures a water whip.Aequora Teggo: Conjures a wall of water.

Alohomora: Magically unlocks anything, except objects on which the "Colloportus" spell has been used.

Anapneo: Cleans the respiratory trachea and mouth.

Amornae: Spell that must be cast directly into the flames/fire, which prevents it from burning and becoming just a warm breeze.

Animus Corpus: The spell is capable of animating inanimate objects.

Animus Novandi: Causes non-magical objects to do their proper actions on their own.

Animus Pensandi: Forces the object to "think" in the face of situations that are placed upon it.

Annihilare: Used to open or destroy doors.

Amato Animo Animato Animagusque: Used as part of the ritual to become an animagus

Aparecium: Makes ink or invisible objects appear.

Appare Vestigium: It is an enchantment that reveals and illuminates traces of recent magical activity. Shows magical footprints and trail markings in an area.

Apparate and Disapparate: Non-verbal spell without the use of a wand. Used to "teleport" from one place to another.

Aqua eructo: is a charm capable of producing a jet of water from the tip of a wand, it can also be used to create a water barrier.

Aranea Exumai: Repels spiders.

Araniasortia: Conjures any arachnid (remember that the species and size per conjuration evolves over the years, for example: you are in the first year and want to conjure a crab. You can just conjure a garden spider).

Arachnomobilis: Allows the wizard to walk on normally impossible surfaces, such as walls, ceilings, etc. If you lose concentration, you will fall from wherever you are.

Arquerum Siccitatis: The witch controls a huge

give me a portion of land. It can make the location take on a desired shape or throw a grotesque formation of rocks at the opponent.

Airpin: Spell capable of producing a powerful acid which gushes from the tip of the wizard's wand which launches it.

Air: Summons an air warrior armed with whatever the caster desires.

Argentum Sagittarium: Conjures silver arrows.

Arquerum Siccitatis The warlock controls a large amount of land where the quake struck.

Armuns Terrenio: Makes the user make a weapon according to the witcher's thoughts.

Arresto Momentum: Spell capable of slowing down a moving target to a stop, and can be used on multiple targets as well as on the spell caster himself.

Arenophilus: Conjures a jet of sand from the tip of the wand (remembering that the volume of sand increases over the years, but don't use it as if it were going to form a desert).

Armona Necteri Passos: Makes two drain cabinets interconnected.Arbus: Transforms people and animals into trees.

Ascendio: Boosts the wizard or object upwards.

Maladum Asphyxius: Causes the victim to begin to have difficulty breathing, leading to asphyxiation over time. Can be defended with Protego. (Does not kill)

Atordous Stomacus: Causes severe stomach pain in the target, similar to a strong punch.

Avenseguim: turns objects into tracking devices.

Avifors: Transforms the target into a bird.

Avis: Conjures birds.

Aurum Sagittifer: Conjures golden arrows.

Auto-Sadismus: Curse that makes a person feel pleasure in hurting themselves.

Azulacius: Causes the target to receive a large impact, being able to knock them down easily...(.... ...).

Bat Bogey: Makes the target's nose come out of bats.

Baubilious: Produces a jet of white lightning from the wand.

Bamboé: Makes the person's legs wobbly.

Bewitched Snowballs: Spell capable of enchanting several snowballs to chase and throw themselves at a specific target, this target must be specified in the attack action.

Bellus Foal: Causes disgusting, fetid balls of hair and wax to start coming out of the target's navel. The belly button shakes and spits out a hairball every five minutes.

Besus Nasus: Causes small beetles to come out of the victim's nose for a full minute.

Bombarda: Causes an explosion.

Bocaporca: A horrible taste of Jiló mixed with donkey feces comes to the person's mouth. It can cause retching and even vomiting. Variations of this jinx can even appear if a terrible breath comes out of the person's mouth.

Bombarda Maxima: Intensified version of the "Bombarda" spell.

Brachyum Patch: Heals broken bones.

Brachiabindo: Used to trap the opponent with invisible ropes.

Bigodius Engorgius: Makes a person's mustache grow longer

EBublio: creates giant bubbles that float.

Burricus Incantatem: If hit in the target's chest or forehead, the target's ears begin to become dark and long like a donkey's, in addition to a tail being created on their butt.Cattusfor: Transforms the person into a cat. Just like the Canisfor spell, the breed of cat that will transform with the power of the transfigurator's thoughts.

Claustrophobio: The target feels as if they were in a room where the walls were closing in, causing the victim to lose mental control for a few minutes.

Bubble Head: Create a bubble around the head.

Cantis: Spell that causes the victim to have an uncontrollable desire to sing, causing them to start singing without stopping.

Canis Futum: Conjures dogs.

Canisfor: Transforms the person into a dog. The race depends on the transfigurator's thinking.

Claram Lucem: Conjures a powerful luminous sphere.

Capilare: makes the wizard grow hair in a certain place.

Capacius extremis: Spell to expand the inside of a thing or a place to make something appear small but large on the inside.

Canis Sentis: The caster gains the dog's scent and can smell and sniff without difficulty for a certain time.

Craterum Obrovenius: Opens craters in the ground.Caterwauling: Magical barrier which, when invaded, causes a loud and agonizing scream to be heard throughout the perimeter, notifying of the invasion.

Cave Enimicum: Creates a barrier that prevents enemies from penetrating.

Blind Momento: Causes the victim to go blind for a few minutes, only if it hits the eyes, it has no effect on other parts of the body.

Carpe "Pulls" someone or attracts something. Your target must have less weight than the duelist, if the duelist wishes to attract it towards you. However, if your intention is to be "pulled" towards the target, this must have a greater weight than the duelist.Carpe Retractum: Pulls object towards the caster or pulls the caster towards the object.

Ceruleanous: Allows the wizard to alter the existing meteorological effects of a location, in small proportions.

Fence Repair: Repairs fences

Cicatriccio: Heals a wound slowly.

Cistem Aperio: Spell used to open chests.

Circus Infalamre: Conjures a circle of fire

Circle Flamarien: Conjures a thin ring of fire around the wizard, which disappears if not held by the wand.

Circumrota:- Rotates an object.

Crinus Muto: Transforms hair.

Colloportus: Locks doors and passages.

Colloshoo: Adheres/glues the target's feet to the ground with a type of super resistant and adherent ectoplasmic glue, preventing the person from moving.Carpe Retractum: Pulls object towards the caster or pulls the caster towards the object.

Ceruleanous: Allows the wizard to alter the existing meteorological effects of a location, in small proportions.

Fence Repair: Repairs fences

Cicatriccio: Heals a wound slowly.

Cistem Aperio: Spell used to open chests.

Circus Infalamre: Conjures a circle of fire

Circle Flamarien: Conjures a thin ring of fire around the wizard, which disappears if not held by the wand.

Circumrota:- Rotates an object.

Crinus Muto: Transforms hair.

Colloportus: Locks doors and passages.

Colloshoo: Adheres/glues the target's feet to the ground with a type of super resistant and adherent ectoplasmic glue, preventing the person from moving.Coloris Muda: Changes a certain color target, not affecting large surfaces and being less effective on living creatures.

Conjurius Army: Non-verbal spell, which allows you to conjure any possible object within the proportional laws of conjuration.

Commoror Vigga: Used to nullify any effect of Expelliarmus, leaving the wand in your hand or preventing you from being thrown back.

Coercere Magic: Gives the wizard the ability to invoke the four elements of nature and use them in duels.

Confringo: Powerful explosion spell.

Confundus: Confuses the victim.

Cocerus: Causes the target to feel a terrible itch in the area hit by the flash

Conjuntevictos: used to blind the opponent

Collare: When used on an object, the spell is capable of fixing it to the floor, wall or ceiling, so that it does not fall or tip over

Collare Corpus: Fixes a part of the opponent's body to any surface it is touching.Corandio: Pigments an object with the desired color and pronounced along with the spell formula

Corneo Frontis: Causes small horns to grow on the victim's forehead

Corpus Incenenerus: Incinerates a body until it turns to ash.

Crucio: Causes enormous pain in the victim's body.

Clypeus: Creates a protective shield

Compiro Terreomenteo: Allows the wizard to conjure a clone of himself made of earth.

Confractus Maledictionem: Undoes curses still in the air like ''Avada Kedavra"

Confractus ad Maledictus: Temporarily pauses a Maledictus's transformation

Cuecatius: Causes the victim's underwear/panties to catch on an imaginary hook that lifts them from behind, resulting in a wedgie. Only advanced wizards can make the spell progress from pulling underwear to more violent things.

Cutare: Fires a crescent-shaped blade towards the opponent. Aqua Diagnosis: Discovers all mixtures in the liquid inside a refractory. Potionists usually discover potions this way.

Draconifor: Transforms dragon statues into real dragons.

Defodio: This spell causes deep indentations to appear on the targeted object.

Deletrius: Erases the effects of the Reverse spell

Denigro: The flash when hitting an object causes it to begin to slowly (5th year) or quickly (6th/7th year) corrode as if it were under the effect of rust or some weaker acid. It is used to rot objects, rust chains, create fatigue in some utensils. Magical objects are resistant to this spell.

Desino Lacesso: Spell used to cancel a spell before it reaches the target.

Disillusion: Functions as a kind of invisibility cloak, the enchanted object or creature takes on the appearance of whatever is behind it for a short time (3 minutes). Also used to fly without the wizard being noticed, on his broomstick, by Muggles

Desansaugeo: Makes a person's teeth grow at an unusual rate.

Desidratio Trancifum: Undoes medium and large transfigurations, limited to animalistic transfigurations.

Disequilibrum: If thrown against the target's legs, it causes them to lose their balance

Destransformitis: Untransforms a transformation

Dessumo Storms: Creates an uncontrolled lightning storm.

Desimo Domus: Protection spell for houses and buildings, serves as a magical barrier that protects the entire location from intruders

Desipien: Makes the victim hallucinate things

Dehydrate: Dehydrates a certain surface of the body, leaving the skin dry, with an old and wrinkled appearance. It can also be used in fruits and foods.Labius Lexticus: The victim's lips are considerably stretched to the sides, giving the effect of a "clown face"

Lacio Calx: Controls the earth through his wand.

Lapifors: Transfigures a small or medium-sized object, such as a stone or a table, into a small, ordinary rabbit.

Laetificat: Makes a person happy.

Lacarnum Inflamare: Conjures fire at the tip of the wizard's wand.

Lammea: Causes a jet of mud to be conjured from the tip of the wand

Legimens: used to penetrate and read another wizard's mind. Can be avoided by Occlumency.

Levicorpus: Causes the victim to levitate in the air upside down, trapped.

Liberacorpus: "Levicorpus" counterspell.

Litus Blasts: Conjures a volley of rocks at the target

Locomotor: Control spell which must always be used next to the target's name and pointing at it.

Object Locomotor: Causes an object to be summoned to your control, that is, it moves at your will

Clean: Cleans dirt instantly.

Locomotor Mortis: Sticks the opponent's legs together.

Lorem Flamma: Conjures blue fire.

Lupus Ferinus: Conjures an insane and violent wolf in front of his opponent and, in a way, plays him against him.

Lumus: Creates light at the tip of the wand.

Lumus Duo: Able to conjure a beam of light stronger than the Lumus spell

Lumus Maxima: Creates a strong light at the tip of the wand capable of being thrown.

Lumus Solem: Casts a warm light like that of the sun.

Lumus Radio: Conjures a beam of light

Lupusfor: turns a person into a wolf.

Mourning Puddle: Conjures a puddle of mud so that the opponent falls into the puddle

Katoamistaika: Allows the sorcerer to fly submerged in smoke, being black in the case of bad sorcerers and white in the case of good sorcerers.

Kadabrus: Lightning comes out of the wand towards the target, to impact them backwards.

Kadabrus Duo: Stronger version of Kadabrus, causing a much greater impactJaculor: Casts an explosion like a BB Gun-type pistol shot.

Junleum: Causes the victim's knees to stick to the ground, leaving their legs immobile.

Impervius: Makes the person impervious to water.

Incendio: Launches a blast of fire in the direction the wand points.

Incendio Maxima: Produces a fire hotter than the Incendio spell, only hot enough to turn the opponent's body to ash

Incendio Duo: Produces a fire twice as hot as the Incendio spell.

Incendio Tria: A fire three times hotter than the Incendio spell

Incendio Erupto: More powerful version of Incendio, which can create strong bursts of fire.

Inferum Panicum: Makes the victim afraid of the user for 30 minutes

Inflamare Corpus: The target feels heat. The more specialized the wizard, the more unbearable the heat will be.

Intensio Luminis: Provides a more intense light than Lumus.

Impedimenta: is a hex that causes the victim to stumble, fall on their back, generally immobilizes the target, but can also be used to push or throw an object backwards, decrease the speed of the victim's movement, among others. Illegibilus: Makes illegible texts for anyone trying to read them.

Iélus: Causes the target to receive a large impact, potentially knocking them down easily.

Fluctus Industry: Produces a wave of energy

Ignotus Gaubracianus: Creates a perpetual flame

Ignotus Glaciare: Conjures an icy fire that freezes everything in sight.

Ignis Diabz: creates a fire animal and can be destroyed easily

Ignis Sangue: Makes the person frozen by the Glaciare spell so that the person's heart starts beating again.

Ignotus Graubacianus: Creates blue flames around the person. The flames freeze everything they touch.

Ignotus Umbrae: Creates red flames around the person. The flames set fire to everything they touch.

Inflamare Corpus: Burns the victim.

Ignotus Necroterium: The wizard molds fire into an aggressive entity of this element.

Inflatus: Inflates the target.

Immobilus: Paralyzes the small target as if in slow motion.

Imperio: Causes the victim to be controlled by the wizard who cast the spell.

Incarcerous: Creates ropes that attach to the victim's body. in an abstract way that only the victim feels, the flame is invisible to other people

Incarcerous Nerus: Creates a black slash capable of crushing the victim's bones and hanging them, leading to death.Rectificus Harp: An orchestral sound comes from the tip of the wand

Herbifucus: Makes plants grow fast.

Heliobare: Conjures a jet of fire.

Hiciello: Causes a stone Wall/Block/Wall (needs to be specified by the caster) to emerge in the location hit by the flash.

Hicielo: Throws spears, ice spikes at the target.

Homenum Revelio: Reveals human presence in a location.

Hottus:A jet of extremely hot air came from the tip of the wand, which could cause discomfort and a sensation of suffocation in anyone breathing.

Homorph: Returns an Animagus to its normal form.

Hypnus: Makes a person sleep. Galinus Aspectum: Causes feathers to grow in the affected area.

Garranchus: Causes the target's toenails to grow frighteningly long.

Glisseo: Causes the steps of a staircase to turn into a ramp, causing anyone going down to fall.

Glacius: Freezes any object or creature.

Glacius Duo: Stronger version of the Freezing spell.

Glacies Soma: Summons a frost giant that is controlled by the wand.

Galcius Tria: Stronger triple version of the Freezing Spell

Glaciare: Kills the frozen target.

Gradius: A net is thrown by the wand, with the intention of trapping the opponent.

Ground: Conjures an enormous Stone warrior, armed in any way the caster desires.

Degree Improvement: Improves the vision of the person who is capable of whoever is hit, no longer needs glasses

Gemini: creates several copies of the wizard, but they are not intelligent and only follow the wizard.

Gerremoffme: Prevents birds from attacking you.

Geo Buried: Buries people in the earth. Finite Incantatem: Ends the effect of a spell cast on something or someone.

Finite Patronum: Undoes nothing more or less than the opponent's patron.

FINite Cruenti: Repelle Sangui Counterspell

Flipendo: Used to hit the enemy, causing a lot of pain.

Flintifors: Transforms a small creature or object into a matchbox.

Fit incciusa: Leaves the target unconscious.

Fire: Conjures a huge Fire warrior, armed in any way the caster desires.

Firestorm: Conjures a firestorm

Flipendo Duo: Stronger version of Flipendo.

Flipendo Tria: Triple-strong version of the Flipendo spell.

Fiendfire: conjures huge flames throughout the room its caster is in. Fire is very dangerous and only the best wizards can control it.

Fodio: Ironic Hex. A jet of white light that causes extreme pain to the target and damages the targeted area

Florus Orelhis: Causes greenish leaves to grow from the target's ears.

Foliis Incisio: Casts cutting blades at the opponent.

Folia Tempestatum: Creates a large storm of leaves and thorns. Destroys and tears everything.

Fulgari: Binds the opponent's arms into luminous ropes.

Fumus: Creates dense smoke that makes vision impossible. Spark: Spark Conjuration Spell (Beginner)

Flagrate: Marks things with fire.

Fellium Forrum: A spell that makes a wand cut like a cutting leaf.

Felix Memoncis: Creates a good memory in the target's mind.

Ferreous: It is used to launch a strong gust of wind or windstorm at the opponent.

Ferula: Conjures a bandage that can be used on wounds

Feraverto: Transforms an animal into an object (to detransfigure it, the opposite movement of the spell is sufficient. Remember that the size of the transfigured animal increases according to the experience gained over the years).

Redactum Skullus: Spell capable of making the victim's skull disproportionately smaller, causing dizziness and unbearable pain in its target.

Finestra: Spell used to break glass into small pieces.

Finestram Repair: Repairs windows.

Fidelious: It is an extremely complex spell that involves hiding the secret, through magic, in a single living person.

Fianto Duri: Creates a barrier around the location determined by the wizard, it remains inviolable against spells and elemental spells, until 2 spells are cast on it causing it to be consumed. Does not bar conjurations or spells that have specific counterspells.

Flagellum: Conjures a whip from the wand and is used to attack.

Scourge: Conjures a flash that, when it comes into contact with a certain region of the body, causes an effect very similar to that of a whip, burning and leaving the area red

Scourgelum Nerus: Dark version of Scourgelum. Not detourable, in addition to overcoming the barrier created by Protego. It causes pain similar to that of a thick whip, and the place where the target is hit turns black as if it were rotten.

Flechum: Fires a simple arrow from the tip of the wizard's wand.

Finite: Used to cancel the effects of a spell.Everte Statum: Throws the victim away while pirouetting in the air.

Expecto Patronum: Conjures an animal with positive energy, which repels dementors.

Expecto Exumae: Causes a striking shield to ward off a ghost and scatter it

Expecto Ranhus: Triggers the production of nasal mucus in a period of THREE minutes.

Expelliarmus: Disarms the victim and can be used to throw the victim.

Expomise: Makes two objects stick together.

Expellimellius: Makes the opponent's sleeve catch fire.

Expelled: is used to produce immense explosions, blasting the distant target with a blast of blue light; he has enough strength to throw people into walls.

Expulsion: Expels the wizard or object from the location, violently throwing them backwards.

Extinguish Coloris: Causes colored targets to return to their original color.

Eat-slugs (Slugulus Eructo): Makes the victim vomit slugs. Ebulio: Makes bubbles come out of the wizard's wand or hand

Ectomatic: Conjures ectoplasm,

Elementia Circa: Makes the conjured element possible to control.

Elementia Diffindo: Casts elemental slashes. The element depends on the witcher's thinking

Electrosphera: Conjures an electric sphere.

Emannare: Transfigures and changes the composition of one liquid to another, such as water to milk.

Embolotus: When hit only on the target's feet, its shoelaces tie together, causing the victim to become immobile or fall.

Emancipate: Undo ties and knots.

Entomorphis: Transforms a person into an insect.

Enjallious: Spell capable of conjuring cages of the size desired by the caster around dangerous creatures, taking effect only in the presence of a dangerous creature

Enervate: Wakes up the person hit by the "Stupefy" and "Stupor" spells or returns the person to their original form when hit by the Petrificus Totalus spell

Engorgio: Causes the target to grow, increase in size.

Engorgio Skullus: makes the person's skull grow.

Epoximise: Conjures a small jet of gooey substance, used to glue objects together.

Episkey: Heals minor injuries.

Erect: Builds things.

Erracto Cortex: The person has the illusion of having had a deep cut on the arm, with heavy bleeding.

Spheri: Conjures a metallic sphere with a radius of 10 cm that is launched towards the target.

Electricus: Causes the target to be hit by a shock.

Eletricus Duo: Stronger version of Eletricus, increasing the power of the shock.

Electricus Tria: Summer three times stronger than the electricity spell.

Frame: Frames people.

Stupefy: Throws the victim away and makes them faint.

Evanesco: Makes things disappear

Everto Statum: Causes the target hit to be impacted and fly in pirouettes to the ground

Scalpelarius Totalus: Tears off part of the victim's scalp, along with hair.

Espantanus: Used to scare away wild creatures

Slip: Causes a jet of soapy water to be conjured, which can cause the target to slip if hit on the ground.

Stupefy: This spell causes a jet of red light to emanate from the wand, which, if hit, causes the target to become unconscious.

Evanesco: It makes small things fall apart.

Everte Statum: Causes sharp pain.

Eterios Mortus Ventanico: The victim stops breathing, and may even die from suffocation. Depulso: A magical force is thrown against an object that can dismantle it or simply throw it away (taking into account the hardness of the object in question).

Destuccio: Makes the victim's nose break, more experienced wizards such as Aurors can designate the spell to break a leg or an arm.

Going Down: Makes objects and the wizard go down.

Deprimo: Creates extremely strong excess pressure, can cause a violent rupture in its target.

Overthrow: Produces a push only towards the target in a straight, non-controllable line of low intensity (valid for all years).

Deutila: Makes the target potion completely useless, just sour vinegar.

Diffindo: Contrary repair spell, cuts things.

Diffindo Corpus: Cuts off a part of the body, imagining which part of the body, the witch will cut off the victim's parts.

Diffindo Eletricus: Casts an electrical slash

Diffindo Herbarius: Cuts roots, leaves and branches, having greater efficiency on non-magical plants.

Diffindo Lumus: Casts a luminous cut like a laser.

Diffindo Incendio: Casts a fire slash.

Diffindo Aqua: Casts a water cut

Diffindo Caeli: Casts an air slash

Diffindo Tellus: Conjures an earth slash

Diffindossum: Used to break a bone.

Diminuendo: is a spell that makes an object shrink/decrease.

Distorccio: Spell to change the shape of objects

Desitrate: Spell used to dehydrate living beings and evaporate stored liquids.

Digicut: Spells capable of removing a finger from the victim, requiring the person who casts it to specify which finger it is.

Dormentia: Causes the target to feel as if a limb is being ripped off.

Dolohov: Causes internal damage, a variation of Sectumsempra,Diagnosis Aqua: Discovers all mixtures in the liquid inside a refractory. Potionists usually discover potions this way.

Draconifor: Transforms dragon statues into real dragons.

Defodio: This spell causes deep indentations to appear on the targeted object.

Deletrius: Erases the effects of the Reverse spell

Denigro: The flash when hitting an object causes it to begin to slowly (5th year) or quickly (6th/7th year) corrode as if it were under the effect of rust or some weaker acid. It is used to rot objects, rust chains, create fatigue in some utensils. Magical objects are resistant to this spell.

Desino Lacesso: Spell used to cancel a spell before it reaches the target.

Disillusion: Functions as a kind of invisibility cloak, the enchanted object or creature takes on the appearance of whatever is behind it for a short time (3 minutes). Also used to fly without the wizard being noticed, on his broomstick, by Muggles

Desansaugeo: Makes a person's teeth grow at an unusual rate.

Desidratio Trancifum: Undoes medium and large transfigurations, limited to animalistic transfigurations.

Disequilibrum: If thrown against the target's legs, it causes them to lose their balance

Destransformitis: Untransforms a transformation

Dessumo Storms: Creates an uncontrolled lightning storm.

Desimo Domus: Protection spell for houses and buildings, serves as a magical barrier that protects the entire location from intruders

Desipien: Makes the victim hallucinate things

Dehydrate: Dehydrates a certain surface of the body, leaving the skin dry, with an old and wrinkled appearance. It can also be used in fruits and foods.

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