
We Will See Each Other Again


The sounds coming from Hild made Rebekah quiver. She sat on a chair on the other side of the room as Helga, Gyda and Blaeja helped her sister-wife give birth, Gyda and Blaeja helped Hild stand upright while Helga knelt before her checking the progress of the birth. It had been six hours and yet the babe had not come out yet. While it had done much to take Rebekah's mind off of the current situation it made her nervous about her own impending birth.

Hilds cheeks were red, her blonde her plastered to her face with sweat, she panted heavily and screamed as she felt an indescribable burning pain in her nether regions. She had hoped the birth would be quick but it seemed that she could remove all hopes of that happening after the sixth hour passed. "You're doing well Hild, it'll be over soon," Helga said as she held her hand. More flesh mixed with other liquids and blood poured from her womanhood which stained the front of Helga's dress.

Helga had experienced many birthings in her life. While she had no children herself she had assisted in the birthing of many women, and there was scarcely a better person to have had nearby when the process started.

The birthing continued on with Hilds screams only getting louder. Helga gave her a tonic that would relieve her pain slightly, but from what Rebekah saw it didn't do much. She also saw Helga place a green paste around the lips of Hild's hole, she said it would help with the stretching as well as stop it from bleeding too much. All four girls nearly leapt for joy when Helga said she could see the babes head, it seemed as if it wouldn't be much longer now.

Meanwhile, outside the birthing room, Elijah stood vigil. Hild has said she did not mind if he was present inside, but he would've rather not seen it. Seeing it only made him think of Tatia... he hadn't spoken to her in so long, he missed her smile, her voice. He wondered if he had spent more time pursuing her if she would have been the one in that room giving birth to their child. Though it was useless to think of such things now, especially when it was possible they'd all die in a few days.

Back in the birthing room, Helga had her hand at the entrance of Hild's womanhood helping to guide the babe out. It was made a lot easier due to her upright position and with a final scream, Hild managed to push the babe out.

Hild almost fell backwards due to her exhaustion, nearly ten hours of standing up while trying to birth to her babe, it was only Gyda and Blaeja who managed to keep her standing. Soon though Hild's eyes perked up as she heard a sound she never knew she needed to hear.


The cries of a baby echoed throughout the room, and after cutting the cord that connected them Helga stood up holding her child. "It's as you said Hild, a beautiful daughter," Helga said as she held the crying babe in her arms.

Gyda and Blaeja helped lay Hild on the bed gently while Helga wrapped the newborn in a blanket. Hild despite being exhausted reached out for her child. Helga stepped forward and placed her in her arms.

Hild looked at her babe and in that moment she knew she'd never love anything as much as she did her. "My beautiful Morgyn..." she said tiredly.

The rest of the girls smiled as Hild looked at Morgyn with such love and affection. However, their smiles soon turned to frowns and looks of confusion as Hilds smile turned into tears and she started to sob. "I'm so sorry Morgyn..." she whispered as tears streamed down her face.

"Please forgive me," she said as she hugged her hugged tightly.

Helga knelt by the bed and stroked Hild's hair. "Perhaps you should rest," she suggested.

Hild moved her head back "I need to feed her," she said as she tried to undo her dress.

"I'll wake you in a few hours, she will be fine until then I promise you," Helga said as she gently took the baby away and placed her next to Hild. The new mother was reluctant, but she could barely keep her eyes open and soon fell asleep looking at her daughter next to her.

Despite watching Hild go through hours of pain that looked like it might make her faint, seeing the few moments of pure unconditional love that showed on her face when she looked at her daughter. It made all the fear Rebekah felt at giving birth disappear, her heart raced with excitement at the fact she'd be giving birth soon. She wanted to feel that, she wanted to feel what she saw between Hild and Morgyn. However, that excitement was gone as quickly as it came as she remembered the reality of her situation.


She was coming for her daughter and she would be coming soon. She could only have faith in her mother and brother, to hope that she could be kept out of their home. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if her child got taken away. "I think I'm going to get some rest now as well," Helga said as she breathed out. She had worked the hardest out of all of them apart from Hild herself, so it wasn't a surprise she was tired.

"Goodnight Helga," Rebekah said, she then turned to the other girls. "You two can rest as well, I'll keep watch over her," she said.

After the girls thanked her they slowly filed out of the room leaving Rebekah and Hild there alone with their new member of their family. Rebekah moved slowly over to a chair next to the bed. Hesitating for a moment she reached forward and picked up Morgyn who had stopped crying. She felt her heart melt as she looked at the sleeping babe. Morgyn would be her daughter just as much as her own would. That was the promise she and Thorfinn made when she agreed to let him take multiple wives.

She was almost tempted to let Morgyn feed from her bosom, but she didn't. She was Hilds firstborn and she wouldn't want to take away that honour from her. She sat there as Hild slept slowly rocking Morgyn in her arms and quietly praying to the gods that they would all be safe.


Hild nursed Morgyn at her breast watching lovingly as the small baby suckled and drank from her. It made her both happy and sad; she wanted this time to last forever. Looking up from Morgyn she heard the sounds of footsteps leading to her chambers. She knew who it was, and she involuntarily tightened her grip around Morgyn. The door opened and none other than the Mikaelson Mother walked in, shutting the door behind her.

She bolted the door closed and then walked over to the window and did the same, before walking next to the bed and sitting down next to her. "Your babe is beautiful... Morgyn? That is her name?" Esther asked.

Hild nodded.

Esther smiled. "I was told it was difficult birthing, my firstborn Freya was difficult as well, nearly a day, I feared she'd never see the light of the sun."

Esther then looked at Morgyn a smile still on her face though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thank the gods she's been born healthy."

"Do you believe?" Hild asked abruptly.

Esther who was looking at Morgyn moved her gaze up to Hild. "Believe? Believe in what?" She asked

"The gods?" Hild asked. While it might be a foolish question to ask anyone in Kattegat, Hild suspected in this case it was not.

"I-I do," she replied.

Hild didn't believe her, she could see it in her eyes, the pain, the anger. "You lost faith so long ago, I hope one day you regain it."

A flash of anger made its way onto Esther's face. "The gods watched as my child and grandchild were taken from me, no matter how much I begged and prayed."

"Now you worship another," Hild said.

"I worship no god..." she hissed, Hild could see it was such a painful subject for her.

She smiled at her. "We all worship, now you just worship power and knowledge."

Esther frowned "What is wrong with that, I made my husband strong... me! Not the gods, I have acquired knowledge that I never would have if I still believed!"

"Your mind is sharp and your arm is strong, but your spirit is empty," Hild said as she looked at Esther with something akin to pity.

Hild then looked away from her and back down to Morgyn. "I know why you've come... I saw you in my dreams long before you came here."

Esther's eyes widened

"You lied to your family, to everyone in the room. Your plan isn't to keep Dahlia out," she said as she stroked her babes cheek.

"It is not," Esther admitted.

"I know what you plan to do... I know what you want to sacrifice... and I'll help you," Hild said as she looked up at the woman.

Esther looked at her with slight confusion. "I thought I'd have to force you... I am glad you understand."

Hild tilted her head. "I would like to be left alone with my child now," she said in a blank tone.

Esther nodded stood up and walked over to the door before she turned back. "Even after knowing... you still believe in the gods?" She asked.

Hild looked up at Esther and smiled. "Of course, the gods have their ways and I know I can trust them with Morgyn."

Esther shook her head at the nativity of the girl. Opening the door she closed it and crossed the threshold leaving the room. Leaving the mother and baby alone.


(A Day Later)

It had been difficult preparing the village for whatever was coming. Elijah was used to battling men with swords, what he was not used to fighting were his friends and family. His mother had told him that Dahlia likely took control of Kattegat and that she had a special hatred towards Vikings. She would control them and make them all slaughter themselves in most cases, but in this one she would likely use them against the people here.

Elijah had hardly rested as he organised the defences. He didn't want to kill people who were being forced to do this, and fortunately, he didn't have to. If they were knocked out once they were inside the palisade then the runes that had been scattered around the whole village would prevent Dahlia's whispers from reaching them. He had armed all of them with blunt weapons, they were easier to wield than a sword and would hopefully prevent a bloodbath, he'd also blunted the arrows, but it didn't feel like enough.

Elijah took a deep breath as he saw the people of the village start to leave the courtyard of the main house. He had just finished telling them what they could expect to happen. There were screams of horror and shouts of anger. The people left in the village were women children and old people, hardly a fighting force and yet they were expected to fight against an oncoming force of those they had known for years, those they'd raided and feasted with. It was not an easy ask.

Elijah walked to the new large gate of Thorfinn's homestead. Wooden steps and been created as well as a platform for archers, it would've taken them a lot longer to build had the forest not been right next to them. Elijah looked out into the distance it was a quiet night, something he found was never good. "Have you heard anything?" He asked the watchmen.

The older man looked like he'd fallen asleep. "Nothing yet Lord," he said as his eyes widened and he nearly fell off his chair. "Be helpful to know what I'm looking for," he asked.

"A large group of people," Elijah replied before walking back down the steps and inspecting the gate. It was one like any other and would've been impossible to make without a smithy and the iron to make the hinges. Thorfinn had good land here, he wouldn't mind living here he'd enjoyed it more than Kattegat.




Elijah turned to see a young boy running towards him. His face was flushed and he was sweating as he approached. "What is it, boy?" Elijah asked.

"Your... sister... she is birthing!" the boy wheezed out, but before he could even finish Elijah was gone. He ran past him and straight back to the main house getting there in less than five minutes. Before he even entered the house he could hear the screams filling the corridor, it pained him greatly to hear his sister scream like that. He walked directly forward the source of the scream and into the room where he found everyone.

"Elijah!" Rebekah said her face softening as relief rushed through her.

Blaeja and Gyda were at her side while their mother knelt in front of her. "Come on my love, it'll be okay," she said trying to reassure her. Off to the side was Helga who was mixing a herbal remedy of some sort.

"What can I do?" He asked. He felt wrong for just standing there while his sister was in pain.

"Be there for her Elijah, this is a woman's lot and we have the strength to do it alone," Esther answered.

Helga seeing the distress on Elijah's face gave him a mortar and pedestal. "Ground those herbs for me," she requested.

Elijah nodded and started doing just that while Rebekah screamed and cried. "I want Thorfinn!" She cried out as pain flooded through her stomach and lower regions.

"He'll be here soon," Gyda whispered trying to help her stay strong.

Hours passed and there was little sign of progress. Rebekah continued to her weaker and weaker, fear started to invade her mind. "Is there something wrong! Why won't she come out!" She cried.

Esther smiled at her daughter holding her hand. "It is a good sign, it means she will be strong, keep pushing, it'll all be over soon my love."

Rebekah felt like she couldn't summon any more strength, but nevertheless, she tried. She had to be strong for her babe since Thorfinn was not here. "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" She screamed as it felt like she was being torn apart.

"That's it, my love, keep going you're doing well," Esther said as she looked under her dress.




Elijah whipped his head around to the door and rushed towards it opening it slightly. He looked down and saw the same boy that had brought him here in the first place.

"Lord! They are here! They are coming towards the gate!" The boy said in a panic.

Elijah cursed, this was the absolute worst time for them to have been attacked. "Go and summon the rest of the village boy, then grab a weapon and go to the gate," he instructed. The boy looked afraid but he nodded and ran back off. He then turned back into the room looking to Helga who had heard the conversation, she nodded and prepared to leave. Elijah strode over to his mother and knelt down. "She's here," he said lightly so Rebekah could not hear them. He didn't want to cause her even more panic when it was not due.

Esther looked concerned "Keep them out for as long as you can," she said as she turned. She needed time, she needed Rebekah to give birth, if Dahlia reached them before she did them it would all be over.

Elijah nodded and moved towards the door with Helga on his heels. Before he could leave however Rebekah noticed them. "Where are you going!" She said in a panic, her voice almost cracking. She didn't want her brother to go, or Helga. Elijah felt pained when he saw his sister's expression but he had no choice. "We won't be gone long, there are several herbs I need and Elijah offered to help me," Helga said before he could speak. He was glad she did as he didn't think he'd be able to convincingly lie in this situation.

"I'll be back soon," Elijah said trying to sound reassuring, but in truth, there was a good chance he wouldn't be coming back.

Elijah and Helga left the room, as they walked out of the main house and towards the gate he turned to the woman. "Thank you..." he said in a low tone.

"Your sister deserves some peace at a time like this," Helga replied. Elijah nodded in agreement. His hand clenched around the sword at his waist, he would defend his sister to his last breath.

As both of them walked to the gate they saw the other villagers joining them. They were all armed with clubs and staffs of various sizes, the staffs mainly went to the women while the clubs to the older men; while age had weakened them they were still warriors who had heart. Helga left to go and arm herself while Elijah walked up onto the platform by the gate that gave him a view of outside the palisade.

Dozens and dozens of torches on the horizon, all of them coming their way. It was as if the entire village of Kattegat was coming towards them, if he'd ever had thoughts that his mother was lying to them they were dashed against the lumber he now stood on. He could see the old man next to him starting to shake. "Do not be afraid my friend," Elijah said as he looked out across the field.

"Either we will sing songs about this night in our homes, or in the hall of the Aesir," he said before turning around and looking to the villagers on the ground.

"Anyone with hunting experience on the walls now! everyone else start blockading the front gate!" Elijah ordered. However they didn't move, they all looked unsure and he wasn't surprised most of them were not warriors, they came to this land because they were either too old to raid or were contented with their lives.

"Many of you are afraid... I am as well, but we cannot allow ourselves to succumb to fear, this is your home!" He shouted which got them to pay attention.

"Look at how much you've built!" He said pointing around.

"The walls, the farms, the smithy, the new homes, will you let one witch take it away from you!" He shouted.

"No!" They roared back.

"Then fight! And fight till you can't breathe! Until your shield breaks and your spear shatters! Fight until you can see the Valkyries come to collect you!" They all cheered as he spoke, while they were mere villagers and not warriors. They all dreamed of Valhalla and none would pass up a chance to dine in its halls.

Elijah watched as they all started to arm themselves and form a makeshift barricade. He took his own bow and arrow and got ready for the inevitable battle.


Freya sat on the cart that was being dragged by the slaves under her aunt's control. Next to her was Dahlia herself who had a small smile on her face, it gave her chills every time she looked at it. There was no happiness or love in her aunt, she didn't know when but they had perished long ago. Turning away she looked out at the forest that surrounded either side of the road. Her thoughts drifted back to Thorfinn; it pained her what she had done to him, what she had done to everyone in Kattegat.

It was her fault they were all like this.

Her Aunt has a limit to how far she can control someone, normally only a few miles. However Freya and Dahlia were connected, she was able to use Freya as a beacon of sorts for her magic.

Freya had arrived with the Jarl from Svealand to explain her appearance, given herself a new name and appearance and simply waited as Dahlia's magic took hold. And now she rode forth to kidnap her sister's child.

"Are you well my love," Dahlia said catching her attention.

"I'm fine Aunt Dahlia..." Freya said though her voice cracked a little bit.

"It'll all be over soon, our power will sore to even greater heights when we acquire your sister's child," Dahlia said his smile widening.

'You mean your power...' She thought to herself. There was no we when it came to anything with Dahlia. Of course, she didn't say that out loud.

"We are here," Dahlia said as the cart stopped. Freya looked up ahead and saw a large wooden gate with a palisade that stretched far on either side.

Dahlia laughed as she saw it. "Very good efforts, but in the end, it won't amount to much," she said as she stepped off the cart and started to walk forward through the crowd. Freya did the same as she knew her aunt expected her to follow. The slaves parted for them as they walked however at a certain point Dahlia stopped and recoiled as if she'd hit something.

Her eyes narrowed and she reached her hand out touching an invisible barrier of some sort. "Oh my little sister you are clever aren't you," she said as an angry expression formed on her face.

"Freya..." Dahlia said extending her hand. Freya took her hand and she started to chant. Freya followed her example and chanted the same spell.

When they were finished Dahlia placed her hand forward and yet it was still there. "A ward empowered by human sacrifice... my little sister seems to have grown up," Dahlia said as a malicious smile formed on her face. This would take longer than she thought, in the meantime, however, no reason why she shouldn't kill everyone else.

With a simple gesture, all of her slaves started to run towards the gate. Despite being in control Dahlia could still on issue basic orders to them, but in this situation, she only needed something simple.





"Loose!" Elijah shouted as the first wave of men rushed towards the gate. He had barely a dozen archers, all with blunted tips, but he would have to make do. "Aim for the head, knock them out!" He shouted to them. He then drew back his own bow and fired an arrow that hit one of them in the head making them fall on their backs.

Despite being peppered with arrows the first wave hit the gate making the entire thing shake. They bashed their swords, their axes, their spears and even their fists against the gate. These men were not normal, they had no fear, no mercy, and they existed to please their mistress. More and more men started attacking the gate and the wall despite the archers above, in this situation Elijah wondered if he'd made a mistake by using blunt arrows. He didn't want to kill them, but it seemed they did not share the same sentiment. 'No point in crying about it now,' Elijah thought as he knocked out another of them with an arrow.

"Lord they're climbing!" Someone shouted out from further up the platform. Elijah leaned over the palisade and saw that they were climbing on each other's bodies trying to scale the wall.

"Bring them down!!!" Elijah commanded as he began firing.

Elijah quickly realised they were soon going to be overwhelmed if they were allowed to climb the walls. Grabbing a wooden staff Elijah slammed it into the first person who appeared over the edge of the palisade. "Draw your weapons, defend the wall! He instructed.

The villagers did so and one after the other they defended against the people they'd known for years who were now trying to kill them. They were lucky that their movements were basic and sluggish otherwise they'd have been in trouble. Elijah would've never been able to knock Ragnar down with such a basic move. Elijah swivelled his head as he heard a thump on the wooden deck, one of them had made it on. He rushed there immediately, drawing his leg back as he smashed his foot into the man's jaw.

More and more started to pour over and it wasn't long before Elijah heard the first sound of pain. One of the slaves had stabbed a villager in the stomach and he was then quickly stabbed by another who climbed over. Elijah cursed he rushed over to help but was tackled by another who jumped over the palisade. They both rolled until they were in free fall, Elijah had the presence of mind to switch their positions where he then landed on the man.

Elijah wheezed as he had the wind knocked out of him, one of the others came to help him up but he pushed him away pointing up to the wall. He limped while holding his stomach and leaned against a nearby cart while trying to catch his breath.


Elijah turned to the gate to see the wood caving in as it was repeatedly battered with a large axe. Still holding his stomach he limped over to the makeshift barricade, where he hoped they'd be able to contain them. He watched as multiple people rushed to the gate trying to hold it and stop them from entering. However the enemy then abruptly stopped hitting the gate. It was silent for a moment the only sound being the cracking of the torches and the sounds of footsteps. They went right up to the gate, then the footsteps stopped.


The gate shook so much that the villagers held up against it were thrown back.


The metal hinges groaned under the strain and the wood cracked under the force.


The left door collapsed backwards as it was nearly snapped in half. As it fell they were greeted by the one responsible. Blonde hair tied in a braid that ran down her back, she stood naked with blood around her mouth and hands, her body was lithe but muscular. Elijah recognised the girl, it was Arwyn, Thorfinns slave.

She walked forward over the gate where she was attacked by the four people trying to brace the gate. She growled and hit the first one so hard that he flew straight into the barricade slumping against it. She was then hit in the head and body by the others, but it did nothing but serve to make her more angry. She grabbed one by the neck and threw him at the other while she punched on the last one tearing out his throat with her teeth. At this point, the others were starting to pour in.

Elijah couldn't help the sinking feeling that they were fucked.


Rushing through the forest Thorfinn pushed himself faster and faster, he couldn't afford to slow down, not even for a moment. His body was caked in sweat, and his hair was plastered to his head yet the only thoughts running through his mind were of Rebekah and their child. He wouldn't let Dahlia take them, not while he still breathed.

His ear strained, he could hear the distant sounds of fighting. It meant he was close now, hopefully he wasn't too late. But as he rushed through the forest avoiding trees and jumping over bushes he found himself hitting an invisible barrier. He hit it so hard that he thought his nose might've cracked from it. Holding his face he put his hand out feeling for what hit him. It felt like smooth stone, he tried pushing against it but it was solid. 'What in the gods is this,' he thought to himself as he tried banging his fist against it.

Even when he poured his power into his fist and slammed it against the barrier it didn't even budge. "It won't work boy," he heard a gruff voice behind him.

Thorfinn turned his eyes then widened in surprise. "What are you doing here..." he asked as he saw Geralt on top of a horse.

"I changed my mind..." he said as he dismounted his horse. Geralts master would piss blood if he learned that he confronted a true witch without a proper plan, but in the end, it didn't feel right leaving these people to their fate. He was a Witcher, it was his job to fight monsters to protect people.

Geralt walked up to the barrier and touched it. "It's a ward, likely keeps supernaturals like us out."

"How do we get past it?" Thorfinn asked.

"We don't," Geralt replied.

Thorfinn growled in frustration banging his fist against it again.

"Learn patience," Geralt said as he sat down on his knees and closed his eyes. Thorfinn ignored him and continued bashing his arms against the barrier.

What Thorfinn didn't know was that Dahlia and Freya were very close to bringing down the ward. So as he kept smashing his fists against it with varying amounts of power, he took advantage of a small phenomenon where the power of the ward dipped due to their combined assault and as Thorfinn was leaning against it he fell through the momentary gap and into the other side. Geralt opened his eyes as this happened just as confused as Thorfinn was.

Thorfinn however didn't spare Geralt another glance and started running. He broke through the tree line and was then within sight of the wall? He had told Elijah that he wanted one built but he never thought that he'd be able to do it so quickly. A white sphere appeared around his hand and he drew his fist back.



The wall exploded inwards as the whole section shook. When Thorfinn moved inside what he saw was utter chaos, people were engaged in open fighting while others tried to keep the main force out with a makeshift barricade. His gaze was instantly drawn to Elijah who was struggling in fighting Arwyn who seemed to be feral.

Elijah ducked underneath a wild swipe from Arwyn as she tried to tear his throat out. He brought his staff to the back of her head but only succeeded in snapping it. She whipped around trying to tackle him, but he palmed her off to the side while sidestepping her, he then kicked her so she fell to the ground.

"Retreat!" He shouted, there was no way they'd be able to defend this position anymore. They needed to go back to the main house and barricade it as much as they could.

"Retreat to the main house!" He shouted again.


Elijah turned to Arwyn whose bones had started to crack, her skin started to shift and grow fur as she changed into a werewolf.

"RUN!" Elijah shouted to them all as he drew his sword, he'd do his best to hold Arwyn back while the rest retreated.

Arwyn growled as she stood to her full height, an entire foot bigger than Elijah, she growled as she stepped closer to him. Elijah held his sword with both hands as he prepared to fight her.

Elijah felt a hand on his shoulder pushing him out of the way. Shock doesn't do it justice to describe how Elijah felt. Seeing Thorfinn step past him with some sort of magic engulfing his hand; he threw his fist forward throwing the sphere from his hand which made contact with Arwyn.

The wind whipped around them making Elijah's hair move violently. A moment later the sound of what Elijah could only think of hot coals hitting water echoed out and Arwyn was flung backwards by the white sphere. She was thrown so violently she crashed through the makeshift blockade and into the other afflicted.

Elijah could only stand and stare at what he saw, for a moment he thought he may be dreaming, but that was soon changed when Thorfinn grabbed him by the shoulder. "Is she safe!" He shouted. Elijah snapped out of his daze and focused on Thorfinn. "Elijah is she safe!" He asked again.

Elijah nodded. "For now... she's in there giving birth," he said gesturing to the main house.

Thorfinn looked towards his home, he wanted nothing more than to go there and see her, but there were more important things to do. "Get the others and barricade yourselves inside," he instructed Elijah.

Elijah nodded but before Thorfinn could go he grabbed his arm. "It's good to see you..." he said, before quickly retreating with the others.

Thorfinn turned around watching the afflicted ones emerging from behind the barricade. Many bodies littered the ground but from the lack of blood and the sight of their moving chests, Thorfinn could tell they were alive.

Thorfinn had already drawn on the leviathan's power a lot this night, he wouldn't be able to do it much longer —he'd need to make each use count. A few of the afflicted ones that were closer rushed towards him with axes and swords in the air, Thorfinn stepped forward booting the first one who came forward into his back before grabbing the next one's arm which was mid descent, he then drew it backwards forcing him to his back. After he jumped from his kneeling position tackling the next one and smashing his fist into his face. He looked up and saw dozens more rushing at him.

He drew his palm back and summoned a white sphere, he tightened his fist and then punched the air, the very air itself seemed to crack in front of them and they were all slammed back as a tremor filled the air. Thorfinn grabbed a staff and moved forward, there were plenty more that had not been knocked out by the blow and he would defeat every single one of them.

He ducked under a swing and hit the back of the man's knee before swinging around and slamming the staff into his face. He then thrust it forward parrying a basic overhead strike; using his other hand he twisted the staff around connecting it to the man's jaw and making him collapse like a puppet. In all honestly, it was like fighting children, they had none of the skills they used to have.

Thorfinn knocked out a couple of others before holding his staff like a javelin and throwing it. It connected straight with a man's head throwing him back a few feet. Thorfinn then threw another white sphere forward knocking a dozen more off their feet. This one was noticeably weaker however as a lot of them were not knocked out, he was forced to grab a weapon as he defended against the oncoming horde.

A roar then sounded out by the gate... Arwyn had recovered and she didn't look happy. She smashed through a cart as she ran towards Thorfinn, however before she could get close Thorfinn heard a twang and then saw a bolt pieced through one of Arwyns legs.

She roared in pain as she face-planted the ground. She tried to get up but she was being continually forced down and dragged across the ground. Throfinn narrowed his eyes, he could see a thin wire attached to the bolt, though how it was able to drag a beast so large without being snapped was a mystery. He followed the wire to its origin and saw Geralt who gave him a nod.

He worried slightly that he would kill Arwyn, but he knew that she was being controlled. In the end, he would just have to trust him, while he handled the rest of them. While Thorfinn was distracted by Arwyn and Geralt, a few of the afflicted managed to get close and grab him which led to a scuffle between them.

Meanwhile, Geralt drew his dagger as the werewolf stopped trying to get away and instead charged towards him. He sliced the wire off and stowed his crossbow; Arwyn roared as she lunged at him, he jumped flipping sideways and pushing off one hand, he twirled his other hand wrapping the wire further around his leg and yanking it hard making Arwyn roar.

The wire was made of silver and a few other metals, specially made for dealing with werewolves. She lunged again though not over him, this time she tried slashing at him with her claws. She was fast, Geralt noticed that almost immediately, her size and musculature made her faster than the average werewolf. Geralt was still able to avoid her swipes by watching the slight twitches in her arms and shoulders.

He stepped into her guard slashing her stomach with his dagger, she brought her arm directly down where he was, but he twisted out of the way reversing his grip and stabbing her in the shoulder. She lunged forward trying to tear his head off but, he withdrew his dagger throwing it up in the air before pivoting around her jaws grabbing it and stabbing it into her mouth.

Arwyn started to thrash about as the silver burned her body and sizzled her flesh. Geralt then charged towards her, something she noticed, both her claws stretched out trying to grab him but he jumped and rolled over her back wrapping his wire around her neck he then kicked the back of her legs and forced her to the ground. Bring another dagger out he wrapped a loop around it with the wire and stabbed it into the ground. Arwyn was left thrashing as she tried and failed to get free.

Meanwhile, Thorfinn had just about had enough of these afflicted trying to kill him. He head-butted one in the nose and kicked another in the chest; he yelled out in pain when he was stabbed in the side but quickly grabbed the man's wrist before he could drive the sword any further. He pulled him forward and smashed his fist into his nose breaking and sending him to the ground.

Panting heavily Thorfinn looked and saw that there were more coming, it was starting to seem endless. Taking a deep breath he held his arms out at his sides, and two white spheres formed in his hands. Thorfinn brought his hands together crashing both spheres and causing a shockwave that threw everyone back, blowing away the barricade and even making the wall start to list.

Thorfinn fell to his knees as he started to pant, he felt as if he couldn't breathe, like there was a whole mountain on his shoulders.




Thorfinn looked up to see Dahlia and Freya walking through the rubble of the blockade, the wood being moved by Freya as she cleared a path for both of them. "Impressive for a savage, I hope your child inherited that power from you I really do," Dahlia said as she approached him. Thorfinn looked over to the right and saw Geralt stalking the shadows trying to get closer, he'd need to distract them. 

"Sceawere, folge min bebod," Thorfinn whispered and his eyes flashed gold, a small object left one of his pockets and floated away, he only hoped they didn't notice. He looked up and saw that they were closer now almost upon him.

"Forbaerne! Ácwele!" Thorfinn shouted as he raised his hand summoning a sphere of flames. It launched towards Dahlia who held her own hand out summoning a barrier that the flames splashed harmlessly against.

"Strange words you chant, a foreign magic? From the new lands to the west I presume," she asked as she walked closer. Thorfinn tried again summoning more and more, but none of them reached their target.

Dahlia grew less amused with his resistance and gripped his body. He was stretched back by an invisible force, he grits his teeth as he tried to fight against it but couldn't. "You don't need to fight anymore," Dahlia said as she got closer.

"Firstborns of our line have destructive power, I will help them control it, your child will be well cared for," Dahlia said with a reassuring smile, though Thorfinn could see the falseness of it. Nothing about what she was doing was altruistic, this was simply for her own greed, her own power.

"Nothing to say?" Dahlia said as she tilted her head with a mock sad expression.

Thorfinn looked up at her, his eyes blazing with hatred. He began to move his mouth, but the words didn't come out. "What? Are you trying to say something?" Dahlia asked.

Her grin stretched wider "I suppose I can allow you a few last words," she said as she loosened her grip.

Thorfinn fell forward a smile adorning his face as well. He looked up at her and spoke one word.


Floating above them was the small model boat that Thorfinn had been given by Freyr. With the simple word, it turned from that small finger-sized object into a large mighty ship. Thorfinn pushed himself backwards rolling out of the way as the thing came crashing down into the ground.

Dahlia looked up trying to blast the ship apart with her magic, except she couldn't. This was a divine artefact and no normal magic could harm it. Freya had realised that sooner and had jumped out of the way. Dahlia was the last to move and she was only spared from being crushed as she had been stood further back than Thorfinn anticipated.

Thorfinn immediately shrunk the object and moved forward trying to take advantage. Geralt moved on the other side with his crossbow out already firing at the downed witch. The first bolt hit her in the shoulder and the second was taken by Freya as the older witch manoeuvred her into the way.

Thorfinn was ready to impale her when she screamed loudly hitting him with a strange force that sent him tumbling back. Geralt didn't hesitate however and he drew his sword after throwing a few smoke bombs to cover him.


The morphed voice of Dahlia spoke through the mist. Both Thorfinn and Geralt had no choice but to obey the command as she had inadvertently let her power leak in. Geralt moved back until he was by the wall, while Thorfinn moved towards the main house. Both men struggled against the command and bit their lips in anger as they saw Dahlia compose herself.

The smile was no longer present on her face and she walked a lot faster to Thorfinn.

"Down!" She hissed.

Thorfinn was on the ground almost instantly, his body refusing to get up.

"Suffocate!" She said next and Thorfinn felt his throat close up. He tried to gasp for air but he couldn't, he just lay there choking while looking at the Dark Witch in front of him. Dahlia could end his life in an instant, but she had to admit she gained a sick sort of pleasure watching him suffocate.

"Enough," a voice yelled out from the main house.

Dahlia looked up from Thorfinn and saw a woman with blonde hair standing at the doorway. However, what interested her more was what was in her arms. It was a baby and pointed at its neck was a dagger. Dahlia immediately went to speak, but as she did the woman pushed the dagger closer to the babies neck. "Speak one word and I will kill your prize," she said.

Dahlia felt anger rush through her as she could only nod her head in agreement. "Let him go," she said.

Dahlia undid the spell which caused Thorfinn to gasp for air, he quickly turned to see Hild holding his child. "H-H-Hild... w-what are y-you doing," he stuttered as he drank the air greedily.

Hild smiled at Thorfinn. "I'm glad I could see you again Thorfinn..." she said softly.

She then turned her gaze back to Dahlia. "You've come for this child... I'll give her to you, but I want something in return," she said.

Dahlia stood there waiting for her to continue, though she still waiting for a moment of weakness or a lapse in concentration. Though the risk of the baby coming to harm stayed in her hand, she was so close now she wouldn't ruin it at the final moment.

"Leave here and never come back, free everyone from under your control and promise not to hurt Thorfinn or those under your control, for as long as you remain in these lands," Hild said.

Dahlia smiled and nodded her head.

"Swear upon your magic," Hild added.

The smile melted away and the look of anger returned. How could a peasant girl from a group of savages know about magical vows? It only angered her more, but it wouldn't matter if she could get the baby, she would soon be invincible.

"I swear upon my magic to leave here and never come back, I will free everyone currently under my control and I will not hurt Thorfinn or anyone under my control, so long as I remain in these lands unless in defence. So I vow, so mote it be." A small flash travelled through Dahlia then up to the sky, a signal that the vow had been accepted.

"Hild stop!" Thorfinn shouted from the ground.

"Silence!" Dahlia hissed.

"HILD!" He screamed as she approached Dahlia, stowing her dagger. Dahlia licked her lips in anticipation as she approached, she held her arms out ready to accept the babe. Thorfinn moved to get up but his body collapsed underneath his own weight. "PLEASE!" He shouted, but Hild did not listen.

When she stood in front of Dahlia she turned for a moment and looked at him. "This is fated, my love... I'm sorry," she said before handing over the babe to Dahlia.

Dahlia inhaled loudly as she could feel the power brimming within the babe. She leaned down and sniffed to make sure it was truly of her line. A smile stretched across her face. "I've waited many years for this, truly I have," Dahlia said as she held the baby close despite her starting to cry.

Hild looked at Dahlia a morose expression on her face. "Her name is Morgyn... be kind to her and she may fill that void in your heart..." she said.

Dahlia looked at Hild. "Thank you for doing the right thing, though I can't allow the humiliation you've made me suffer stand."

Thorfinns eyes widened as he looked at Dahlia. "You promised!" He shouted.

Dahlia looked down at him. "I wouldn't hurt you or any who were under my control, she was neither," she said. "Magic can be awfully tricky," she said with a laugh.

Hild looked down at Thorfinn "We will see each other again..." she said with a soft smile.

"Delfan Eotan Cor," Dahlia spoke in a deep voice while she raised her hand.

Hild stumbled before her chest exploded outwards and her heart flew into Dahlia's hand. Blood filled her mouth and she coughed a few times before falling to the ground right in front of Thorfinn.

Thorfinn looked on in disbelief, this couldn't be happening. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" He roared as the ground started to shake and tremor.

Dahlia almost lost her footing and went to stop Thorfinn but remembered the vow she made. He wasn't attacking her directly so she couldn't defend herself.


The ground started to crack as the trembling got worse and worse. Dahlia wanted to kill him, but it seemed that would have to wait for another day, she'd gotten what she wanted.

"Freya, let's go," she said to the older girl. Having no choice she followed her aunt and they both left Thorfinn behind who still screamed in pain and anger.

Blood filled his mouth as the power he used started to tear through him, his body was already exhausted and this only exasperated the situation. The rumbling started to slow down until it stopped completely, and with it stopping Thorfinn lay there with tears streaming down his face as he looked into the dull eyes of Hild that stared back at him.

(AN: So that's the end boys. Well, not really the end, but next chapters just gonna be an epilogue, a few explanations of how Hild was able to trick Dahlia what Thorfinn will be doing during the four year timeskip yada yada yada. I'm sure some of you will be a little upset at Hilds death, but I don't say things for no reason they will meet again in the future. Morgyn will also be an important character as I'm sure some of you can recognise the name Morgyn... Morganna, Morgan Le Fay. You guys know where this is going hehehehehehe, anyways I hope you enjoyed this Arc.)

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