
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

I was finally sleeping soundly after a very stressful day of work. My boss was being an asshole and riding me because he gave our clients an unrealistic deadline for a project they commissioned. I'd pretty much immediately crashed after getting home, I had been doing way too much overtime lately. I just wanted to get some proper sleep and dream of a better life than my current one.

That's why I was very upset and confused at being so rudely awoken.

"...Satsuki! Satsuki, wake up! You have to help me with dinner!" Someone was yelling right next to me and they were very annoying… 

Ugh, Why can't they just go away and let me sleep?


Someone was in my apartment!!?

I startled awake quickly and shot upwards in my bed. I looked around the room in a panic! This wasn't my bedroom! 

Where the hell was I!? I was in a very run down room with 3 other beds in it besides my own! Was I kidnapped while I was asleep!? 

That was when I noticed that there really was someone next to me.

"Who the hell are you!?" I asked in shock. There was a teenage girl standing next to the bed I was in! Was she kidnapped too!?

Instead of freaking out like I was doing, the teenage girl just gave me a very unimpressed glare. "Nice try, Satsuki! But you're not getting out of helping me make dinner. You already tried faking amnesia last week to skip your chores! I covered for you with Ruth and let you take a nap, because you said you had a headache. I can't make dinner for everyone on my own though. Get up and come help me!" Without giving me time to respond, she walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Now that I was alone, I tentatively got out of the bed I found myself in. When my feet touched the floor, I stumbled and almost face planted on the floor! "Ooof! What the–What's wrong with my legs? Why do they feel so short?" I picked myself up off the floor and took a few more steps. My legs were shorter! My center of balance was completely off.

"What is going on here?" There was a mirror at the far end of the room and I stumbled over towards it. 

When I saw the reflection in the mirror, I temporarily froze. "Who is this girl?"

The reflection in the mirror was a young Asian girl with long black hair and dark eyes. She/I looked to be around 13-14 years old and I could tell she/I was going to be a heartbreaker in the future. The old half-rotten scraps of clothes I was wearing weren't doing anything for my appearance though.

I could table my horrible outfit for later.

I had to figure out what exactly just happened to me. I was clearly in some new teenage body, and assuming this wasn't all a dream, that was a pretty big deal! 

Was I transmigrated into this new body by some ROB? Did I die in my sleep from overwork and this was an Isekai of some kind? Most importantly, did I get any cool powers!?

"System!" I called out loud and waited for a moment in anticipation.

There was no response…

"…Menu. Options. Start. Help?" No screens popped up in front of me no matter what I called for. I hung my head in disappointment. 

"Ok, it looks like I'm in a new world without a cheat of some kind. Unless there was something special about my body?" I muttered in thought. 

I didn't particularly feel special. The only immediately noticeable thing was that this girl's eyesight was really good. Better than 20/20. I was jealous, I always had to wear glasses in my last life. Although, if this is my body now, then there's no reason for me to be jealous. 

I looked around the room for anything that could give me any information on my new identity. There was a small dresser next to the bed I woke up in. I walked over and opened it up. On top of a pile of notebooks and old homework assignments I saw a small white wallet. I opened the wallet, hoping to find an id card. There was one inside, thankfully. An ID of some kind with a photo and name. I didn't recognize what the ID was for though.

"Let's see, my body's name is Satsuki…Uchiha!?" 

And wasn't that last name just a little bit on the nose? I looked back into the mirror more closely this time. Was I an Uchiha now!?

I was pretty. Check.

I had black hair and eyes. Check!

I had really good eyesight. Check!!

All signs were pointing towards yes. I grinned at my reflection. This was amazing! I really was an Uchiha! 

Was I in the leaf village? Was I in Naruto!? I needed to know.

I suppose this dumpy room I'm in could be an orphanage of some kind. I needed more information to be sure! Annoyingly, the bedroom I was in didn't have any windows.

I checked the dresser by 'my bed' but there was nothing interesting that I had missed. It was only filled with clothes that looked even older and more worn down than the rags I was currently wearing. Why was I so poor if I was an Uchiha? I thought the whole clan was rich?

I wasn't getting anything else out of this room, so I headed for the door. I found out the reason my room didn't have any windows was because it was located in a basement. I walked up a set of almost rotten wooden stairs until I emerged in the living room of a house. By the time I made it to the top, I could feel myself adjusting to my new sense of balance much better.

I could see the same girl from earlier working in the kitchen. She spotted me immediately and called me over. "There you are, Satsuki! Start peeling the potatoes! It's almost dinner time and you know how Ruth can get. If we're late making it, then she wont let us eat at all!" 

There was a pile of potatoes on the counter and a knife next to them. I did as I was told for now and started peeling. While I did, I tried fishing for information. "So… Ruth. How has she been lately?"

The girl scoffed as she started peeling apart a chicken. "You know how she is! A lazy good for nothing! The government gives her money to look after us and she just gambles it all away at those shitty illegal casinos down the street!" 

That didn't sound good. No wonder the clothes I was wearing were so run down. I was an orphan of some kind, and the matron here was crooked. "Why don't we report her to the police then?" I asked.

The girl spun around and looked at me like I was an idiot. "We tried that already, remember! The cops are useless, and they literally took a bribe right in front of our faces from Ruth. She punished all of us for two months after that!"

Ok, this was not an ideal situation to be in, but I'm sure I could figure something out. 

Whoever Ruth was, she clearly had to go. Not only did she have no place managing a bunch of orphans, but I wasn't living in these rags another second longer. 

As me and the girl, whose name I still didn't know, continued to cook, more and more teenagers started to pile into the living room. An African American boy sat down on a sofa nearby. The hat he was wearing pretty much dashed any hopes of me being in Naruto. He was wearing an old Yankees baseball cap.

He spoke up, and looked at me worriedly. "I just saw Ruth outside! She looked pissed! She probably lost a bunch of money at the slots again. That's not the worst part though, her gross son Chris is with her!" He said while looking at me with worry. The other orphans in the room all gasped and did the same.

That was not a good sign. Whoever this Chris guy was, clearly he and Satsuki Uchiha had some problems in the past. On top of that, he was apparently the Matron's 'gross son.'

"Fuck!" The girl next to me cursed and then also looked at me with worry in her eyes. "Are you going to be ok, Satsuki?"

"I think so?" I replied unknowingly. Honestly, I hoped I would be. I barely had any idea what was going on though. I would have also been a lot more assured of myself if I had some Uchiha powers too…

I had been subtly trying this entire time we were cooking to 'feel' any chakra or energy inside my body. I wasn't feeling anything abnormal unfortunately. Squinting really hard also didn't activate my Sharingan–assuming I had it?

The front door of the house opened and an older caucasian woman walked in. Her outfit and attitude screamed with Karen vibes. 

…That would be an insult to Karens, actually. This woman looked like Madam Umbridge, if she wore all black…

As she came in, she was scowling at muttering something derogatory about–mutants? I didn't hear anymore though when she noticed everyone in the house was cautiously watching her. 

"I'm home everyone. I hope dinner is ready." She said while looking towards the kitchen. The woman smiled at me specifically. It wasn't a kind smile. "Satsuki! I'm glad you're up and about. I heard you weren't feeling well earlier and took a nap. You remember my darling son, Chris? He wanted to see you!"

That was when I noticed that she wasn't alone. I took a look at 'Chris' and almost gagged. From head to toe, he was covered everywhere in tattoos, including all over his face. Some of those tattoos were even obvious hate symbols… He was obviously in some kind of gang. And his eyes, they were looking at me cruelly and possessively. The way they raked over me was really disturbing, especially since I was a 14 year old girl now and he looked to be in his 20s.

"Why don't we all sit down to eat?" Ruth suggested as if the room wasn't full of tension.

Everyone was seated around a large worn down table eating. Well, no one besides Ruth and Chris were actually eating. All the orphans looked unnerved by his presence. They were all sitting as far in their chairs away from him as possible. Has he hurt these kids in the past?

I glared at him when no one was watching.

"You gotta teach these girls to cook better, mom. Chicken and potatoes are just so plain! They need to add more spices or sauce or something!" Chris complained about our cooking.

…We did the best with what we had. Which wasn't much. There was barely anything in the fridge. The majority of the food we made had also found itself onto his plate. The kids around the table did not receive adequate portions of food tonight because of him showing up.

Ruth glared at the girl next to me. "Dinner was very mediocre tonight, Emily. You will do better next time, am I clear?" 

I finally found out the girl's name. I wish it was under nicer circumstances. Emily shrunk in her seat and mumbled out an apology like it was her fault dinner sucked.

"So, mom, how did the slots go today?" Chris asked while shoveling some food into his mouth.

Ruth scowled. "Don't get me started on that! I lost big time today! That damn casino hired a disgusting mutant to be its new bouncer. I'll never go back there! The man was so hideous that I could hardly focus!"

The other orphans grimaced at her answer. I suspected that meant she had gambled away most of the money she got to take care of everyone here. I needed to get out of here. I'm already kicking myself for even staying and helping make 'dinner' in the first place.

"Damn mutant freaks! I can't believe they've been hiding among us for decades and we only recently found out about them! They're disgusting and need to be eradicated! I'll tell you what mom, my friends and I will take care of him in a few days. You won't have to worry about him anymore!" 

Mutants? I guess I did hear here correctly earlier? Was I currently in 'that' Universe? 

Was I in Marvel…

Ruth smiled at her son. "You're such a good boy! You know just how to treat your mother. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Chris smiled back at her before his eyes turned to me. "You know what, there is something! Why don't you convince Satsuki here to finally be my girl. You know I've had my eye on her for a while and only I can treat a pretty girl like her right!"

The kids around the table all gasped. Emily glanced over towards me in worry.

Ruth clapped her hands. "That's a great idea!" She turned to me. "Satsuki, you'll take care of my darling boy won't you?" She asked in a way that implied she wasn't asking.

I cringed. She seriously thought I was going to date her disgusting gangbanger son because she ordered me to?

"No." I looked her in the eyes and told her.

The table went absolutely silent.

Ruth scowled at me and took a deep breath as her face turned red. "Excuse me? What was that, young lady?" 

"Piss off! Your son is a gangbanger loser and you're a negligent criminal piece of shit. So what if you bribed the police last time they were here, and they let you get away with it all. I'll just go to a news station and report you to them! I'm sure they would love a story about an evil woman who took advantage of some poor orphans." I told her. I'd only known this woman for 20 minutes and I already hated her guts.

Ruth was temporarily gobsmacked and couldn't reply to me.

The sound of wood scraping against wood echoed loudly around the room. Chris violently stood up from his chair while scowling at me. "You do not talk to my mother that way you orphan trash! You'd be lucky to have a man like me in your life! You're lucky you're not out there on a street corner right now! My mother took you in out of the goodness of her heart!"

"Bullshit! The government is giving her money to take care of us, and she's spending it all on herself!" I retorted. 

The other kids in the room all got out of their chairs and moved to the edges of the room. Chris walked over to me while clenching his fists. I stood up from my chair and glared right back at him.

I felt something burning inside me. There was a fire there that was telling me to absolutely not back down to him.

Even if he was a lot bigger than me… 

He was well over 6 feet and rippling with muscle, while I was a 5 foot nothing teenage girl who had never worked out in her life. 

He raised his hand, and I could tell he was about to hit me. He swung downwards and I watched it come towards my face.


His hand was moving very slowly actually. Like he was trying to hit me through molasses. I easily took a step back as his hand flew harmlessly by my face.

The world sped up again and Chris was looking at me in shock–and fear. 

"Y–your eyes! Y–you're a mutant freak! You're a red eyed mutant freak!" He yelled out. His eyes were locked with my own.

Was that what happened? Had I awakened my Sharingan just now? Is that why I feel so warm currently? Is that fire that I feel inside me my chakra? Whatever it is, it feels good! I feel powerful right now. Like I can easily take this guy apart if I want to.

"You bitch! I took you in for all of these years and you're nothing but an abomination! Kill her, Chris!" Ruth snapped out of it and spat angrily at me.

I ignored her. My attention was focused completely on her son. He reached behind his waist and started to pull out a gun!

My eyes widened! I couldn't let him draw that on me. The world once again slowed down as I rushed forward! Chris's arm was still half way behind his back when I was on him. 

I would be the first to admit that I didn't really know how to fight. So I did the only thing I knew would bring him down. I kicked him as hard as I could… in the testacles. 

"Oh shit! Right in the gonads!" One of the kids called out as Chris dropped to the ground in pain while holding his crotch. The gun he had tried to pull on me fell harmlessly to the floor behind him. I walked over to it and picked it up. I decided to keep it for now.

I turned to Ruth who was looking at me with terror in her eyes. If the Sharingan really did have perfect recall, then I was going to enjoy this memory for the rest of my life. 

"I'm leaving." I said to everyone in the room. "I suggest you all do the same. Go to the nearest police station and report her together." I told Emily and the other orphans. "Ruth just admitted that she lost most of her money, so she won't be able to bribe them this time."

Emily shakily nodded at me. When our eyes met, I could see a small amount of fear of me in her own. It seemed that 'mutants' were really feared here for some reason. "W–what will you do, S–Satsuki?"

"Me?" I was an Uchiha/Mutant, of some kind, possibly in the Marvel Universe. The real question was… "What aren't I going to do?"


A/N: Thanks for reading the first chapter of my new Fanfic, Marvel: Red Eyed Queen. I'm planning for this to be a long saga that will update multiple times a week. I hope you all enjoy it!

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