

Drexel, sprawled out on the sofa, looked bored as he chewed his apple. He eyed PO, remembering the last time he got in trouble for teasing the robot, so he decided to keep quiet and just watched him.

PO noticed Drexel's gaze and felt annoyed. He even thought that Drexel looking at him might somehow make him less clean. If he weren't waiting to escort Arix out, PO would've left the room.

"Hey, why are you called PO? The name doesn't sound that great. How about I give you a new one?" Drexel suggested, trying to start a conversation.

PO rolled its eyes, pretending to be a robot that didn't understand Drexel's words.

Ignoring Drexel didn't deter him, though. He continued, "How about 'PP' or 'OO'? Isn't that better than PO?" He looked quite proud of his suggestions, raising an eyebrow.

"Beep! Drexel, you have been deducted 5 points," an opticomputer announced suddenly.

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