
Chapter 15: Ryuzen Saibatsu.

Hinoka grinned as she said, "Surprising, though I have a kunai pointed at your throat, you're still calme."

"Because I know I could take you out in an instant if I wished." 

Hinoka paused before saying, "Not bad." as she looked at the kunai currently pointed at her throat. Her kunai was no longer in her hand, "Genjutsu…"

"You broke out so easily?"

"Yeah I know someone who is really good at genjutsu so to surpass them I have to also be able to break out of even the strongest genjutsu and defeat anybody."

Hinoka suddenly crouched as she did a low kick knocking the girl to the ground. Before she could slash the girl throat. She suddenly raised her arms up blocking a kick to the face.

Hinoka was sent flying back as she landed and suddenly blocked a punch from the girl.

The girl continued to attack Hinoka only to be blocked each time, suddenly rocks formed around her hand as she tried to punch Hinoka once again.

Hinoka suddenly did a backbend, dodging the punch before kicking the girl in the stomach. The girl flew back but as she was preparing to block Hinoka's next attack she was unable to move.

A mark was on her stomach as chains were wrapped around her body rendering her unable to move.

The girl looked annoyed as she thought, "She placed a seal on me with that kick."

Hinoka lunged towards the girl as the girl braced herself but to her surprise Hinoka crouched next to her. Before she could ask anything, she suddenly heard footsteps as someone came running in there direction. 

As the person ran past them heading to the north entrance Hinoka sighed as she said, "I almost got caught because of you."

"Because of me? Your the one who attacked me first." The girl replied glaring at Hinoka.

"Let's not sweat the details, the main point is you're here on a mission aren't you? Looking for some sort of document and we both don't have the time to be fighting each other. So let's call a truce. I mean you'd probably lose to me anyways, so it's just a waste of time."

The girl scoffed as she said, "Yeah right I could definitely beat you. I only got trapped in this seal because I was trying not to draw attention."

"Is that right, then how about a rematch!"


Just then there were more footsteps as the two stoped talking till the person passed.

The girl glanced at the hall leading to the north entrance as she said, "So the intruder are they your friend?"

The seal came undone as Hinoka nodded saying, "Yep. We'll have to have a rematch another time, Kanako."

The girl glanced at Hinoka as she stood up before saying, "You know my name so what's yours?"

"I'm guessing Kanako isn't your real name so I also need a fake name. You can call me mysteria! Actually no, that's dumb. The cat maybe? No…"

The girl stared at Hinoka dumbfounded before saying, "How about I call you idiot."

"No way that's not cool enough."

The girl rolled her eyes before saying, "Well then idiot I've got to get back to my mission."

"Hey wait, if you hear three explosions that means in 5 minutes this whole place is going to blow up."

Kanako looked at Hinoka surprised.

As Hinoka continued "Good luck and try not to die before our rematch."

Kanako grinned as she said, "As if I would." 

They both headed in different directions as Hinoka continued placing bombs everywhere.

Meanwhile Shikamaru and Ino were in one of the rooms in the mine.

As Shikamaru held Ino she suddenly regained consciousness as she stood up straight turning to a rogue ninja that was currently tied to a chair.

The ninja seemed to regain consciousness as he tried to move but was tied to a chair, the ninja turned their attention to the two children standing in front of him as he asked, "Who are you?!"

Shikamaru walked up to him as he said, "We'll be asking the questions. If you don't want to die, answer all our questions truthfully."

The rogue ninja hesitated before asking, "You promise if I answer all your questions honestly you'll let me go?"

"Yeah that's what we just said." Ino replied looking a little annoyed.

"Fine, what do you want to know?"

"This mine it's filled with weapons, what are the weapons for?"

The rogue ninja paused before saying, "We sell the weapons to shady people, most of the customers end up launching a huge scale attack somewhere. But it could also just be people who can't just enter a shop to buy weapons since they're fugitives or something. I picked this job because I thought it would be safer than being a ninja."

Shikamaru reached into his pocket before removing a paper showing it to the rogue ninja as he said, "From what's on this paper, you're preparing a large shipment of weapons for one person, who is that person and where are they going to attack?"

"I don't know, I'm telling the truth, the boss keeps this type of information under wraps."

"Shikamaru someone's coming." Ino said as she stood by the door.

Shikamaru looked annoyed before turning back to the person as he asked, "Who is the boss? What's their name? Where can we find them?"

The rogue ninja looked afraid as he said, "I'd advise not to go looking for him, he's merciless, he'll kill you without hesitation, he'll kill you and still walk away with a smile like nothing happened. I don't know where to find him but his name is Ryuzen Saibatsu."

"Shikamaru." Ino said, as she ran up to him, "If we leave now they'll see us."

Shikamaru grabbed a kunai aiming it at the rogue ninja, the ninja paled as he said, "You promised you wouldn't kill me."

"Ino." Shikamaru simply said before using his kunai.

A few rogue ninja entered soon after a they looked at the rogue ninja who was just standing there.

One of them looked at him confused as they asked, "What are you doing here?"

The rogue ninja turned towards them as they said, "I heard an intruder and chased them into this room but they managed to get away. We need to find them. They have short grey hair and they're a man."

The ninjas nodded before leaving the room to find them as soon as they left the rogue ninja fell to the ground exhaling in relief as Shikamaru walked out of a small room using his shadow possession jutsu moving an unconscious Ino with him. 

He stopped placing Ino gently onto the floor.

The rogue ninja turned to Shikamaru as they asked, "So what should we do with him?"

Shikamaru paused before saying, "We'll lock him in that room with the keys we found before."

The rogue shinobi nodded as they walked into the room and Shikamaru locked the door behind them.

A few seconds after Ino regained consciousness as she sat up asking, "So what do we do now?"

Shikamru paused before saying, "It's a drag but we should find more information on Ryuzen Saibatsu."

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