
To Find Solace

Jessamyn hesitated, her heart a tumult of fear and uncertainty. The thought of wandering the snow-covered woods, pregnant and alone, gnawed at her. She imagined the biting cold seeping into her bones, the darkness closing in around her, and the child within her, vulnerable and innocent, subjected to the merciless elements.

The terror of that vision, stark and unforgiving, tipped the scales in her mind. With a reluctant nod, she agreed to Hamilton's plan, the desperation in her voice unmistakable as she whispered, "Yes, I'll go with you."

For the next week, Jessamyn traveled in the relative safety of the mule cart. The cart, though humble, became her sanctuary against the harsh winter that raged outside. Each morning, she would awaken to the sound of muffled footsteps in the snow, her breath a visible mist in the frigid air.

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