
Small Changes

Jessamyn gulped. His eyes had reddened out of anger. She didn't know what to do. If only he said what he was mad about, she might do something about it.

This was the story of her life. Everyone found one reason or another to get mad at her. Maybe she deserved their hate. Maybe she was contemptible. She thought Jerrick was the exception when she was young but he too hated her without telling her why.

She was repulsive and that was the reason she stayed away from civilization. But she wasn't even left in peace there and dragged back here, only to get hated more.

I miss you, Joar…

 Naturally, she thought of the one person who never hated her even when she hurt him. She became quiet and shrunk back to her shell.

Her eyes clouded as she looked at the floor. Oddly, her tears didn't fall. Maybe she had run out of tears. Thinking about Joar, she remembered something.


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